Chapter 7: Ponyville.

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Apologies if this chapter was taking longer to get done and if this chapter's long.


(No one's POV, in Equestria.)

The humane six come out of the portal noticing their change of appearance and do their best to obtain their balance.

Rainbow: "It's been a while since we've been here."

Fluttershy: "The town looks nice as ever."

Scrooge McDuck along with Rick & Morty, SpiderMan, Luke Cage, SpiderGirl, Iron Man and Donald Duck go through the portal.

Rick: "PONY RICK!!!"

Just then, Scrooge, Donald, Iron Man and SpiderGirl lose their balance and fall over.

Scrooge McDuck: "What the blistering bagpipes is going on here?!"

Rick: "Magic. This world has magic that changes beings' bodies into ponies or any mythical beings, depending on what you were."

SpiderGirl: "And how can any of you walk like this?!"

Pinkie Pie: "You get used to it."

Donald starts quacking in rage until he loses his balance, lands on his front and mutters a single phrase.

Donald: "Ah Phooey."

????: "You must be the humane 6 of your world."

The group then turn to see SunShim, Leah, Velvet and Wade.

Rainbow: "Sunset, Leahcim, what are you doing here?"

SunShim: "What do you mean, Rainbow?"

Leah: "Yeah, we chose to live here."

Rarity: "Darlings, we've just seen you a few seconds ago going to apocalypse world."

The couple gets confused until Wade realises what was going on.

Wade: "I think I know what's going on here. You got them confused with the counterparts of your world."

SunShim: "That adds up."

Applejack: "Come again?"

Leah: "The Sunset and Leahcim you were talking about are our counterparts."

Rainbow: "Wait a minute... you're them, aren't you? You know... the zombies?"

Leah grips the front of his left hoof as SunShim holds her right hoof and looks down at the floor.

Velvet and Wade look at each other, remembering their original world.

Rainbow: "Oh, sorry. I forgot that it was a sensitive topic towards all of you."

Leah: "I-it's ok."

SunShim: "Let's get to Twilight, she might help to get the... laughter stone?"

SpiderGirl: "Laughter gem."

SunShim & Leah walk ahead as the others follow them.


(Wade's POV.)

As we walked, Velvet and I look at each other, sharing the same worried looks.

Out of the few who suffered the zombie apocalypse, Leah & Sunset took it harder than us.

SpiderMan: "How bad is it?"

Velvet and I turn back to our friends with worried looks.

Velvet: "Well... they don't talk about the apocalypse or the destruction back in earth 9412... but when they do talk, it always towards each other which's just about their failures and pain."

Me: "We were there at the apocalypse, so we can relate... losing friends, family and a place you call home can deeply traumatise you."

Velvet: "And they do know that they're not the only ones who lost people but... their connections with people that got infected or lost affected them deeply..."

Me: "Charles, along with the X-men we're like a family to Leah ever since his mother and dad passed away at the hospital before his mutant powers had activated..."

Velvet: "And the humane 6 were important to Sunset since they're the first people to forgive Sunset and teach her about friendship."

Spiderman closes his eyes, remembering his wife and aunt's demise before taking a deep breath.

Spiderman: "Well, no matter what happens, the people they've lost would want them to recover from it... and hey, at least they still have us and each other."

Luke Cage: "You're right about that Pete."

Leah: "Hey, what's taking you so long?"

Sunset: "We're nearly there."

The gang got to the castle and walk inside to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight: "It's good to see you again. I'm still confused about why you need my help."

Leah: "Because we need to find the Laughter gem in the ever-free and we're hoping for some help finding it."

Twilight: "Alright. I think I have a map at the friendship school, I'll go get it."

Twilight teleports for a few seconds and comes back with the map.

Twilight: "Here's the map."

Sunset: "Thanks Twilight."

The group then walked out of the castle and headed to the Everfree forest.


( (N/Y's) POV.)

After I resurrected Michael and told him that he gets to kill Lucifer again, a grim smile grew on his face, it almost looks sadistic.

I then start to read his mind.

As I did, however, I learned killing Lucifer in the skies of Abilene felt good for him but seeing angels and the souls of humans die and leave the vessel is a pleasure.

I start to create millions of empty vessels.

Michael: "What are you doing?"

Me: "I resurrected you with a powerful weapon called the death stone and put you in a body you were most familiar with. I'm also creating new vessels, then I'll resurrect your angels and put them in the new suitable vessels so you can go to a universe so you can 'lead your guiding hand'."

I start to resurrect every angel that was killed in the world which was known as... apocalypse world.

His dark smile returns as his army of angels were starting to get resurrected.


(Wade's POV.)

Leah: "Alright everypony, we're here."

As Rainbow and Applejack look at the castle, they start to get nervous.

Applejack: "So... this is the castle of the two sisters?"

Sunset: "Yep."

Fluttershy: "I-I-It looks v-v-v-v-very scary."

Rainbow: "I-It's not too bad."

Two leaves fall off a branch, gently landing on Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash's tails, causing the pegasi to play dead.

Leah: "Come on, let's go get that gem."

Just as Sunset & Leah go inside, Morty accidentally steps on a button opening a trapdoor, causing them to fall through.

Humane 6: "Sunset!"

The trapdoor closes as the others see Sunset & Leah on a pile of giant, soft pink and blue cushions.

Rarity: "Are you alright, darling?"

Sunshim: "We're fine!"

Leah: "There's another path, we'll go there. Maybe it'll lead to the Laughter gem."

Sci-Twi: "Ok."

Sunshim & Leah nod their heads and down the path as the others try to find a way to get to them.

Fluttershy: "Do you think Sunset and Leah will be ok?"

Velvet: "I don't know but what I do know is that with those two together, they can overcome a lot of things."


(No one's POV, the secret path.)

Both SunShim and Leah walk forward, looking down in shame.

Leah remembers when he jokingly told Cyclops from his world that he's the captain of the X-men.

Leah: 'Ok Leah, it's time to be the captain.'

Leah took a deep breath to calm down.

Leah: "Hey, um... Sunset?"

SunShim: "Yeah?"

Leah: "Are you ok?"

SunShim: "No, no I'm not."

Leah: "Do you want to talk about it?"

SunShim: "It's just... I didn't want..."

She takes a deep breath to try and recollects her thoughts so she can try and talk.

SunShim: "I'm sorry, Leah. I was trying to say that I'm scared about what happened in our world."

Leah hums, relating what she means by that.

SunShim: "I lost my home, our world is gone and I was unable to protect my friends from the infected."

Leah: "Yeah, I was terrified about it too... and ashamed of a few things in the event."

SunShim: "Like...?"

Leah: "Well, besides getting a bit, not being able to save people and the world getting destroyed, not being able to save Magneto was probably a lot more worst thing."

SunShim looks at Leah, seeing his sadness.

Leah: "I mean, I know he tried to rid the world of humans but... he sacrificed his life to save all of our lives and the multiverse.."

SunShim: "Then why didn't you stop him?"

Leah: "I think a part of me wanted to but I think another told me that he didn't want to be stopped. I still wish I got to know him better... but, no matter how bad an event like that is, we should do our best to always move on and go forward, right?"

SunShim: "Right."

Leah & SunShim stop walking as they talked about Magneto as they both look at each other and blush as if it was like they were reliving the first time they met.

Leah: "Sorry if I was getting annoyingly dramatic."

SunShim: "You weren't, I understand where you're coming from."

Leah looks at SunShim with a smile on both of their faces as they hugged while they kiss.

After the kiss, they walk forward to see a door, sealed by magic.

Leah: "You think that could be the entrance?"

SunShim: "No doubt about it."

As Leah was about to use his powers, SunShim noticed a doormat on the floor and stops him, showing the mat to Leah.

Leah takes off the mat, now seeing a silver key.

SunShim uses her magic to pick the key up and unlock the door.

Leah: "After you, it's only fair since you opened the door."

SunShim kisses Leah's cheek and goes through the door as he follows her, seeing through the door is a bedroom.

Leah: "Wow, this is a nice bedroom."

SunShim: "Yeah."

Both SunShim and Leah look around the room, wondering who it belongs to until SunShim looks at a page of a book.

SunShim: "Wow."

Leah: "What is it?"

SunShim shows the page that she was reading to Leah and reads the page in his head.

'I can't believe it happened again. Luna lashed out at Celestia all because she said that raising the moon involves the moon going up and started to call each other a "Buttface", causing havoc. They have to realise that anyone's actions, including their actions, could have massive and dire consequences.

From Starswirl the bearded.'

Leah: "I don't follow."

SunShim: "Look down."

'If anyone else is reading this, I put a spell on the book so if anyone reads this, they will see what happened.'

SunShim and Leah then pause, seeing their memory.

Author's note: (This video belongs to Scribbler Productions.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After the two saw their memory, both Leah and SunShim look at each other as he closes the old, brown book.

SunShim: "We better give this back to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna for their memories."

Leah: "Agreed... but you have to admit, it was cute."

SunShim: "Maybe a little. At least we know who sleeps in this room."

Leah: "Starswirls."

Just before they were about to get out, Leah accidentally presses a hidden button to reveal a pathway.

Leah: "Ok, that's new."

SunShim and Leah go through the pathway and see a room with another door at the opposite end of the room with a box on a pedestal in the room.

Leah and SunShim go to the box and opened it, slowly revealing it to be a pink gem.

Leah: "Do you think that's the laughter gem?"

Just as SunShim picks the gem up, it starts to glow which causes an effect on SunShim & Leah.


(Memory lane, Leah's POV.)

I was walking along with the Professor talking to him after I lost to Kitty.

Kitty and I had a bet.

It was about Scott taking someone to the little prom as a date.

I believed it'll be Polaris and Kitty thinks it'll be Jean.

If I did win, Kitty would've gone to a haunted house of my choosing which's called Fazbear's Fright.

Although, since I had lost the bet, I had to go with the Professor to study and learn about a topic of his choice for the rest of the year and it would be nuts since it was the first day of January.

(I have chosen this picture of Professor X because I like X-men evolution and its creativity.)

As we walked, I bumped into a person with red and yellow hair like it was a fire.

??????: "Sorry, I didn't notice either of you were coming around the corner."

Me: "Um... don't worry about it, miss..."

?????: "Sunset Shimmer."

Me: "My name's Leah."

We both shook hands but as our hands touched, I then saw Sunset's eyes go blank for a few seconds before going back to their original colour.

Me: "Are you ok?"

Sunset: "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to read your mind."

I looked at the Professor who is surprised as I was.

Me: "How much do you know?"

Sunset: "Everything."

Professor X: "Well... I'm Charles Xavier, mind if we talk somewhere?"

We walked to a place known as Sweet Snacks cafe and sat at a table to talk.

Me: "So... I... I mean we've never seen someone like you around here before... are you a..?"

Sunset: "Oh, no, I'm not a Mutant. The crystal around my neck allows me to read the minds of others."

Me: "Oh... sorry for jumping to conclusions."

Sunset: "You didn't jump to any conclusions, you were just curious about me."

Professor X: "What is your opinion on mutants?"

Sunset: "Well... based on Leah's knowledge and his memories, no mutant should be ridiculed and hated just because they're different. Mutants should embrace their powers to help others instead of hiding them."

I start to smile, feeling my heart going faster as Sunset talks about her opinion.

????: "Hey, Sunset."


(Past SunShim's POV.)

I look over to see my friends walk over to us.

Me: "Hey girls."

Rarity: "Who are your friends, darling?"

Leah: "Oh, I'm Leah and this is Charles, my teacher. We were discussing-"

Professor X: "Friendship."

Leah looks at the Professor in a calm yet confusing way, about what he meant.

Professor X: "You came to me wanting to learn about friendships."

Leah: "Y-yeah. I wanted to learn about it."

That wasn't a complete lie.

Leah did want to learn about friendships but he never understood how.

I then get an idea of how to teach him about friendship.

Me: "Excuse me Professor, have you asked him?"

Charles looks at Me in confusion.

Professor X: "Ask him?"

Professor Xavier then starts to read my mind.

Professor X: '"What are you up to, Sunset?"'

Me: '"I was thinking about helping Leah experience friendship while also learning it by hanging out with me and my friends."'

Professor X: "Ah yes. Leah, we were thinking perhaps you can join Sunset and her friends in some friendship activities, up for it?"

Leah: "O-oh... a-a-are y-you sure?"

Professor X: "It is a marvellous idea. Learning how to trust someone, how to know a difference between a good friendship and a toxic one, how to be loyal, honest and kind towards a friend and social communication."

As the Professor talks, Leah thought about it and smiles.

Leah: "Well, when you put it that way..."

Leah then gets up, smiling.

Leah: "I'm ready to learn, Miss Shimmer."

I smile as Leah gets up and notices my face is getting hotter.

Rainbow: "Sunset, are you ok?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm fine."

After a few hours, my friends went home but I chose to stay with Leah for a bit.

Me: "So, how was it?"

Leah: "It was great, I would love to learn from a person like you."

Me: "Let me give you my number."

I wrote my number and gave it to Leah so he can call me.

Leah: "See you soon, SunShim."

Leah smiles & teleports as I look at a reflection of myself, seeing my blush.


(Present SunShim's POV.)

I start to blink in surprise, remembering the day I first met Leah.

While I looked at the gem, I realised what one of its capabilities is and we both looked at each other in confusion and... happiness.

Me: "That was... something."

Leah: "That was the best day of my life."

I start to smile and chuckle.

Leah: "What's so funny?"

Me: "I remembered about our first kiss back in our old world."

Leah: "Oh yeah. The girls had bought their meals while Pinkie Pie bought us a big gummy worm spaghetti with triple chocolate cookies chunks & strawberry sauce."

Leah smiles and laughs lightly at the memory.

Leah: "We didn't notice Pinkie ordering it and asked for some gummy worms to be tied together so we'd kiss."

Me: "We didn't even know it was connected until we did kiss."

We both talked and laugh for what seemed like hours.

Leah: "Man, I never felt so happy in a long time..."

Me: "Yeah."

Leah then looks at me with... the smirk.

He teleports and before I know it, he uses the tickle spell I taught him.

I couldn't stop laughing from the tickling spell until I accidentally trip and fell on Leah, kissing him.

I got up in a panic, worried that Leah might've been uncomfortable with it.

Me: "I'm so sorry, I-"

I then felt my muzzle press on Leah's as we kissed.

After we parted, we both start to blush.

Leah: "Don't apologise, I know it was an accident and I liked the kiss. Now, let's find our way out and get the gem to the others, ok?"

I nodded in response as we search for a secret passage until I heard something.

Leah looks at me as he puts his hoof near his face and shushes me, also noticing the noise and then looks at the door.

He gets close to the door and put his ear on it for a few seconds, then backs away.

Leah: "Sunset, you might want to back up a bit."


(Leah's POV.)

Sunset takes a few steps back as I tear down the door and softly put it down, seeing the others.

Sci-Twi: "Sunset, I'm glad you're ok."

Sunset and her friends hug her as I go to SpiderGirl, Iron man, Scrooge, Donald, Rick and Morty and gave it to Iron Man.

Me: "I got the laughter gem."

SpiderGirl: "Thank you."

Morty: "Come on, let's get back to our world."

Rick was about to use his portal gun to get back to their universe until a blue portal appears in front of him as (Y/N) comes out.

(Y/N): "Hello Everyone."

Rick: "What are you doing?"

Sci-Twi: "What about the portals?"

(Y/N): "To answer your question, Stevia convinced me to use my ability to visit you in my astral form to ask Wade and Velvet for some help."

Wade: "What do you need help with?"

(Y/N): "A few friends of mine have entered a world which is known as apocalypse world. I've chosen both you & Velvet because the future showed me that both of you protect a resistance of defenceless humans."

Velvet: "Why can't Sunset and Leah come along?"

Pinkie: "Maybe because if they say that they were zombies, a few of the humans might shoot them."


(No one's POV.)

The rest of the Humane 6 motion Pinkie to stop talking about that subject.

Pinkie Pie: "What?"

Pinkie then turns where the others who were looking at Sunset & Leah and realises what she said, remember how hard it was for them and starts rubbing the back of her head.

Pinkie Pie: "Oh... sorry."

Although surprisingly, instead of having depressed looks, they both chuckled.

Sunshim: "It's alright, Pinkie."

Leah: "Besides, I'm starting to like the quiet life in Ponyville with Sunset."

Both Sunshim and Leah then kiss.

After the kiss, Leah & Sunshim both blush until Sunset then blinks, like she remembers something.

Sunshim: "Oh yeah, here's something that you might need."

Sunset 'teleports' out of the castle, then 'teleports' back into the room with her bag and gets out a book, giving it to Iron man.

Sunset Shimmer: "If you need any help, just write to either of us."

Everyone looks at Sunset Shimmer as both Leah & her figure out why everyone was staring at her.

Leah: "Oh... the trap and the secret passage weren't covered in any anti-magic runes or charms to cancel our magic to teleport out of here."

Sunset Shimmer giggles in embarrassment.

You: "Anyway, can you two come along with me?"

Wade: "Sure."

Velvet nods her head and You open two portals through time and space.

The humane 6 along with Donald, Scrooge, Iron man, SpiderGirl, Rick & Morty go through the portal going to the Facility while You along with Wade and Velvet go to the apocalypse world.


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