Chapter 11: The rise of ManBat.

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(At Earth 187, Timeskip to the entrance of the bat cave, Dark Bat's POV.)

As we were all getting to one of the entrances to the Bat cave, the group told us their names and some things about themselves.

The kids who are named Huey, Dewey & Louie are triplets with a great family and go on adventures to solve mysteries & rewrite history, they've defeated an evil sorceress known as Magica De Spell, an alien from the moon called General Lunaris & an organisation called F.O.W.L. in their big adventures.

Mrs Beakley is an aunt to her granddaughter Webby and a temporary guardian to Huey, Dewey and Louie for Della Duck until they get back to their universe.

Phineas and Ferb are stepbrothers who do various things with their friends to have the best summer ever with their friends.

For example, they made a musical about a roller coaster they made, two giant treehouse robots with their sister & her friend, unusual teleporters that swap brains, merge winter and autumn with summer, made a robot dog, nanobots and the list goes on.

Milo Murphy is the literal embodiment of misfortune with Murphy's law, which was demonstrated when the batmobile was smashed by a giant bag of cinder blocks that are covered in gasoline, which started to lit a fire.

Doctor Bruce Banner had been affected by a machine that went wrong and the Gamma radiation causes him to turn into a being known as the Hulk, even mentioning that if he does get angry in his current state dubbed professor Hulk, his formula will wear off and he will turn back into the Hulk.

Black Widow use to be an assassin until she joined the S.H.I.E.L.D. and then the Avengers when they helped her realise the meaning of family and that she's not alone.

As we got to the Batcave entrance, Batman opens the door to reveal Jason Todd and Damian Wayne.

Jason: "Who are the newbies?"

Me: "These people aren't joining us. They're a clue for the case."

Huey: "What case?"

Damian and Jason look at Batman.

Jason: "You didn't tell them?"

Dr Banner: "Tell us what?"

Batman looks at the group, knowing that he's got a lot to talk about.

Batman: "For the last few weeks, the Joker and the Trickster have been stealing technology from Central City and Gotham."

Me: "The gem you're looking for is the last piece."

Dr Banner: "Well... Let's solve this case together."

As we went in the entrance and got to the Bat cave, Bruce and I talked to Mrs Beakley, Dr Banner, Miss Romanov and Huey by the Bat computer.

We told them our real names and that we're trying to figure out what the Trickster and Joker's next move will be while Huey asks me a few questions.

Huey: "You're a vampire, right?"

Me: "Depends on your point of 'vampire' but to answer your question, I'm like any vampire from books by my uncontrollable hunger..."

Huey: "But..."

Me: "But I don't heal any of my wounds if I drink any sort of blood and after Bruce made a serum to help me control my hunger, I hadn't feasted on anyone's blood for a year now and I've upgraded their tech to show my gratitude to Bruce."

Huey: "Mr Langstrom, can you give me some examples of these upgrades?"

I keep a straight face and nod my head as Huey gets excited.

Me: "Damian's staff has been laced with Nth metal & Element X to become more durable and highly tolerant to hot temperatures..."

Huey gets a notepad from his hat to write down all of the upgrades as I explained them to him.

Me: "Jason's magazine clips for his pistols have a special taser function on them when the safe mode to the gun's firing mechanism is on..."

Huey writes down the upgrades I have given to Damian and Jason.

Kirk: "And the Batcycle, the Batwing & Batmobile have an environmentally safe energy source, making them reach Mach 10 speeds and makes everything outside said vehicles looks like everything is slowing down unless it's a Kryptonian or a user of the speed force."

While Huey finishes writing down his notes and asked his questions, I look to see how the visitors are doing.

Louie checks out all of the bat suits, unimpressed until he saw a golden Batman suit which makes him drool and mumbled about selling it to get billions of dollars.

Damian and Dewey spar on top of the T-Rex model, with Dewey doing karate moves and making karate noises.

Dewey: "You think you can beat Dewey?"

Damian: "Oh yes... I do."

Damian smirks at Dewey's ignorance as he gets closer, making the blue-shirted, anthropomorphic duck gulps nervously as he fights the young boy wonder and ended up losing in the end.

Damian Wayne walks up to the defeated duck and lends a hand out to help him up.

Damian: "You fought well."

Dewey smiles and they both get off the plastic statue of the Tyrannosaurus.

Jason is making sure no one goes upstairs when he sees Milo going near the staircase to Wayne manor and grabs his arm.

Jason: "Sorry squirt but you're not allowed up there, don't want anyone knowing who Batman is."

Milo: "Understandable."

Just as Jason lets go of Milo's hand, one of his guns clips fall out and the bullets fall out.

Jason: "What the..?"

Milo: "Oh, sorry about that. Let me help with that."

Milo picks up the bullets, the magazine clip, putting the bullets back in and gives it back to Jason.

Jason: "Thanks. How did you do that?"

Milo: "I'm a Murphy."

Jason: "Wait... Murphy's law?"

Milo: "Yep."

Phineas & Ferb are making special watch that makes invisible hazmat suits to protect us from the Joker's laughing gas & all kinds of gases & radiation for all of us to fight the Trickster & the Joker and get the second dance gem.

Dr Banner: "Hey boys, do you need any help with what you're doing?"

Phineas: "No thank you, we're good."

Dr Banner: "Okay."

Dr Banner turns back to us, confused about a few things with Mr Wayne."

Dr Banner: "So Mr Wayne, why do you protect Gotham as Batman?"

Mr Wayne didn't say anything and presses a button on the Bat-computer, showing an article of his parents grave, which shocked Dr Banner and Natasha.

Natasha: "The Waynes murdered: Thomas and Martha Wayne gunned down by criminal Joe Chill, leaving 8-year-old Bruce Wayne alive."

Dr Banner: "I'm sorry for the loss of your parents."

Bruce turns back and puts his cowl on as he nods his head.


(No one's POV.)

Bruce Wayne turns off the Bat-computer as everyone goes to the table.

Louie: "Cool table, yawn."

Kirk waves his right hand on top of the table, which had activates an artificial intelligence on the table, with Jason smirking under his helmet towards Louie, who opens his mouth in surprise.

A.I.: "Welcome Bruce Wayne. Welcome Kirk Langstrom."

Kirk: "T.I.N.A., put up a holographic map showing Gotham city and send cloaked drones to find the Joker & Trickster."

T.I.N.A.: "Of course Mr Langstrom."

A/N: (T.I.N.A. is short for Tactical intelligence network algorithm and a reference to Tina from the cartoon movie known as Justice League: Gods and monsters.)

Black drones shaped like bats fly out of the Bat cave, turn invisible as they and a holographic map of Gotham city show on the table.

Huey: "Wow, holographic projection."

Bruce Wayne: "T.I.N.A., show the footage of the drones' cameras."

All the drones show their footage but one of them caught my eye.

Huey: "What's wrong?"

Bruce Wayne: "You're not going to believe this. The Joker and the Trickster are back at the docks."

Jason: "Isn't that one of the Joker's old hideouts?"

Kirk: "Yes... but after Harley had stopped working with the Joker and joined the Justice League, she gave out the information of all of his hideouts and each of the warehouses had been converted into different laboratories for various experiments."

Huey, fascinated about the various laboratories, moves closer to Kirk.

Huey: "Like?"

Kirk: "Cloning, medical technology to help heal broken bones & damaged tissue, power replication, special sound weapons and devices that communicates with non-anthropomorphic like birds and bats."

Bruce Wayne: "The warehouse Joker and Trickster are in was turned into a lab to test out cloning technology."

Jason prepares his guns and Damian gets his staff while Kirk & Bruce Wayne went to a button near the garage door.

He presses it to open the lead laced door, showing a dark, giant truck-like vehicle that would fit an army with a bat logo on both sides.

Bruce Wayne: "Everyone, put on the hazmat suits Phineas & Ferb made and get in the Bat-truck."

Kirk and Bruce Wayne puts on their hazmat suits, gets in the front as everyone else gets their own hazmat suits on & gets in the back of the truck.


(Jason's POV.)

As Bruce is driving, Damian and I notice Phineas, Ferb and Milo sit at the back of the truck, like they're preparing for something.

Phineas & Ferb get out a small figure that looks like Milo while he gets out a blowtorch, a watermelon in a radiation-proof bag and peanut butter, out of his bag while Phineas & Ferb get out a small machine that looks like Milo.

Me: "What are you doing?"

Phineas: "Milo, Ferb and I are just getting the new Murphy's law mark 2 suit online."

Damian: "Isn't that a little small?"

Phineas: "It is but once I press the button on the back, it'll transform into its battle mode."

Me: "What's the other items?"

Ferb: "The radioactive watermelon Milo has would power the suit up once we activate it and the peanut butter and blowtorch is for the container to keep the watermelon in so it can power up the suit."

Damian: "Aren't you a little bit young to be using a power suit that uses radiation to power it up?"

Phineas: "Yes. Yes, we are."


(No one's POV, with the Joker and Trickster.)

The Joker mixes blood samples of both Dark Bat & Batman they got from their previous encounters in the case, mixing them with bat DNA and laced them with various chemicals and the Trickster is watching him while eating some popcorn.

After the Joker finishes making 'blood' for his plan, he puts it in a container connected to a pod and fills the unusual mould shaped like a body with the blood of both Dark Bat and Batman mixed with chemicals and bat DNA.

Joker: (Dr Frankenstein impression) "Trickster, bring me the brain and heart."

The Trickster: (Igor impression) "Yes master."

The Trickster gets a metal container, taking out a big green & yellow brain and a purple & blue heart.

The Joker snatches the brain and heart off the Trickster, putting them in the head & body of the mould.

The Joker presses a button that zaps the mould with the brain and heart.

After five minutes of electric shocks, the Trickster waits for the blood to try and kill him and Joker by ripping them apart or eat them alive or anything but nothing happens.

After five seconds passed, he grabs Joker and shakes him violently.

The Trickster: "I'm bored! Joker, we should be executing our plan now!! Do you even remember it?!"

A beeping noise & a flashing monitor gets the attention of the Joker and the Trickster, showing them that the blood is reaching very dangerous boiling temperatures at a unnatural pace.

The Joker and Trickster see the blood has started to create veins connecting to the brain & heart as it creates a peculiarly shaped skeleton.

Joker laughs loudly as the Trickster looked terrified of how multiple organs and muscles are generating.

Skin starts covering up the body and some mechanics in the pod gave the body some pants while it opens and Joker puts a collar on it with the second dance gem.

Joker: "Congratulations, it's a ManBat!"

The Joker laughs loudly until he and the trickster look at a camera to see the Bat Truck arriving at the warehouse they are in, seeing Batman along with Robin, Dark Bat, Red Hood & Dr Banner and his group get off the truck.

The Trickster: "Persistent as always."

Joker chuckles softly knowing how many times Batman had defeated him.

Joker: "Bless them, too bad they won't know the ruse."

Joker flips a switch on the collar as Manbat wakes up and screeches.

Manbat flies through the skylight window, smashing through it.

Joker: "That will keep bats busy for a while. Come on Tricksy, to the car!"

The Joker laughs loudly as he and Trickster go to the back door and escapes in a purple car, without anyone seeing them or realising their ruse.


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