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The road seemed to stretch into miles as Uncle drove down the street. My head rested against the head rest of the passenger seat as I watched the scenery blur into new ones.

Yesterday was hectic. After seeing the video and reports, I couldn't just wait there. I had to go to William.

While it was true that I probably was crazy to not ponder over my parents but William also needed to know the truth. He couldn't leave.

Our flight was delayed by three hours so we were already on the road with a rented car. Uncle had been nice the whole time and didn't question me once about my need to return so quickly. Or so I thought.

"So Abby, I helped you so much with knowing everything. I know you are hurting for some reason. At least I deserve to know your reason," Uncle said as he stirred the car down the abbey.

"It's not simple, let me put it that way," I sighed.

"I'm listening," he said.

"Xander, the other who person in the car crash, well I started seeing him, no his spirit," I said knitting my eyebrows to think the right way to put it, "And he admitted that he killed my parents and I-"

"Wait you're saying you saw a spirit who told you he killed your parents? I thought the other guy was not dead."

"He's not, it's just he says to be spirited away from his body and-" I said irritated, knowing Uncle didn't give a damn.

"Ok, I get it, it's not that simple," he said chuckling at the end.

I huffed, thinking how Uncle thought I was talking ludicrous gibberish. Then again, I would also find this story absurd.

It was eight in the morning and we had reached the main street for there was little to no traffic.

"Please, pull up before the cross road, I-I have to go somewh-"

"You're going nowhere," Uncle warned.

"That's the last stop Uncle," I sighed.


I sat back knowing he wouldn't stop. So when the red signal came and all the cars stopped, I took my chance, unbuckling my seatbelt and rushing out of the car.

"Abby!" Uncle called out for me but I was long gone and mingled with the morning rush.

I walked down the sidewalk and scurried through the crowd before reaching the house.

It seemed awfully quiet, and no one seemed to be around. I spotted one gardener who was walking frantically grumbling something under his breath.

"Excuse me, sir but is anyone home?" I asked.

The man looked at me through his teary eyes before he spoke, "No, they're not. They-they went to the hospital-"

I paused thinking if Britney was okay.

"- with sir Xander," he concluded.

No way.

"Which hospital did they go?" I asked taking out my phone to call Britney.

"To the Cedars Sinai, they just left now," he informed.

They just left, it means I could catch up and tell William everything.

Britney wouldn't pick up my calls, so I had no other way but to hail a taxi but I didn't have any cash on me-

"Get in the car, young lady," Uncle said with a scorn.

I got in abruptly and turned towards him, "Uncle please, we have to go to Cedars Sinai hospital now," I said exasperated.

"No, we are going home, no more of your-"

"Please! He's gonna fucking die!" I bursted.

Uncle's eyes widened at my outburst but he quickly drove to the hospital. The whole time he was quiet while I continued to weep solemnly. At the gate of the hospital, I spotted nurses and paramedics rushing to help someone from an ambulance.

It was William.

Britney and her parents stood nearby with Britney shouting at the nurses to hurry up and take him to surgery and their parents crying at the helplessness.

William was placed on a stretcher with Scott at one side and wheeled in quickly. I rushed behind them ignoring the stares.

As I viewed closer, I saw William had his eyes open but they were bloodshot and his breathing was coming out short and heavy.

"We're losing him, go fast!" Scott shouted at others.

They stopped in front of the operation theatre as they paused to input some code in.

I halted by his side to which all the heads snapped towards me,

"Miss, you need to-"

"Hey Will," I said tapping a little on his cheeks but his eyes rolled up as if he couldn't be in his consciousness.

"You are going to get through this! You didn't kill anyone! You hear me! My parents were the ones who drove into you!"

By that point, the nurses were pushing me back while calling for security but I continued to speak to him.

"They were fucking drunk! You didn't do anything wrong, you tried to save them! So please, live!"

I was roughly pulled back as two big hands shoved me to the ground while I continued to cry and see him for the last time before the doors closed and the OT light turned on.

"I love you, William, please back."


I was told to leave and even given a warning but Britney came to rescue and saved me from being arrested. She was sick, with awful patches under her eyes from all the crying and I knew I wasn't any better. She hugged me and cried for a long time before parting and retelling me about the morning.

Scott had called in for an ambulance in the morning when William's health started deteriorating and when Britney went in to see, she saw William was up from his coma. But before long, he was having problem in breathing and his blood pressure spiked up causing him to have a heart attack.

"You know, what's more pathetic?" Britney said as we wept in the lobby.

"He just kept muttering sorry over and over again and saying someone's name before he got unconscious," she said.

"What name?"

"Someone like Rose, but he never knew any Rose," Britney said in a confused tone.

I froze hearing that. He remembered? That meant he did remember meeting me as a spirit. My heart felt heavy thinking about his words. His last thoughts were his regrets about something he wasn't at fault.

Hours passed by while I sat idly in the lobby and continued praying for him. Britney went to join her parents in the room where I was definitely not allowed for pulling that scandal. Uncle had managed to make me drink some coffee and a croissant before I sent him to the airport to fetch Aunt Kelly.

Not long after, six hours had past by and William was still in surgery. I spent the hours thinking about the time I spent with William. The day I had gotten us those rings. The day he took me to the lake. The days we just idly sat watching series and finishing popcorns. The day he surprised me on my birthday.

I couldn't stop recalling all the memories and the happy time that only lasted a few months before reality hit. How I wished I could rewind time and spend them with him and tell him everything I couldn't.

From my peripheral vision, I saw a doctor and some nurses coming out. The doctor spoke to Britney and her parents before I saw Britney crying out loud as she fell to the floor.

No, it can't be.

I quickly scooted closer and patted a nurse,

"What happened to the patient who was brought in-"

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but we couldn't save him."

It was that moment I knew something inside me died.


A/N: I had such a difficult time writing this, I'm so sorry but I had to do this *sobbing* Stay safe you guys and know that I love you all.

Your friendly author,

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