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Book name:

Fallacies of Gold


The night had somehow managed to surpass the swirling emotions however unknown to the bestowed some hearts were still trying to find peace.

Salman was glad it was a weekend and decided to spend sometime at home away from hustle bustle of the city. Neela had already left for her workplace leaving both the brother sister duo. His friends had earlier called up to make lunch plans which he had politely declined. This was so unlike Salman. Probably the aftermaths of the previous night still playing in his mind. Watching his cousin and Farrah that too so comfortably conversing with each other had strike a cord. Why can't we both have a decent conversation. This already happened two times after their engagement first at the party and then at the event. It felt more like a jigsaw puzzle and some pieces were surely missing not just physically but emotionally and they ought to be felt.


Farrah was long awake from her slumber and decided to get something to drink. Pouring herself a glass of orange juice she sat in the balcony in oblivion. Unknown to her Rani was already present there.

"You are up early today" she initiated.

"Just not feeling like sleeping through the morning" she replied.

"It's always good to take your daily dose of vitamin D" to which she hummed.

They were busy looking at the surrounding the sun was up basking in the trees and the chirping birds.

"Look at these trees maa they are weathering from sunlight they require rain" said Farrah.

"Indeed soon the rain will come washing away all their trials and tribulations they had to go through" she said. "In Sha Allah" said Farrah in deep thought.

"You know Farrah these trees cannot express their emotions like we humans. Until and unless you communicate there are bound to be misunderstandings and it is true for every relation" she explained.

"But it's difficult maa dealing with the fear of rejection, the feeling of regret and the very idea that someone may not love us for who we are in our core, that they might not understand us" she pointed.

"Then you must know whom to trust with your feelings."

"Farrah you are happy na with everything that has been going around" she inquired.

"Yes maa I am" she replied.

"You should know that your happiness is my topmost priority."

And that was enough for both of them to close the gap between them.

"Thank you mom, I'll remember this."

"Now I better get going to Malika's" she said standing up.

"Alright beta be back soon then we'll go through the preparations"


"You are home today" exclaimed Malika.

"What's with everyone bugging me" Salman said clearly disinterested.

"Whoa whoa chill bro someone's clearly not in a good mood" Salman side eyed her on the snarky comment but kept quiet.

"I was just checking because my friend was dropping by" before Salman could ask something the bell rung.

"Could you please open the door" snided Malika. Salman got up begrudgingly to open the door and there stood Farrah in all her glory adorning an off white chudidar. So far the last person Salman expected yet the only who could put an end to his worries.

"Assalamualaikum" she initiated equally shocked with his presence.

"Walaikum Assalam" replied Malika delighted to see her.

Salman took this as a cue and went on the sofa acting immersed in his mobile.

"You had lunch?" asked Farrah.

"No not yet" replied Malika.

"Great I bought you some butter chicken" she said removing the contents.

"You are the best friend and bhabhi I could ever get"

"Now don't flatter yourself I'll get the dishes" she said heading towards the kitchen.

Malika nudged Salman to follow.

Farrah was busy picking up the crockery from the cabinet. The bowl was kept further away and watching Farrah struggle Salman intertwined. "Here let me get that for you" she sided over and Salman handed over the bowl. "Thank you" she said turning to exit.

But Salman was blocking the way.

"Can we sort this" he asked clearly troubled by the tension between them.

"We'll talk about it" she said and started walking.

"By the way is this only for Malika" he asked following her.

"Even you could join" she said keeping the conversation minimal.

"This is yum Farrah" savoured Malika.

"You know Salman could get used to these and spend hours working out" she continued. Farrah was gushing at the moment.

"Men and their food fantasies are never ending once they like something be ready to make it anywhere and anytime. May Allah bless us with spouses who can actually cook" she said teasing Salman to get a reaction out of him.

"You are only getting jealous that you will miss out" Salman replied cheekily.

Farrah was enjoying the bickering between the brother sister duo.


The next day everyone had gathered at Dahlia's house after a long time to unwind. Ibrahim had even invited Salman and Kaveh. They were seated at a different table engrossed in conversation.

The girls decided to play truth and dare.

The bottle spun and it was Farrah's turn.

"Truth or Dare" asked Layla.

"Truth" she replied and the grin was back at everyone's faces.

Farrah had always been someone with minimal words and this seemed the only way to get her to open up.

"Tell us a secret that you haven't shared" they asked unanimously.

Farrah thought there was this thing she had kept to herself it was not that her friends would not understand her just that it was rather convenient to dodge it.

"You all know how I was away to complete my degree, the idea behind not continuing here perhaps was that I couldn't focus no matter how hard I tried. People making a nit-pick over every shallow thing of mine as result of which I developed social anxiety and I sought it best to change the surrounding, university and the people around me."

To say everyone was shell shocked was an understatement. Immediately Dahlia embraced Farrah in a bone crashing hug.

"I am so sorry Farrah you had to go through such a difficult phase on your own" Layla said striding forward.

"It's okay guys quite honestly I learnt that there are some battles that we have to overcome on our own and that is very important."

Malika was speechless the incident which took place a month back at their house ringing an alarm in her mind. As if on the cue Farrah looked towards her and placed her hands on hers, passing an understanding.

Unknown to them that someone had overheard her confession.


The night was starless with the full moon shoving marking a peak of clarity.

Finally thinking through every piece fit in its intended place and the price that was at stake was Farrah's self respect.

Salman didn't have an idea so as to why there was such a strong response from her side when his friends had played that prank but now he fairly did.

After the divorce of his parents he had sought it to himself to be there for his mother and sister. Being there in Salman's case was to provide the humour in their otherwise mundane life. He often used this as a facade to channel his emotions and the pent up anger on his father.

Malika being settled in her life and Neela got busy in her workplace. Beside family he was in company of friends who sought this as a common practise with whatsoever no regards to the other person. But there has to be a boundary, a line which shouldn't be crossed and obviously not at the cost of your loved ones.


The next morning was clear and bright like something had changed yet still remained the same.

Salman drove Farrah off in his car. "I'll be there to pick you up at 8:30" he said.

"Salman there's no need I'll take the cab" she said. But Salman insisted.

"I don't want to keep you long anyways today I have a class to attend to" she started.

"Gives me one more reason to be there" he muttered to himself.

"You said something" she asked.

"No worries I'll wait" with that he gave his signature smile and headed off.


Soon it was evening and Salman had managed to get in in time. It was still 8:20 and here he was decked up in navy blue suit with a white shirt underneath and matching pants with ruffled hair.

On the way he had actually managed to get some white peonies.

Just when he was waiting Rashid Osmani emerged "Long time no see bhaiya" Salman said.

"Well sort of busy with my work commitments. Not everyone has the the privilege to have free time in the world" mocked Rashid.

"Good for you better stay focused on work. And stay away from my fiancee" warned Salman.

"Excuse me I am not keen to be close to her you better take care of her the right way" he snickered. This angered Salman just when he was about to give him a punch Farrah emerged "Sorry for keeping you waiting" she said abd noticed the tension between the two.

"Will see you at the wedding" said Salman giving him a gleeful chuckle. Rashid left fumingly.

"Now shall we" Salman said turning back to Farrah and proceeding towards the car.

After starting the drive Salman handed over the peonies to Farrah "These are for you" he said. Farrah was surprised by the act and more to by the selection of his flowers.

"You know Salman what do these symbolise" asked Farrah.

"Enlighten me" he replied cheekily.

"They symbolise regret and apology" she said looking over.

"Perhaps I may regret something" he replied.

The journey came to a halt Salman looked towards Farrah who was fidgeting nervously awaiting his response.

Salman took a deep breath and started "I am sorry Farrah for not standing up for you all those times when my friends ridiculed you, trust me it was never my intention to hurt your feelings. I respect you and I like the way you are. I know I can be a knucklehead at times, I am infact we are prone to make mistakes but I want you to stay by my side so that we can together overcome these barriers. And foremost I want you to communicate with me."

To say the least Farrah was astonished hearing his words.

Farrah never knew what it was to have her feelings being acknowledged and recognised in front of a man specially being without a father most of the time or for the matter of fact the absence of a brother in her life.

How many times had they fought, bickered but no one between both of them had taken a lead to address these issues instead they kept pushing it under the rug and piling them up.

But today listening to Salman's words she could only thank the Almighty for blessing her with such an understanding spouse.

She had never been a religious person but watching the happenings unfold there was no doubt that Almighty has blessed her.

"Thank you Salman. This means a lot to me" she said coming out from her thoughts.

Salman felt content and at peace now that they were about to enter a new chapter in their life.

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