First Mission

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-Nya's POV-

It's been around a week now moving into the monastery and nothing exciting has even happened. All that we've been doing is training now, god when does it end? I have huge bruises on my legs from falling over or being kicked (blame Kai for all of this). My boredom has overcome me now. Although, Kai and I were able to get phones but I don't really know how to use it.

I talk to Jay some times, he's quite cool. He tells me all about movies and tv shows that I should watch and how much Fritz Donnegan is such an impact on teenagers and how amazing he is.

Cole is kinda cool too. He says he's a great cook and how he should let him cook for me some time. Jay is saying that's a bad idea though but we'll see.

Zane is kinda just Zane? He's a bit emotionless (if that's even possible) but he's funny...sometimes. He cooked dinner yesterday and it makes my mouth water thinking about it since it was that good.

Lloyd is nice. He was the first to introduce me to cartoons and I love watching them with him. Jay sometimes joins is which is sweet.

We haven't really done any 'spirit' training just like punching and kicking the stuff like that. I think this spirit stuff is really cool but I just wanna learn how to unlock it like hello water and illusions stuff? That's cool. Maybe I should ask Wu about it? But he seems in no hurry to even start teaching us about it.

I wandered around the monastery. We've all really settled in now, we all have separate rooms and our own bathrooms and there's like three living rooms and the kitchen is massive! I never thought I'd end up living in a place like this. It does take some time getting used to though I see all the others just picking up things from the cabinet whenever they are hungry, me and Kai never had that we ate when it was breakfast and dinner since that's all we could afford. My bed is also so comfy! Each room was designed to our spirits so since I'm water I have a wave patterned bed sheet and beach themed decorations everywhere and also it's really cool. Kai's room however, it's so warm but he doesn't even notice and we're in the midst of summer and Zane's room is freezing cold I have to put a jumper on when I walk in. Cole's room is dark constantly (and messy) he always has the curtains closed and he has plants everywhere and they're thriving! Jay's main light is LED which he always has turned on to blue. His room is sort of average he just has lightning patterns everywhere and Lloyd's room is just green. The only word I can use to describe it.


I walked into the living room and Kai was stretched out on the couch with his phone in hand watching something and laughing obnoxiously loud.

"Kai take your shoes off if you're gonna put your feet up" I told him. Kai and I were always etiquette, we were poor but not scruffy.
"Nya it's finneee they're new so I won't get anything muddy!" He smiled.
"Just because we're in a new place that is much better than our home doesn't mean you can be a slob" I said.
"Ugh fineee." He swung his legs off and just sat normally.
"Thank you Kai" I was slightly more happier
"You suck!" He shouted laughing as I walked off.

I wandered into the kitchen to see Cole and Jay 'playfighting' on the floor with Zane sat on the breakfast bar looking disappointed and Lloyd laughing and recording.

"Admit it my power is much better than yours Jay!" Cole was basically sat on top of him. Cole was the most muscular out of all of us but not the tallest that was Zane.
"Nuh-uh!" Jay strained trying to push him off.
"I think you both should know that all of our powers are equally as you guys say 'cool'." Zane stated. he sounds like he grew up in upper-class Ninjago.
"Well uh actually mine's basically the coolest 'cos I'm like the leader and I can mix all of you guy's together so..." Lloyd remarked grinning.
"If you think I can't take you down with Jay right now blondie you're surely mistaken" Cole threatened.
"Yeah never mind Cole your power is the best" Lloyd was being a suck-up.

Suddenly Jay was able to throw Cole of him and we heard a loud buzz. All the hair on Cole's arms stuck up and he got flung across the room.

"See look I can electrocute you, I'm like a walking death trap!" Jay triumphed.
"Oh you're gonna pay for that later." Cole said getting up and walking out of the kitchen, defeated. Lloyd gave Jay a fist bump and followed Cole out like a lost puppy.

"Oh hey Nya" Jay waved at me "Didn't see you there I was too busy absolutely destroying Cole" He stretched out his arms flexing his biceps so he looked cooler. I can admit that made me slightly weak in the knees.
"Yeah I saw I just watched all of it." I smiled.
"Cool cool cool cool cool" He rambled "Do you think my power is impressive?" He sparked.
"Yeah I think all of ours is." I responded.
"But would you say that mine is like the MOST impressive?" He asked tryna get a few compliments outta me.
"Hmmm, it is cool like electricity and lightning super speed that's cool but mine on the other case...water and illusions, that's awesome." I laughed.
"SOOO I'm like second best then?" He chuckled.
"Let's just say one of the bests." I teased before walking off.

I jumped slightly because I forgot that Zane had been in the room this whole time. He followed me out the door and pulled me aside.

"You two would make a cute couple." He whispered in my ear then grinned before walking off.

That guy is so nonchalant and mysterious yet really smart.

Suddenly some loud alarm started to blast throughout the monastery. Probably a fire alarm or something. Everyone came running out of different rooms so we were all just stood in a hallway covering our ears.

"Right who set fire to something?" Cole remarked, his eyes shifting over to Kai.
"Wasn't me!" Kai defended himself.
"Yeah sure." Cole rolled his eyes. Kai loudly grunted.
"Jay you were in the kitchen did you cook something and it backfire?" Lloyd asked.
"He doesn't know how to even use an oven!" Cole laughed loudly getting several laughs from all of us. Jay blushed a bright read and punched Cole's shoulder.

"Calm down it's not a fire alarm it's a sign that is your first mission." Wu entered the hallway.

"Huh?" We all said in unison.

"Come spirits, meet in the training yard." he said and turned around.

We all followed him to the training yard where he was ready to talk to us.

"The alarm's sounding off because of a report of crime that is too serious for the police too handle but easy enough for you all to help with." Wu stated. " Go back to your rooms to find the uniforms on your bed and then get down to the first sitting room where I have something to show you."

We all stood there dumbfounded.


We all ran back to our rooms to find a GI was left neatly on our bed. Mine was turquoise and red. I slipped into it. It had a dagger belt and a hood and a lot of pockets. There was also big combat boots, perfectly in my size too.

I ran down to the first sitting room where it was only Zane in there so far.

"Are you excited for our first mission?" Zane asked. God that man is like a robot.
"Uhm yeah, you?" I responded.
"Ecstatic." He slightly smiled.

Jay and Cole then entered the room, both fighting to see who could get into the door first. But Kai ended up rolling underneath their legs and making his way in first, a front-roll too may I add. I never knew Kai could do that. They finally settled they're agreement when we could hear Lloyd behind them shouting excuse me.

Wu entered last for some reason. Why would he be entering last?

"Why are we in here Uncle?" Lloyd asked.
"Just you wait." Wu walked over to one of the bookcases and pulled a book from it's spot. The TV started to lift up to reveal a staircase. Very cliché.

We all started to walk down. there was multiple drawings on the wall all to do with our spirits.

Firstly there was a rock monster on the wall, breathing fire and had red patterns up its back.

"That there is called a Cherufe, that's the fire spirits origin." Wu explained. Kai fixed his posture and started to walk with his back straighter to look more proud.

The next was a white wolf with blue marks and with sharp teeth.

"That is called a Raiju, the lightning spirit's origin." Wu said.

After that it was a large centaur, something I could actually recognise. I'm guessing that's Cole's origin.

"As you can probably tell that is a centaur, the Earth's origin."

My guess was correct.

The next picture was somewhat scary.

"Ah now this one is more frightening then the rest, that is a Wendigo, Zane that is your origin."

We all looked visibly creeped out, apart from Zane his face was still as ice.

"This now is a siren, obviously this is the origin of the water spirit."

I walked towards the drawing, I felt connected to it somehow. It felt lovingly.

"Lastly this is the origin of Energy, it's called The Gryphon." Wu said. "Now that you all understand your origins we need to hurry up and show you what I have given you all."

We got downstairs to this large basement to see multiple mech suits and large vehicles and motorbikes, each in our colours.

"I think you all understand that you'll need these to fight!" Wu said.

"But who are we fighting?" I asked.
"There's a gang down in Ninjago destroying anything in sight, their leader is called The Mechanic, find him and stop him!" Wu seemed desperate.

We all jumped onto our bikes and a large door opened showing a slope going around the mountain and down into Ninjago.

We rushed into the city centre, Kai and I have never been here before. everything was so bright and big and futuristic.

"Guys I think I can see them!" Kai warned.

We saw a large gang of guys ahead smashing everything, even starting fires.

We jumped off our bikes and ran behind a car to hide.

"Guys what do we do?" Jay asked. Lloyd stuck his head up briefly.
"Cole and I will fight The Mechanic whilst all of you guys fight his minions and once your done just..I dunno help us?" Lloyd was taking one for the team and being a leader.
"Why you and Cole?" Kai started to argue.
"We don't have time for that Kai just do as he says!" I responded. Kai rolled his eyes. Jay started to walk but keeping lower and snuck behind other cars whilst Kai fully launched himself over the car to make a scene. I nodded and Cole and Lloyd before Zane and I did the same.

"Hey you lot! What are you all doing smashing things up don't you have anything better to do in life?" Kai tried to act tough, he was embarrassing himself I'll admit but it seemed to work since he got there attention.
"Who are you lot?" One of those minions asked.
"Guys what are we calling ourselves?" Kai whispered back to us. God we look so stupid right now.
"We are the ninja!" Zane stepped forward. The only thing those guys could do was laugh until...

Jay crept up behind them and was able to knock a few of them out!

We all jumped into it and started fighting with them. I saw Kai wasn't struggling nor Zane or Jay but I was slightly. I started to loose my breath for a brief moment but I was knocked onto my feet and held down with a sword pointing towards my chin.

"Wow this must be so embarrassing for you, you lot have only just started to protect Ninjago and you're already losing!" The guy laughed.

I didn't even do anything. Why didn't I do anything my head was spinning but I don't know why. All I could hear was the sound of the ocean in my ears and it was booming loudly.

"Not saying anything? Giving up already? Pathetic." He laughed.

But I felt like I was gonna burn up on the spot, there was something happening to me. before I knew it I raised my hands at him and I threw him back...without even touching him.

It was water.

I jumped back on my feet and picked up the sword he just dropped.

"What the hell?! Who are you? What are you!?" He screamed.


Kai started running towards me he gave me a big hug.

"How did you do that, we haven't even learnt that yet!" Kai cheered.
"I dunno I just did." I responded.
"Guys save the sappy stuff for later there's more!" Jay was in a fist fight with at least three of them. Zane was somehow knocking each one to the floor.

Zane grunted as he pushed one away but..

He turned into a massive block of ice.

"Zane you just froze him!" Kai cheered.

All the other henchmen were starting to look scared.

"Right I have an idea! You guys round them all up and I'll freeze them!" Zane said.

We all nodded and got to fighting again. We kicked them into a big circle. Kai started to slow down though. He looked zone out. He raised his arms and made a whole circle of fire around the henchmen.

"Haha nice work Kai!" I said as we high-fived.

Luckily enough some police vans starting to speed round the corner.

"Alright guys let's go help Lloyd and Cole!" Jay started running towards where they were. We saw some big bulky guy laughing as he just threw Cole on the floor, Lloyd was already laying on the floor after probably being thrown too.

"Oh God there's more of them" The big guy said, he's probably the mechanic.

"Yeah there is more of us and all of us are gonna kick your ass!" Jay shouted.
"Funny." The mechanic rolled his eyes.

Jay started charging towards him, he was really fast too because of his spirit. We were all expecting Jay to come flying back at us but somehow Jay was fighting him and winning.

"This so pathetic I could win in my sle-!" The mechanic all of a sudden got flung back and was shaking.

"Haha! Imagine getting electrocuted!" Jay teased. The mechanic groaned loudly then fainted. The police came shortly around the corner after arresting all of his henchmen and took the Mechanic away, The Chief of Police started to approach us.

"Thank you for defeating all of them, who are you?" He asked.
"We're the Ninja, we're here to protect." Lloyd stepped forward.
"Are you gonna tell me your names?" He urged.
"Yeah it's Energy Ninja, Fire Ninja, Earth Ninja, Water Ninja, Ice Ninja and Lightning Ninja. We can't tell you who we are but Ninjago City can trust us." He responded.
"Well the city thanks you for its service today, maybe one day you can reveal to us who you are." He walked off.


Word count: 1246

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