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Millennia ago, two great spirits roamed this earth. They were the only thing that could even comprehend defeating the other. They were the Yin and Yang. The light and dark. Just because one was dark, didn't mean he was evil—he wasn't. In fact, he would always be the force of good for this earth. It wasn't until their falling out that the light spirit began to separate himself from the other.

End of dream one

The spirit that was the Yang represented light, but not just any light, light from a fire. He hated that a fire's power was so destructive. His friend tried to reason with him, tried to tell him that a fire could be good, that whatever was burned grew back stronger. He pointed out the forest that had burned just weeks before, to the sprouts that would once again be strong oaks. The spirit couldn't be reasoned with. He turned himself into the sun, he was going to destroy the world he and his friend had created with unrelenting heat. The Yin spirit turned himself to the moon, and rotated the earth, giving their creation a respite from the heat.

End of dream two 

After a few millennia Yin became tired of his solitary life watching the plants, the spirit of Yin created life other than the plants . He placed people and animals to inhabit the earth and watched as they flourished. The Yang hated to see his rival happy and sent spirits to the world. His spirits corrupted the minds some of the people, causing them to have feelings of selfishness. They started wars, wanting to take over the entire world, wanting it for themselves.

End of dream three

After millions of years, a nuclear war struck out, the corrupted people couldn't win with their weapons so far, so they went to the extreme. Under the cover of war, the Yang created evil creatures, ugly creatures. They were to help those fighting the nuclear war win for him. The Yin created more creatures, creatures of beauty to help his people win. The Yin also went a step further and began to give his people powers. The Yang knew he couldn't win unless he met the Yang step for step, so he also gave his people powers. The nuclear war ended, turned to a war of powers. Why fight with bombs when you had people who themselves were a powder keg waiting to explode?

End of dream four

The powers you have did not come from a mutation. They were given to you by spirits with more power than you could ever fathom. Not all people are good. Not all people are on your side. Trust no one until they have proven their worth and even then, watch your back. Anyone could be here as a spy with decades to prove their worth to your side. Alannah, you are a dreamteller, you are my reincarnation, you have more power over the future than you could fathom. Be careful with what you do with it.

End of dream five

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