Chapter-5: Definitely not a Spirit

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I STOOD THERE MOMENTARILY with my mouth surely open as wide enough to welcome a bee in. Laughter erupted from the pit of the funny gland but it came out as a snort as I tried to stifle it.

Composing myself, I tried to ignore the sting in my elbow as I looked up at him and said,

"Dude it's not even April or October, try scaring me later, but thanks for saving me," I chuckled at how absurd this night was turning out to be. I took the time to check the small cut on my elbow, thinking the guy would just walk away but to my luck, he was still standing strong.

He just stared at me as if he knew this was inevitable.

"Look, I also have no clue as to why you see me and-"

I heaved out a much more evident sigh knowing he wouldn't just go so I decided to cut this totally humor-less yet good-looking jerk,

"Fine, let's believe you're a Spirit and I'm a boomer, but the creepy dudes from before saw you and ran away, it's clear I'm not the only one who can see you, so cut the crap."

"They didn't see me, it's just for the external powers that let me use some sort of magic, so they only saw the glow from my eyes and ran away, cowards," he concluded with a huff clearly agitated as if I were the one claiming myself a ghost.

"Oh, so what you mean is to say you're no run away patient-''

He looked down to acknowledge his attire and looked right back with a clear intention to interject but waited for me to finish.

''- but a Spirit who I somehow see and saved my ass," I snorted, crossing my hands over my chest, ''Like, know that I'm grateful to you for helping me out today but if you want me not to tell anyone about you, I won't. Really, it would be my pleasure. Now let us both go our separate paths where you can continue being a 'spirit' or whatever-''

"Come on, don't get ahead of yourself. I get it, okay? My dress looks hideous but how did this get in that tiny brain of yours that I'm a 'runaway patient' from some asylum?" he scoffed, air quoting, before adding, "Don't even bother answering. The dog there was my buddy, that's why I helped you out. We are even so you can keep your damn thank you."

My eyes widened at the guy's insult and I opened my mouth to tell him off but before I could even form a proper thought, he just merely walked ahead and vanished into thin air. More like just poofed in front of me; leaving me there to look like an idiot standing in the middle of the street.

What the heck just happened?


The front door flew open like automated doors before I could even touch the doorknob. Aunt Kelly's worried face came into view as she opened her arms and pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Where were you, Abby? I tried calling you so many times, do you know how worried I was? Your Uncle just came in now and I thought you were with him and-"

I kept my head low and spoke guiltily, "I'm really sorry Aunt, my phone was dead."

That was not completely the truth since in reality, I was standing in the middle of the road trying to pick up the remnants of the fallen groceries while my phone was blowing up notifying me of low battery, thinking if anything really happened or if I was just hallucinating from all the stress and pent up frustration. Then again, why was I so frustrated? Yes, for almost being killed by some drunk goons. Definitely not because of some rude Spirit guy vanishing. Nope.

"But guess what, I met this really sweet girl who also happens to go to the school I'm joining from tomorrow," I spoke cheerily to divert the subject.

"I really thought I had to walk up to the station and-what?'' Aunt momentarily blinked taking in the news. ''That's great, sweetie! I'm so happy you already found a friend," Aunt spoke as a grin broke out on her beautifully aged face, the matter of me being late easily forgotten. "Freshen up so I can set you with some dinner, you have school tomorrow as well," she concluded walking away as I heaved a small sigh. The mice in my stomach seemed to have died from receiving the shock of seeing what was seemingly meant to be a Spirit. I sighed in defeat. 

Uncle Jeff was snoring loudly on the couch, splayed lazily with a  football match selected as the background lullaby while I washed my hands in the kitchen sink. The small scratch on my elbow drew in some blood but luckily Aunt didn't see the cut or else she would have freaked out. There was this one time in school when I fell down during recess and the teachers deemed it was fine treating the gash with some water. All hell broke loose when my Aunt came to know about it from one of the students. She took the matter to the principal and even threatened to sue. All over a gash. Remembering that day still makes me shudder. 

I took some paper towels and dabbed the wound to stop the blood.

My stomach growled at the sight of Aunt's famous lasagna, proving I still had the appetite mice to keep me going, helping me to gobble down the food in a minute like a glutton. I kissed Aunt goodnight after having the delicious meal and hopped to my room. 

Trixie was already lying on my study table dozed off in her dreamland.

I stripped down and discarded the dirty clothes in the basket outside and found my comfy pajamas. Looking at the corner of my study table, I found my school bag sitting with some books that were set aside. Oh, this love from Aunt would surely get me spoiled soon. Releasing a small chuckle, I jumped up on the bed.

Laying down and staring at the artificial constellations, I replayed the day's events, stopping from where I met the 'Spirit'. What a day of miscalculated events. I hope I never met that guy again. Stupid Spirit.

''It's 'cause I'm a Spirit,'' the words echoed in my head while I kept fidgeting to get some sleep.

Was I going crazy?


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