Battle match 2: duplicados del mal

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Just like before, this battle match is both a crossover and a homage to the Battle match book by Freelancer1337.

For anyone who hasn't seen his book Battle match, I highly recommend you go read it then read the first one to catch up and then read this.

The backstory will also be shown in the Battle match & once again, the feats won't be involved.


Disclaimer warning: There will be a few risque scenes. If you don't want to see it, skip ahead to certain parts that mention risque scenes. Honestly, I was kinda nervous about writing them because I am not really a risque person but still choose to continue this under the approval of Freelancer1337. I apologize for the scenes making you feel uncomfortable & to the people who have read this, thank you for your time and understanding.


Interlude made by Discord: Creation is an unusual thing, sometimes creation can be beautiful, sometimes it can be misunderstood and other times, it is plain evil.


Ant, the evil clone of RathsBone96 created by Discord.


Rudy, the evil clone of Freelancer1337 created by Discord.





- Name: Ant I. Thesis

> Yes, the name is a play on Antithesis.

- Gender: Female

- Believes that she is a goddess to be permanently praised no matter what harm she is doing to anyone.

- Ant has no kinks but she would treat people badly because she believes that everyone else is beneath her.

- Ant would also make every human 21 years old because she wants young warriors that would live, fight & die for her and her delusions.

- Ant is maliciously cunning & will form alliances with anyone no matter if she hates them or not to get what she wanted and when she gets what she wants, she slaughters the people she forms an alliance with and the humans she turns will feast on their corpse to spite those people.

- She despises fiction & fanfiction that is supposed to entertain in general like films, video games, comics, shows & books that are entertaining people.

> Examples: Marvel, DC, Amazon, Disney, Warner Brothers and the list goes on.

- Ant's first decree, if she did become ruler of the universe is to get rid of all entertainment & merge all planets and worlds into a garden of Eden.

> Her second decree would make everyone immortal with immunities to make them invulnerable and live on with no food and beverages but take away their free will, make combat for her 'entertainment' for eternity with no rest legal and make clothes, armor, anything that isn't human in any way & form and fan inspiration banned for everyone except her.

- Ant would turn every animal, alien, parasite, monster and other beings into humans because those things are not realistic in her eyes.

> Although, that makes Ant a hypocrite about her delusion of realism because she would absorb anyone and anything for their abilities and powers to become stronger than them while also removing all genitalia of humans except her own because she disgustingly sees sex as entertainment and shows the humans she controls that she's a goddess.


Powers and abilities:

- Bat-Mite's Imp physiology (like Peter Gadiot but not as funny)

> Reality Warping

> Power disruption

> Dimensional travel

> Teleportation

> Flight

> Magic

> Cosmic Awareness

- Chuck Shurley's mandatory existence

- Chuck Shurley's nigh-omnipotence

> Absorption

> Apporting

> Astral Projection

> Biokinesis

> Chronokinesis

> Conversion

> Conjuration

> Electromagnetic interference

> Existence Erasure

> Explosion induction

> Flight

> Healing

> Invisibility

> Localisation

> Memory manipulation

> Mental manipulation

> Mind control

> Molecular combustion

> Possession

> Power granting

> power negation

> Pyrokinesis

> Reality Warping

> Resurrection

> Sealing and imprisonment

> Shapeshifting

> Soul absorption

> Soul control

> Spell casting

> Super stamina

> Super strength

> Supernatural concealment

> Supernatural perception

> Smiting

> Telekinesis

> teleportation

> Weather manipulation

- Chuck Shurley's nigh-omniscience

> Precognition

> Telepathy

> Universal Awareness

- Chuck Shurley's omnipresence

- Chuck Shurley's immortality

> Nigh-invulnerability

> Regeneration

- The super soldier Serum

> Artificially enhanced physiology

> peak human strength

> peak human speed

> peak human durability

> Peak human agility

> Peak human reflexes

> Peak human stamina

> Peak healing recovery

> Peak human senses

> Advanced longevity

- Kilgrave's Compulsion.


Most skills inherited from the antithesis' of RathsBone96:

- Chuck Shurley.

> Hand-to-hand combat

> Master manipulator and deceiver

> Master strategist and Leader

- Hydra Cap.

> Advanced Military operator

> Expert hacker

> Expert Marksman

> Expert Swordsman

> Indomitable will

> Master acrobat

> Master martial artist

> Master Shield fighter

> Master tactician and strategist

> Multilingual


Items and weapons:

- The equalizer.

- Hydra Cap's Shield.

- A cosmic cube.



- She is powerful as her creator but she cannot affect Discord and anyone he makes immune to Ant's powers thanks to his chaos magic.

- Even though Ant has powers of God like power negation along with smiting, compulsion, & existence erasure, she chooses to not use them instantly unless she has been screwed with via backstabbing and/or people getting cold feet.

- Can be overwhelmed with enough fighters fighting her a once (Around about 150 and above).





- Name: Rudy

- He hates cats and likes to torture them like how Robot Chicken is being tortured

- Never gave presents to people on their birthdays

- Blows out other people's birthday candles

- The biggest pervert around and yet he still gets laid by women

- Watches Porn videos

- Has a dream of owning his own strip club and treating his strippers with respect


Powers and abilities:

- Cosmic armor Superman's ability to hear beings from other universes

- Teleportation to the Temporal time labyrinth.

- Seduction mastery

> Subliminal seduction

> Lust empowerment

> Persuasion via vocal mind control

> Lust inducement

- The Phoenix force

> Nigh-omnipotence

> Future Life force tap

> Concussive force blasts

> Quantum singularity

> Energy absorption

> Life force control

> Psionic nexus

> Matter transmutation

> Cosmic teleportation

> Disintegration waves

> Resurrection force

> Immortality

> Cosmic pyrokinesis

> Temporal manipulation

> Atmokinesis

> Existence mastery

- The mark of Cain

> Powers the first blade

> Immunity to demonic, angelic, and magical powers

> Telekinesis

>  Super strength

> Resurrection & conversion into a demon

> Somewhat Precognition on who gets murdered

> Corruption to the wielder of the mark

- Homelander's powers via compound V

> Superhuman strength

> Nigh-invulnerability

> Superhuman speed (speed of sound.)

> Superhuman hearing

> X-ray vision

> Flight

> Heat vision

> Sonic scream

- Omni-Man's Viltrumite physiology

> Super strength

> Flight

> Nigh-invulnerability

> Accelerated healing

> Longevity

> Super hearing

> Super speed (Speed of light.)

- Scarlet king's powers

> Suffering empowerment

> Interdimensional travel

> Possession

> Telepathy

> Mind control

> Casualty manipulation

> Blood manipulation

> Fire manipulation

> Spatial manipulation

> Soul manipulation

- Extremis virus 3.0 abilities that Rudy will have.

> Enhanced strength

> Immortality and regeneration

> Enhanced agility and reflexes


Most skills inherited from the antithesis' of Freelancer1337:

- Iron man's skills

> super genius intelligence

> Expert combatant

> Multilingual

> Master tactician

- Omni-Man's master combatance

- Homelander's skills

> Intimidation

> Charisma

> Gifted intelligence


Items and weapons:

- The equalizer

- The first Blade

- ORCA Godzilla 2019

- The butterfly miraculous

- The Darkhold

- The Alicorn Amulet

- The one ring

- Compound V

- All-black the Necrosword

- a fusion of the Infinity Ultron and Superior Iron Man armor.

- A replica of Kong's battle axe that changes size depending on the user and is created by the infinity stones.

- A replica of the key sword created by the infinity stones.

- Infinity stones

> Mind Stone

> Soul stone

> Reality stone

> Power stone

> Space stone

> Time stone

- Doom Guy's suit along with the freeze bomb, flame belch, blood punch and frag grenade.

- Doom 3 weapons

> Plasma Gun

> Chaingun

> Rocket launcher

> Chainsaw

> Super shotgun

> BFG 9000

- weapons Halo 3

> MA5C Individual Combat Weapon system


> Sniper Rifle Systems 99D-series 2 Anti-matérial


> AIE-486H HMG

> Sentinel beam

> Type-25 Directed Energy Rifle

> Energy sword

> M90 CAWS

> BR55HB SR rifle



- Rudy is powerful as his creator but he cannot affect Discord & anyone he makes is immune to Rudy's powers thanks to Discord's chaos magic.

- He literally explodes if he eats cake which only incapacitates him until he fully heals from the explosion by having his soul going into a beautiful woman like strippers, high school girls, mothers, etc. And instantly make the women conceive a baby(which is Rudy himself) in a matter of 7 days, which is faster than 9 months of normal human pregnancy. Though he has to grow up normally and he would still have memories before the cause of death, kinda like Dr Bright.

- Has a consistent code of honour such as Chivalry and Bushido

> Will fight foes while reading porn


(Last time on the Spite never makes right and the Battle match crossover.)

Discord teleports in front of the two and gives RathsBone96 a trophy.

Discord: "Congratulations!"

RathsBone & Freelancer look at Discord with deadpanned looks.

RathsBone96: "Discord. We appreciate our fight... but you can tell we are tired and annoyed and that we would like to go home now!"

Discord: "Alright, I'll send you back to where I picked you up."

Discord snaps his fingers & RathsBone and Freelancer are teleported back home along with the commentator's Pinkie Pie, Deadpool, The Mask, Wiz and Boomstick back where they were from.

After a few days of the Battle match, Discord kept on watching the fight over and over.

He starts to have an idea scratching his brain as he uses his chaos magic to create DNA vials of RathsBone and Freelancer.

The Draconequus felt intrigued with how the battle was an interesting concept while not knowing how the battle match will go.

Discord: "What if evil versions of both Rathsbone96 and Freelancer1337 fought each other?"

Discord then opens a door that was supposed to lead to a room but actually leads to somewhere else entirely and goes through while using his magic to both DNA samples which instantly creates almost exact duplicates of both Rathsbone & Freelancer while giving them a few changes, like Freelancer's clone being blonde like the Spider-Man from into the Spiderverse & RathsBone's clone being a girl.

Discord then works on the thoughts & personalities of the clones, giving them qualities opposite of the original.

The Draconequus gave the clones items and weapons along with powers of their antitheses, and a few other abilities from others and even gave Freelancer's clone seduction abilities.

After Discord finishes his work, he then creates an exact copy of the multiverse inside a globe and places both of the clones in the world of the boys.

Discord then snaps his fingers as Wiz and Boomstick appear in front of him.

The Death Battle announcers took notice of Discord and start to get nervous.

Discord: "Hello boys."

Wiz & Boomstick: "Oh no."

Discord: "Don't worry, I just want you two to join in an experiment with me."

Wiz and Boomstick look at each other in confusion as Boomstick shrugs at Wiz and looks back at Discord.

Wiz: "What kind of experiment?"

Discord then creates a copy of himself and they whisper in their ears after they finished and Discord's clone had disappeared, Wiz and Boomstick look at Discord in enlightenment.

Wiz: "The experiment of that concert would be intriguing..."


Wiz & Boomstick: "We're in!!!"

Discord smiles as he shakes Wiz and Boomstick's hands and his tail snaps his fingers, making a looking glass that is connected to the globe, projecting the Battle Match.




Two decades later, we see a man similar to Freelancer1337 but with blonde hair in a room in bed, full-on naked with four different women, who are named Neo, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna and Tatsumaki sleeping while watching a little bit of his favorite show.

That man's name is Rudy and he was watching Dragon Ball Super, episode 61. until the news disrupts his favorite show, which angers him.

Rudy: 'Well that's a turn-off.'

Neo woke up & smiled when she saw Rudy, kissing him on the cheek

Rudy turns to see Neo & smiles as Neo sees his stress and remembers that he is telepathic, so she decides to ask Rudy what is on his mind.

Neo: 'Morning, thank you for the fun night. Hey, what's up?'

Rudy: "Oh nothing, just the Vought international news interrupting my show."


(Risque scene.)

Neo saw that Rudy was disappointed that his favorite show was disrupted.

Neo then blinks as she gets an idea and smirks as she gets a little closer and gets in front of Rudy, confusing him.

Neo: 'You know what to do, lover boy~.'

Rudy then sees Neo putting her arms up while swaying her hips and smirks as he realizes what she's doing.

Choosing to go along with Neo's way to make him feel better, Rudy cheekily gropes Neo's breasts, with Neo moaning lustfully and turning to Rudy as they kiss passionately.


(M£$$@g£ tr@n$m1tt1ng.)





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(Tr@n$m1$$0n £nd£d.)


Rudy & Neo stop kissing so they can breathe as Rudy gropes Neo's breasts harder.

Rudy can hear Neo's moans with his telepathic abilities.

Neo: 'Pervert~.'

Rudy: 'You love it though.'

Neo telepathically giggles, proving that Rudy has a point.

Neo: 'You are right.'


(Risque scene ends.)

After ten minutes of fun, Neo turns to Rudy who looks satisfied.

Neo: 'Do you feel better?'

Rudy smiles and kisses Neo's forehead.

Rudy: "Does that answer your question?"

Neo nods her head, smiling.

?????: "Please tell me that you're joking and it's not happening!"

Both Rudy and Neo turn to see the TV as Blake, Tatsumaki and Yang get up quickly, confused about what is going on, seeing a person hand a man known as Cameron Coleman a paper to read off of.

Cameron Coleman: "Oh... um... Ok."

Cameron Coleman gets a little nervous as if he is being held at gunpoint.

Cameron Coleman: "Hello... Um, my name is-"

A gunshot was heard as a bullet went into Cameron's leg as he yelled in pain, shocking the people in the room.

Yang: "Is this scripted?

Tatsumaki: "If it's scripted, then where's Vought's heroes at?"

Blake Belladonna: "And where's Homelander?!"

?????: "Our Goddess doesn't want YOUR introduction, lowlife. She wants to be introduced."

The word of someone having a Goddess piques Rudy's interest and he continues to watch as the others were hesitant.

Cameron Coleman: "We now bring you all a message to our new goddess."

Cameron was then shot dead as people with guns get in front of the camera.

What was disturbing about the people on screen is that they were wearing no clothes and appeared to have no genitalia, like a mannequin.

A man with no genitalia: "Our Goddess will see you now."

The feed changes to a woman standing on a Press conference podium.

Her eyes are more soulless & apathetic than the fake hero Homelander, her hair is darker than the night sky and out of all the people that are her disciples, she is the only one wearing clothes.

She spoke in a high and mighty tone, like how a God or Goddess talks to their followers.

?????: "Peons. Citizens. I am Ant I. Thesis but you shall call me Goddess. For anyone expecting a hero to 'save' you in your hour of need because those heroes will never come to your rescue."

Rudy confusingly looks at the news, somewhat interested in Ant's small speech.

Rudy: "And why won't the 'heroes' come to their rescue?"

Ant calmly looks around the audience & then looks at the camera with an evil smile on her face what she said next shook everyone in the crowd & had shocked Rudy along with Tatsumaki, Blake, Yang and Neo.

"I killed them. I killed them all."

The TV then turns static as Rudy and the girls look at each other, still shocked about what happened.

Rudy: "She did it?"

Yang: "She did it."

Rudy: "She did it?"

Neo holds up a sign with a frowny face, saying 'She did it."

Rudy: "She did it?"

Tatsumaki: "She did it."

A knock was heard at the door.

Rudy puts on a red bathrobe as he slowly gets up, goes to the door and opens it, revealing the being known as Ant, who grabs Rudy by the neck.

Rudy: "So you're Ant?"

Ant didn't reply & walked into the room, tightening her grip

Rudy: "Oh come on, can you at least allow me to return the beautiful ladies to their home universes?"

Ant still didn't reply and keeps tightening her grip more.

Rudy: "Ok, you only talk when you want to."

Rudy taps a machine on his chest and armor made of nanotech appears on it while six stones appear on said armor.

Rudy: "Smile Beauty queen."

Sleep masks appear on Neo, Tatsumaki, Blake and Yang with their names before a bright flash of light that both blinds & freezes Ant.

Rudy: "That'll give me enough time."

Both the reality and space stones glow as Tatsumaki takes off her mask & sees that she's wearing her clothes while Neo, Yang and Blake take off their masks.

They started blushing when they noticed that they were wearing clothes that are like what they usually wear but with their breasts, ass & vaginal areas being revealed.

The girl's attention turned to see two portals open which led to their home worlds.

Rudy, who is out of his armor, smirks at the clothing he made for Yang, Blake and Neo.

(Th£ @uth0r st@rts t0 1nt£rn@lly scr£@m 1ns1d£ @s h£ wr1t£s th1s wh1l£ qu£st10n1ng h1s l1f£ b£c@us£ £v£n h£ do£sn't kn0w wh@t h£ 1s wr1t1ng @nymor£ s1nc£ h£'s n0t @ ri5qu£ p£rson @nd 1s runn1ng 0n fum£5.)

(@/N) Tr@n5l@t10n: (The author starts to internally scream inside as he writes this while questioning his life because even he doesn't know what he is writing anymore since he's not a risque person and is running on fumes.)

Neo holds up a sign saying "Rudy, what are we wearing?" as she and the rest of the girls, minus Ant and Tatsumaki, are still blushing.

Rudy smiles seductively at Neo & walks to her, kisses her lips and boops her nose.

Rudy: "They are special clothes that change to whatever you would like to wear unless it's on the special roleplay feature if you want to do certain roleplay."

Rudy then goes over to Blake & gropes her Bellabooty and kisses the adorable cat Faunus' lips as she moans in pleasure.

Blake Belladonna: "Why are we wearing them?"

Rudy goes over to her left ear as he moves his hands to Blake's Faunus ears to massage them as he whispers in her ear.

Rudy: "Come on, you know why."

Blake then notices her clothes along with the clothing of Yang, Tatsumaki & Neo being torn to shreds and pieces as she remembers the night they all had.

Yang looks at Rudy as he and Blake kiss while having a little too much fun with Blake's moans as Rudy massages her Faunus ears.

Yang: "We won't be wearing them when we get back home, right?"

Rudy finishes pleasuring the beautiful cat Faunus by massaging Blake's ears and kissing her, seeing Yang's concern for the clothing that they're wearing.

Rudy goes over to Yang, to help her relax and reassure her by massaging her bare breasts, making the sunny little dragon moan and whispering in Yang's ear why it will be alright.



.- ..- - .... --- .-. .----. ... / -. --- - . ---... / - .... .. ... / .- ..- - .... --- .-. / .... .- ... / .-.. --- ... - / .... .. ... / .- -... .. .-.. .. - -.-- / - --- / -- .- -.- . / .- ..- - .... --- .-. / -. --- - . ... / .. -. / . -. --. .-.. .. ... .... / -.. ..- . / - --- / ... . . .. -. --. / - --- --- / -- ..- -.-. .... / .-. .. ... --.- ..- . / ... -.-. . -. . ... / .. -. / --- -. . / -.-. .... .- .--. - . .-. / --- ..-. / .... .. ... / ... - --- .-. -.-- .-.-.-


(-... .- -.-. -.- / - --- / --- ..- .-. / --- .-. .. --. .. -. .- .-.. / .--. .-. --- --. .-. .- -- -- .. -. --. .-.-.-)

Rudy: "Don't worry, the seductress feature only works when both the people who are wearing the clothing and the people who you want to do the roleplay are alright with it."

Rudy stops having fun as he gives Yang, Blake and Neo a kiss on their foreheads.

Rudy: "See you soon girls."

Yang winks as Blake gives Rudy a hug & Neo puts up a sign saying 'See you soon, lover boy.' as the three get back to their universe.

Rudy then turns to see Tatsumaki and kisses her forehead as she hugs him.

Tatsumaki: "Be good, Rudy."

Rudy chuckled as Tatsumaki told Rudy her last words before they let go of each other.

Rudy: "Am I ever?"

They both smiled at each other as Tatsumaki went through the portal before it closed.

Rudy puts on his Infinity armor as Ant gets herself free.

Rudy: "So, where were we?"

Ant kicks Rudy out of the window and onto the streets, seeing people stare at him.

Rudy gets up, noticing a neck pain and cracks it.

Rudy: "Ah, that's better."

Ant teleports into the crowd surrounding Rudy.

Rudy instantly sees her then summons a super shotgun and shoots Ant to slow her down but that results in the bullets floating in midair and being sent through the heads of a mother & child.

Rudy looks at Ant in shock and drops the shotgun.

Rudy: "Wow. You're a fucking sociopath, you know that?"

Ant apathetically pulls out a Cosmic cube which summons two wrecked planes, resurrecting the people who died on those planes.

Ant puts away the cosmic cube & uses her powers to converge the resurrected into her underlings.

Ant: "Attack."

The underlings charge at Rudy but he injects a vial full of a familiar blue liquid in his neck while telepathically taking off his armor's helmet & shoots lasers out of his eyes, killing the underlings.

Rudy: "You're going to have to come up with something e-"

Rudy then sees the claimed goddess pull out a familiar-looking gun.

He teleports in front of her and takes the gun out of Ant's hand as his armor scans the weapon.

Ant: "How dare you steal my-"

Rudy pulls out an exact copy of the gun from a holster, confusing the false primordial being.

Ant: "weapon?"

Ant snatches her weapon back and looks at them side by side, confirming that they are the same weapon.

Ant: "Where did you get this?"

Rudy looks at Ant, gets his equaliser and is about to answer the question from the false being until both of the false deities start to slowly look around like they are starting to hear... talking.


(Discord's home, from when they stopped fighting, Discord's POV.)

We looked at the battle match from my home, seeing Rudy murder Ant I. Thesis' servants through my looking glass.

Unfortunately, while Wiz & Boomstick, I was more worried about the rising power I was feeling.

Me: "That can't be right."

Wiz: "What was that, Discord?"

Boomstick: "Um... guys? Both of the combatants had stopped fighting."

We both turned to Boomstick, shocked about what Boomstick said.

Me & Wiz: "WHAT??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


(No one's POV.)

Wiz and Discord both looked at the combatants, seeing that Boomstick was right.

They weren't fighting.

Boomstick: "Why aren't they fighting each other?"

Boomstick looks at Discord & shakes me out of fear, not knowing what is going on.

Boomstick: "Why aren't the combatants fighting each other?!"

Wiz holds Boomstick's hands, stopping the shotgun-legged announcer from shaking the lord of chaos.

Me: "I don't know. They weren't supposed to stop fighting each other until either one was defeated."

Discord and Boomstick argue as Wiz looks at the camera and sees that they see him.

Wiz: "Guys, you might want to see this."

Discord and Boomstick look to see Rudy and Ant seeing as Rudy waves his right hand as his eyes glowed red.

Discord immediately snapped his fingers, disconnecting the looking glass from the globe, making the image disappear.

Discord: "Ok, it's time to go."

Discord opens a portal for Wiz and Boomstick to go through.

Boomstick went through the portal made by the Draconequus, relieved that he was home until Boomstick realized that Wiz wasn't beside him.

He goes back through it, seeing Wiz just standing still massaging his eyes, like he was thinking.

Boomstick: "Come on, Wiz. We need to go! They'll kill us if we don't go!"

Discord: "What are you waiting for? You need to leave now."

Wiz then stops massaging his eyes and looks at Boomstick & Discord, saying his answer.


Discord and Boomstick look at Wiz, shocked about his answer as the scientific Death Battle announcer turns to Discord.

Wiz: "Discord, you made the clones, made one of them the complete opposite while the other is almost the complete opposite and you dragged us into this mess but it also became our mess."

Discord: "What are you implying?"

Wiz took a deep breath to calm himself as he was talking to the Draconequus.

Wiz: "I know it's uncharacteristic for me to say this but seeing how we were fascinated by your concept of your 'Battle Match', we're also accountable & by being accountable, we also need to take responsibility and clean our mess."

Boomstick dramatically gasps in shock, as his brain blue-screens for ten whole seconds.

Discord looks down, knowing that Wiz is right.

Discord: "Well, if you want to clean this mess with me, then you're going to need more firepower."

Wiz nods his head as Discord snaps his fingers as two big messenger bags appear around Wiz and Boomstick's hands.

Boomstick puts his left hand in as something attached to his hand.

After taking his hand out, Boomstick sees that he is wearing iron man's superior armor.

Boomstick: "Awesome!"

Discord then uses his magic on the Death Battle producers, which projects a magical armor making Boomstick confused while Wiz was ecstatic.

Wiz: "What is this?"

Discord: "It's a protection spell, you're welcome."

Out of nowhere, Ant and Rudy burst into Discord's reality.

Rudy: "Hello, father."

Discord summons a gigantic legion of Manticores and uses a trumpet to order them to attack.

Wiz grabs an Omnitrix, puts it on, transforms into Goop and shoots Acid at Rudy to hopefully dissolve his armor, unfortunately, the acid barely melted the armor's paint.

Boomstick shoots a laser blast at Ant, who deflects the blast to Rudy and absorbs it.

Rudy: "You'll have to think of something else."

(Freelancer1337, I hope you like the small reference to Rick and Morty Vs Infinity Ultron. It will be different universe ideas but hopefully, you like the reference and the universe.)

Rudy then punches with a force so strong, it sends Wiz, Boomstick & Discord through a dimensional barrier and goes through multiple dimensions.

One where JFK was never assassinated in 1963, one where WB and DC went into bankruptcy which led them to be bought by Disney, one where Knight hawk from the guardians of Justice became an avenger, one where Freelancer1337 won the battle match against RathsBone96, one where Salem had passed away instead of Ozma, one where Mario made TF2 Scout consume a mushroom & now believes he is an invincible unicorn, one where Freelancer's a better Homelander, one where Adam & Eve never ate the forbidden fruit, one where the Cybermen took over, one where every living being is a watermelon, one where Wolfychu had become ruler of the universe, one where DoomGuy & Isabella live as roommates, one where Danny Gun and Tommy Gun from GunvsGun saved the earth from a zombie apocalypse created by Nerf, one where Doctor Doom & Reed Richards kill Mephisto to save Dr Doom's Mother, one where the Power Rangers groups lost Galaxy and lightspeed rescue joined the Guardians of the galaxy, one where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of 2003 joined the X-Men, one where three Shredders are fighting in a war, one where Axol survives & is dating Melony, one where Twilight Sparkle married AppleJack, one where the Spider-Man sins past storyline & one more day had never happened, one where Superman from DCSHG gen 2 permanently loses his powers while also getting his identity revealed to the entire world & genuinely apologies to Supergirl for how he was acting, one where the Flash & Reverse Flash became best friends who saved their universe from Darkseid by trapping him in a time loop, one where Omniman kills Homelander for killing Debbie, one where Venom was possessing Dr Wolf, one where Thanos had use the infinity stones to quadruple the resources, one where Dean Winchester and Castiel got married, one where the Sonic movie was made in 2019 instead of being delayed to 2020, one universe made of cake, a universe where apocalypse turns Iceman into an ice bomb that explodes & kills all life on the planet, giving the world a second ice age and a universe where all men have gone extinct & women can only reproduce via cloning.

Wiz, Boomstick and Discord get up, a little unused to being in those universes and freezing.

While Discord snaps his fingers to make himself, Boomstick and Wiz warm, Boomstick starts to ask questions.

Boomstick: "Hey, didn't RathsBone96 win against Freelancer1337? Why is there a Wolf girl ruling the universe? Were there three Shredders fighting each other? Aren't the Flash and Reverse Flash enemies? Why is Venom bonded to that Wolf guy? Since when did Nerf guns kill zombies? We already did Omniman Vs Homelander, didn't we?-"

Boomstick gets interrupted when Rudy grabs him and Wiz by the neck and Ant forcefully grabs Discord by the neck.

Rudy telepathically fuses Boomstick's armor to his own while Ant uses her powers to try & absorb Discord as he screams in agony.

Boomstick then remembers what he read about Rudy, moves his shotgun foot to Rudy's face and shoots cake into Rudy.

Rudy then swallows the cake load and explodes as his soul floats away while Boomstick lands on his feet and Wiz lands on his bottom and gets up.

Boomstick dashes over to Ant, grabs a medusa gauntlet and puts it on as Discord blinds Ant, loosening her grip & escapes before Boomstick grabs Ant by her right arm, encasing her in stone.

Discord: "We need to go now, that won't hold her for long."

Wiz & Boomstick: "Right."

Discord opens a portal where the three escape as Ant bursts out of her stone prison and resurrects Rudy, clothes and all.

Rudy starts to laugh like he hasn't laughed in decades.

Rudy: "Well done, I thought that battle went really, really well! I mean, I have a few notes but they can wait, we can continue our fight now."

"Our fight doesn't matter anymore."

Rudy stops laughing as Ant turns to him and spoke with a sinister tone in her voice.

Ant: "Discord has nowhere to run or hide. I will kill him, I will kill everyone, destroy the omniverse, remake a universe in my image and resurrect everyone I have slain! They will kneel before me and no one will be standing in my way to rule the world."

Rudy stares at Ant, seeing how serious she is with what she said.

Rudy: "Wait, you're serious? No, absolutely not!"

Ant sternly looks at Rudy with her left-hand forming into a fist, loud cracks can be heard when it formed as she sees Rudy's confusion.

Ant: "Excuse me?"

Rudy: "I'm fine with killing Discord, he created us for a stupid experiment, he should be taken out for his Plot-Induced Stupidity. Wiz & Boomstick, alright. A little pathetic since they were only dragged in by Discord but they liked the concept of us killing one another, so ok."

Ant's eyes started to glow a dark shade of blue as Rudy continued talking.

Rudy: "But this? You are talking about slaughtering trillions of people who live in billions of universes! This isn't how you play the game."

Ant dashed at Rudy at light speed and attached a peculiar collar around his neck.

Ant: "This isn't a game. This is war."

Rudy was about to attack Ant until a tremendous amount of pain rushed through his body and screams in agony as he collapses on the floor.

After an hour of pain, it stopped as Rudy looked up to Ant who put her foot on his back.

Ant: "The obedience collar you are wearing around your neck will ensure you will do as you're told. Are we clear?"

Rudy nods his head as he gets up and they teleport out of the men extinction universe.


(Meanwhile, in an unknown room in an known location.)

Discord looks outside of the window by moving the blinds up while holding his neck which still has the markings that Ant placed on the Draconequus.

Meanwhile, Wiz paces around the room and Boomstick is rocking back & forth.

Discord then teleports to Boomstick, sitting on a chair, saddened that he screwed up big time.

Wiz turns to Discord and Boomstick, massaging his eyes as he sits down.

Wiz: "Discord. We're out of options. We can't fight them on our own."

"Wizard is Right, Discord."

Discord, Wiz and Boomstick turn to see a man who looks to be in his 20s appeared out of here.

While Discord was a lot more concerned about how he didn't sense the being, Wiz and Boomstick realized who it is.

Wiz: "Wait, aren't you-?"

"I understand your confusion and I will answer them but there is no time for questions."

The being turns to Discord, he lifts up his right hand and snaps his fingers, healing the Draconequus' neck wound.

Discord looks at the being, surprised that he healed him, despite his mistake.

"Discord, I believe you know who you should summon."

Discord was about to say that he doesn't know who he was talking about until the Draconequus pauses in thought and then realises who the being meant.

Discord turns to the being, shaking his hand with a small smile on his face and something in his eyes that he didn't have before.


Discord: "Thank you."

The being smiles at Discord and nods his head as the being disappears.

Discord then opens two portals as he turns to Wiz and Boomstick.

Discord: "Wiz. Boomstick. I know I don't always ask this question but... can you help me, please?"

Wiz and Boomstick look at each other and then back at Discord, smiling.

Wiz: "What do we need to do?"

Discord then uses his magic to create a notebook & paintbrush with paint on the tip, painting something on one note and rips it off, giving it to Wiz & then paints something else on another note, tears it off and gives it to Boomstick.

Discord: "Go through the portals and get the person from the portrait."

Boomstick looks at Wiz as he shrugs and they both go through the portal.

As Discord waits for Wiz and Boomstick to return, he turns to see a sign.

'Welcome to heaven.'


To be continued...

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