Chapter 15: An explanation

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(Your POV.)

I turn to the human-looking being, smiling that he helped us.

Me: "We need to talk."

The human-looking being smiles back, nodding in agreement.

????: "Yes. Yes, we do."

I turned to (N/Y), who started to tear up.

(N/Y): "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I didn't know that this would happen."

I walked over to (N/Y) with a sad smile on my face.

Me: "It wasn't your fault. Anarch took advantage of you."

????: "(Y/N) is right, (N/Y)."

(N/Y) looks at the being, who snaps his fingers, causing a slight ripple for a few seconds.

(N/Y): "What happened?"

I use the mind & reality stones to see what the primordial being has done and see that Earth 65118 has been restored & looked to see inside the people's minds to see no memory of (N/Y).

Me: "I... I don't entirely know how but he brought back Earth 65118 and everyone that was controlled by (N/Y) under the influence of Anarch, is now back in their world with no memory of you."

(N/Y) looks at the being and takes a deep breath to calm himself.

(N/Y): "Who are you and how did you do that?"

The being smiles calmly as it answers.

????: "My name is Jack and I am a Nephilim that had taken away the power of a cruel, cruel capricious god."

Isabella: "Does that mean you're... ya know?"

Jack: "I don't want to be called that."

Jack then puts his hand on (N/Y) and they look at each other like they're talking telepathically.

(N/Y) then starts to smile & Jack nods his head as (N/Y) disappears.

Isabella was about to ask where (N/Y) has gone but the being that looks like Isabella answers her question.

???????: "(N/Y) is going in the Omniverse on a self-discovery."

Isabella looks at her look-alike in confusion and fascination.

Isabella: "Who are you?"

???????: "Oh, apologies for not introducing myself. My name is Hojnost."

I look at Hojnost, knowing that her name is connected with the stones.

Me: "Your name means Abundance, like the abundant gems."

Isabella: "Does that mean you're like Anarch?"

Hojnost looks at Isabella with a sad smile.

Hojnost: "Yes. Let me explain how I came to be."

Me: "Excuse me. Maybe the others should know."

Hojnost: "You're quite right. Jack?"


(Hojnost's POV.)

Jack nods his head.

Jack: "Of course... and (Y/N)?"

You look at Jack.

Jack: "We will have to talk another time if that is alright."

You: "Of course."

Jack snaps his fingers & we all appeared at the facility, with everyone already awake, out of their beds & talking to some of the angels about what happened.

Pinkie Pie than appears in front of me.

Pinkie Pie: "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie. I've never seen you before, are you new? You must be new."

I chuckles as Pinkie Pie gets excited with me and spoke to answer her question.

Me: "I'm sort of new here."

Petra tilts her head in confusion.

Petra: "What do you mean you're sort of new here?"

Me: "My name is Hojnost and I'm the being that resides from the abundant gems."

Huey: "Where did you come from?"

Me: "You all might want to sit down for this."

Most of the beings in the room choose to sit down.

Some sat on chairs while the children sat on the floor and a few people like the blue haired scientist & the man of iron choose to stand up as the angels and hunters from the apocalypse world go out of the facility to check their new home out.

I took a deep breath and start to tell my story.

Me: "I come from the earth 65118 and in that world, in the time of vikings, Odin in his sleep has been watching outside our universe and when he saw this world & the infinity stones on (Y/N)'s arm, he became inspired. As he awoke from his deep slumber, he had hand picked five special gems & used his Asgardian magic to carefully craft each of them."

The Duck with the blue shirt named Dewey and a duck who had a pink bow named Webby, who have been excitedly jumping up and down, interrupting me by putting their hand up as Dewey kept saying "Pick me, pick me!"

I giggled at the sight of them and pointed at Webby.

Webby: "They're the abundant gems, right?"

I smiled and nodded my head as I continued telling my story.

Me: "Each of the gems held a special powers and was named. Compassion, Laughter, dance, second dance and respect."

As I was saying the gems names, each of the gems Temporarily glowed to show which gem is which while the ducks named Louie and Webby was admiring the glow.

Me: "After they were made, I was born. Odin told me about Asgard and the nine realm. It was a very happy place with a lot of happy memories for me."

I started to look down, frowning at the memory.

I look up to see some of the people, seeing me frown.

Scrooge: "Those memories didn't last, did they?"

I shook my head as tears slowly go down my face.

Sonic and Dewey go up to me, hugging me.

I hugged back as they comforted me with their words.

Sonic: "It's alright."

Dewey: "You don't have to continue."

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears, smiling from the comfort.

Me: "Thank you for your support and comfort but I still want to tell you all what happened."

Sonic and Dewey nod their heads and sit back in their spaces as I continued to tell everyone in the facility my story.

Me: "An Asgardian called Hela learned about the existence of me and the Abundant gems. Angered about how her father created me, she stole crystals that were forbidden to use and had used dark magic to create her own infinity stones. Evolution, Genesis, Nightmare, War, Chaos... and Death."

Castiel: "And that resulted in creating what was controlling (N/Y)."

I nodded my head and continued.

Me: "Anarch. After he was created, Anarch killed Hela by taking away all of her Asgardian magic and used his own power to create his army to take over Asgard."

Petra: "But Anarch lost, right?"

Me: "He did... but we were unable to convince him to stop."

Huey: "So what did you do?"

I took a deep breath and decided to finish telling my story.

Me: "Odin had to seal both Me & Anarch, separating the gems & stones in various universes so I would be able to find someone worthy to stop Anarch. He was trapped and couldn't use the rest of the stones until he found someone worthy but Anarch could use the Chaos stone to send telepathic messages to (N/Y) since he is worthy and was free when all six of them were together, fortunately a friend had helped us."

I look at (Y/N) and Isabella but as I do, the latter was the only who smiled as the former was looking around.


(No one's POV.)

Everyone even turns and notices your behaviour.

Confused about it, Thanos pats your head and gets your attention.

Thanos: "(Y/N), what are you doing?"

You: "Don't you notice it?"

Pinkie Pie looks around as everyone looks at you, still confused about what you noticed and looking around... Until Pinkie Pie asked one simple question.

Pinkie Pie: "Hey, where's Sunset Shimmer?"

Everyone else starts to notice what you and Pinkie Pie have noticed.

Where is Sunset Shimmer?


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