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It was painful to return back to school. Not to mention, call Britney and ask if she could return my school bag. I picked up my phone but kept it back. Sighing, I just picked it again and dialled Britney's number.

"Why did you call me?" Came Britney's response after two rings.

"Hey, could you possibly bring my bag? I left it-"

"Yeah, I saw, just come and take it, I'm not coming to school," she sighed to which I just frowned.

"Why? You okay?"

"None of your business," she just muttered and cut the call.

I didn't wanna go back there. But I knew I could ask Britney about something she said the other day and possibly see William.

"I'm going to school," I called out for Uncle after feeding the babies. Aristotle seemed really quiet. It was so heart-breaking to see the chirpy, hyper puppy get so calm and sad. He also missed him.

I decided to take my car and drive to Britney's house. It took a while before I reached the familiar mansion. The last time I was here, it didn't go very well.

I stood for five minutes before a woman opened the door. I knew straight away she was Britney's mom, a replica of Britney but beautifully aged.

"How can I help you?" She asked as I broke out of my stance and forced a smile.

"I'm Britney's friend, I actually left my bag," I said intimidated by her stare. She didn't return the smile but just moved aside to let me in.

"Who's there?" A man in a sleeping robe came with a steaming cup of tea. He was tall like William with similar looks but had sterling blue eyes.

"She's Britney's friend," Mrs. Benmonte answered for me.

"Oh, hello, didn't see you here before," he said taking a sip from his cup, "Britney's upstairs, Baldwin can show you her room."

"It's okay, I came here once," I said forcing a smile and walked into the elevator. There was another man. I recalled him as the nurse, who came out of that room the last time.

Moments passed while I fidgeted nervously.

"Don't wanna intrude but, umm, is Xander doing okay?"

He stared at me for some time, as if registering I was talking to him.

"Yeah, he is now, but his heart rate stimulated a different rate on Friday, I fear for the worst," he said looking down.

"That's the first change I ever saw in any of his results in these two years," the nurse confided.

My mind swirled with all the thoughts and what William had told me the other night. He would leave Earth after he fulfils his wish. He would die.

"He-he's in a coma?" I asked hesitantly.

He nodded but added, "There are many other complications with his health, makes it seem like he's brain dead."

"Don't mind me, but who are you?"

"I'm Abby, Britney's friend," I said nervously stretching out my hand for a shake.

"I'm Scott, Xander's nurse, but I guess you already know that," he said as I simply nodded.

We shook hands before the elevator softly dinged as it announced our arrival. I muttered a small thank you and went to Britney's room.

The door was promptly closed but I got in after a knock. Britney wasn't in her room, but I heard groaning from the bathroom.

"Britney, are you okay?" I said slowly pushing the bathroom door open to reveal her vomiting and heaving.

I rushed by her side and held her hair while she puked out the remains.

"Here," I poured her a glass of water which she quickly gulped. There was a pregnancy test in her dustbin that I took notice of while coming out. It showed positive sign.

She lied.

I kept quiet as she cleaned herself, ignoring the selfish urge to inquire about my suspicion.

"I fucking lied, okay?" She said sighing and tugging her hair as if reading my exact thought.

"I didn't have a miscarriage but if my mom knows, she will fucking get both me and my baby killed," she admitted.

I hesitantly went and gave her a small hug. I didn't know what to say or act in this situation or even if Britney wanted my advice. She cried for some time before lifting her head up.

"You have school, your bag's there, you can go," Britney sighed.

"It's okay, I can always skip the first period," I said with a small smile.

She just nodded and walked towards her laptop setting up Netflix to watch. We were twenty minutes into watching the Pretty little liars when Britney spoke,

"I'm really sorry for how I acted the other day."

"It's okay," I said but asked after a moment, "But why did you think I was there to harm William?"

I had intended to say Xander but the word slipped out before I could stop it. Britney snapped her head at me with a frown.

"How do you know his name is William? He wouldn't ever let anyone call him that," Britney asked, suspicion lacing her words.


“His Mom had always called him that, and he hated her.”

No he didn’t. Then he wouldn't have let me call him by that.

“But how do you know?” Britney asked again.

"I will tell you everything later but I need to know why you got so riled up the other day," I said, desperate to make her believe me.

She nodded, which showed she trusted me before saying,

"I-I had an incident few years back with Mikayla's brother and always blamed her. I thought she sent you to hurt my brother since you guys are pretty fucking close," she said looking away.

I wanted to ask about what Mikayla's brother did but kept silent. My mind nagged about Mikayla's brother being there the night of the incident. No wonder why they stopped talking.

"Britney, it might be a lot to ask but can I please see Xander once?"

"No," she said right away.

"Please, you can stay right there to make sure I won't do anything," I said, my eyes brimmed with tears.

She narrowed her eyes, thinking for some time but nodded.

"I don't know what your deal is with my brother, but not more than five minutes," she sighed.

"Thank you, I promise I will disclose everything when I sort this out," I said.

I can't let William leave before I know the truth.

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