The Dark Dragon

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     "Are you sure this is the right way?" Kiara whispered into the foggy shadows that rose up around her and the faded spirit Melody. Her companion was difficult to distinguish because of her faded form, only visible when she moved.

     "There is no wrong way here. Everything ends up in one place sooner or later," was the vague and mysterious reply.

    Kiara's eyes darted around, trying to see something beside the shadows that crept up the black trees around them. Melody was drifting along as peacefully as if she was just taking a walk, not minding the ominous surroundings.

     After awhile, Melody halted her walk, "We are here."

     Kiara realized her companion's head was tilted back as she looked up, and she mirrored this movement. A gasp escaped from her lips as she saw the steep cliff stretching up from the trees in front of them, shrouded in darkness. It reached up into the thick clouds that swirled in wisps across the gray sky, almost as if the stone never ended. And it didn't seem to. In fact, it was easy to believe that the mountainside stretched up into the sky indefinitely, never ceasing to grow taller.

     Melody pressed a faded hand against the stone in front of them, her fingers spreading apart as she touched it. "It is warm."

    Kiara again copied her, and was surprised to feel the warmth seeping into her fingers. "Why? Shouldn't it be cold?"

     A faint smile touched Melody's mouth, "It should be. This means the Dragon is home. And if it is home, we can bargain with it."

      "Where is it?" Kiara asked, her eyes racing up and down the stone wall as she searched for some sort of place the dragon could be concealing itself. There were no visible indentations that would work as caves, or outcroppings on which the Dragon could rest.

     "Above the clouds, I presume." Melody replied, "When it comes down, treat it with respect and kindness. If you anger it, it will kill you. Tell him what you need, and maybe he could help you."

    "Um... that sounds like a lot of pressure. Maybe you should do the talking–" Kiara broke off as she realized that Melody was gone, "Ah! Melody! You can't just leave me here and wait for some sort of stupid dragon that's just going to eat me! Melody!!!!!" But her companion was gone, and there was nothing to do about it.

    Kiara humphed to herself in annoyance, kicking at the ground. "Now I have to wait for a dragon to show up. By myself. I'm alone again...." She glanced up at the sky, shouting in frustration at what she knew couldn't hear her, "Hey dragon!! Could you get down here so I can have a talk with you? There's no way I can get all the way up there, so get your butt down here!"

     She froze like a deer in headlights as the mountain suddenly trembled. A roar shattered through the once silent sky, and a huge creature began to spiral down above her. The entire ground shook as the beast landed in front of her, its jaws spreading to show enormous fangs as it roared a second time.

     Kiara tried not to scream and fell back as she attempted  to stumble back from the scaly dragon.

     It paused in its roar, its cat-like purple eyes fixing on her. Altogether, it was the size of a small house, its snout long and scaled. Jagged spikes protruded down the ridge of its back, and horns jutted out on either side of its head. Its ears were laid back, and its long tail flicked once as the jet black beast stared at her with narrow eyes.

     "H-hi," Kiara managed, struggling to her feet, "I don't suppose you heard me a moment ago...?" 

    The dragon sat down, but its claws gleamed in the dim lighting. Then in a deep, metallic voice, the dragon spoke, "I do not appreciate the authority you pretend to have, human."

     "Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. But, um... what are the chances of you eating me?" Kiara couldn't help but to feel that this was a very important question at the moment, but wasn't altogether satisfied with the answer.

     "Currently? Tempting," A black tongue snaked out from between the fangs as the beast licked its lips, "But I usually eat only storms."

     "Y-you eat storms?" Kiara's eyes widened, and she took a small step forward.

      "Why do you think it hasn't rained here in forty thousand years?" The dragon replied in a somewhat smug tone. "But tell me, human.... what has inspired you to disturb me at this dark hour? All Hallows Eve is approaching on swift wings and I would like to be in a deep slumber when it strikes."

     "Um... Have you heard of a Dark Crystal?" Kiara asked tentatively, trying with difficulty to keep her eyes off of the dragon's fangs.

    "The crystal used by the Shadow Lord to contain dark magic? I have." The dragon's voice suddenly became icy, "I am very familiar with it."

     "Well... the Dark Lord, as you put it, trapped a very special friend of mine inside of it," Kiara begin nervously, her eyes darting around from the dragon to the ground, "And he said... The only way to get him out was on his orders... or if the crystal was destroyed by dragon fire. So I was hoping that maybe you could..."

     The dragon's tail thrashed in anger, "You request my assistance? A mere human?"

    Kiara resisted the urge to step back and took a shaky breath, "Please. If you don't help me, Carnirus will take over the human world as well as here! He'll be the ultimate ruler, and there will be nothing anyone can do!"

    The dragon looked surprised by the defiance, and his eyes narrowed, "What is your name?"

      "I am Kiara. And what's your name?" she asked in a strong voice.

     The dragon paused, a distant look in its eyes, "I? I am called Stoke. What is your friend's name?"

     "Hunter, and he really needs your help!"

     Stoke tilted his head to the side as he considered this, "Ah... so that is who Carnirus wants. Very well, Kiara. I shall assist you."

     "Y-you will?" Kiara couldn't keep the surprise from entering her voice.

       The dragon gave her a fanged smirk, "Let's just say.... I have my own interests in joining your side."


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