10- Almost dying is no excuse to miss school apparently

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Beep..... Beep..... Beep.....

      God, what is that? It's so annoying. Turn it off... I swat my hand at the noise and a laugh makes me freeze. "I wouldn't do that kid." I peel my eyes open to see a white ceiling. I crease my brows in confusion. Wasn't I just... I look down. I'm in a hospital bed? "You may be a bit disoriented at first. That's normal. You have a pretty bad concussion." My eyes slide over to find someone sitting in the visitors chair next to me.

      I frown. Am I supposed to know this dude? And what's with the getup? "What's the last thing you remember?" The man stands and I eye him, warily. "I- I was in the ditch with-" I swallow hard. This guy could be with that irish dude. I mean, he is carrying a gun. He could be a cop but I don't recognise the badge on his uniform. Some kind of silver bird? "That girl." I finish carefully. The man nods for me to continue. "I was going for a hike when I got lost." The man briefly glances at my clothes, but I don't miss it.

      I visibly wince at my bad lie. No one would go hiking in what I was wearing. Yoga pants and a worn out Da Vinci T shirt aren't exactly outerwear. "What happened then?" He asks and the confidence in his voice makes me shrink into my bed. Now that I think about it, this guy does seem rather familiar. "I fell into that ditch and found the girl. I gave her my coat because she looked cold." The man nods. "Anything else?" I shake my head, feeling like a caged animal. "Alright, thank you for your cooperation."

      He turns to leave, but my damn mouth blabs before I can stop myself. "The girl? Did she make it back to her family?" The man gives me a wary eye and I just know that he knows I'm lying. "...Yes. Her brother woke up a few hours before we found you. Told us where his sister would be." I have to bite down on my lip to stop myself from smiling. "Good. That's good." The man nods and leaves the room. I narrow my eyes at his figure. I know his face from somewhere...

      So Adam managed to do it. He woke up. I sigh and lay back into my pillow. I know which hospital I'm in. The one my mother works at. And of course she isn't here to visit me. Probably too buddy to see me. Or she just doesn't want to.

      "Sir, I just interrogated the girl." I sit up straight when I hear the man's voice. He forgot to shut my door completely. I lay down in my bed quickly, but I keep my eyes open. "She said she went on a hike, but none of the circumstances make sense. The brother said that his sister and a girl were in the woods. Couldn't put a name to the other though." So Adam did remember some of what happened then. Usually people don't remember much about their out of body experiences.

      And this agent dude doesn't believe me. To be honest, I wouldn't believe me either. "No, I don't think she's involved, but she is hiding something." The man waits as he listens to the voice on the other line. "Yessir. I'll post two agents on her the moment she leaves the hospital." The man turns to look at my room so I snap my eyes shut. The door to my room clicks shut and I peek my eyes open. He's gone.

      So he's going to have people stalk me? Who the hell is this guy? Ugh, my head hurts. Too much thinking. I'm going to need to be careful though. I can't let anyone find out about my gift. Who knows what they would want to do to me. Well, I can't exactly find a manipulative reason to use me, and I haven't committed any crimes (We are not counting when I broke into the hospital). Still though, this dude could be with that Irish guy.

      All I know is, I am staying as far away from this as I can. That's enough near death experiences for me thank you very much.

° ° °

      Ah the familiar ambience of high school. Don't you just love it? I sure as hell don't. I didn't want to go back so soon. I'm still in pain and my head looks like someone took a mallet to it, but my lovely mother forced me to go back. Apparently almost dying and getting my head smashed in aren't big enough excuses to miss at least one day of school. She once forced me to go to school when I had mono. Everyone kept saying I had cooties, and that incident is what paved my way to being an outcast.

      It was in 7th grade and everyone was really immature (I'm not saying they aren't still). I kept telling them that I got mono from sharing a drink with my cousin that had it. Mono is spread through saliva. IT IS NOT AN STD. Great reputation to take with you to high school, I know.

      As I walk through the halls of Midtown High I feel everyone's eyes on me. I had my hood up, but it didn't help much, and neither did my several layers of concealer. I hate this. I like feeling invisible. The shadows are my happy place and being in the spotlight is making me feel sick. The universe must have it out for me.

      I walk into my first period class Health. It is taught by the gym teacher and he is usually chill so we get away with being on our phones, or in my case, drawing. I take my seat in the back and pull out my sketchbook. I lost it back at that warehouse, but when I went to check my backpack in the hospital it was back. I suspected that guy in uniform because I heard rumors that the trafficking station had been shut down and the Irish dude was arrested. (Hospital staff gossip A LOT if you stay up late enough to hear it)

      Class begins, but Ignore the lesson on stress management and begin drawing Alice and Adam. They had come in to thank me while I was still at the hospital. Adam didn't remember me, but thanked me for saving his sister nonetheless. I played it off, not wanting to take gratitude that didn't belong to me. Adam fought death to save his sister. He was the true hero.

      "Sorry I'm late! I missed the bus." I glance up to see a flustered Peter Parker rushing into the classroom. The teacher stares at him unamused, then goes back to the messon. Peter looks around the room and finds only three vacant seats. Next to Flash, Gwen Stacy, and then me. I'm pretty sure Gwen and Peter are friends so he'll probably end up sitting by her so I don't have to-

      My own thought process is interrupted when Peter flops down into the seat next to mine, cheeks red. "You don't mind if I sit here do you?" I stare at him for a moment, then shake my head. "Sweet!" He glances down at the table. "Isn't that the siblings from the news?" Panic arises in me and I quickly hide my drawing. My face becomes red from embarrassment and Peter shakes his hands. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to intrude!"

      I look down as I stuff my sketchpad back into my bag. "If it makes you feel better..." I look at Peter as he seemingly pulls air away from his head, crumbles it up, then tosses it in the direction of the trash can. What the hell was that? Peter smiles proudly. "I just threw the memory away." I tilt my head at me, amused. What a goofball.

      Peter frowns deeply. "Hey, what happened?" He asks, pointing to my face. I tug at my hood, hiding the large bruise, then I open my mouth to say it's none of his business, then I see a bruise on Peter's cheek bone. I raise my eyebrow and point at it. "I could ask you the same thing." Peter's eyes widen in panic and he puts his hand over the bruise. He glances at me, then smirks, offering me his hand. "Agree to not ask the other any injury questions?"

      I stare at his hand for a moment, then I shake it. "Agreed." Peter nods, then turns back to pay attention to the class. I glance at his bruise. It's definitely from a right hook. I've seen enough bruises like that on my dad and brother, It's crazy. But who punched Peter?

      I glance at Flash, looking at both of his hands only to find no marks on them. A bruise like that would definitely leave a mark on the person who gave it to him. Maybe he got mugged or-

      I blink for a moment in realization. "Peter, where are your glasses?" He looks at me surprised, then chuckles. "I broke them." Well, technically I broke them, but... how is he seeing the board? His glasses were thick, and he can see fine since he's taking notes (Who takes notes on stress management? It's not like any teenager does that). "...Okay." I go back to not paying attention. Whatever is going on with Peter Parker isn't my business.

      That statement wouldn't last for very much longer though.

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