Chapter 9: Hope for escape

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Authors note before you read: Some of the monsters in this chapter will have names and be labelled to say which monster they are and don't have much to do in the story.

If this does idea does upset and/or anger you, I sincerely apologise about the idea and for this chapter taking so long to make.


(Meanwhile in apocalypse world, no one's POV...)

Inside of the monster's nest, monsters are divided into two groups.

The first group of monsters is the ones who are always hungry and feast on humans which are the nachzehrers along with werewolves, skinwalkers, wraiths, Djinn and vampires.

The other group of monsters are the ones who don't eat humans of shapeshifters and Sirens.

Both groups yell and argue aggressively at each other about which of the two groups should have the caged humans.

The Shapeshifters & Sirens only want humans to breed with them which in turn prevents their extinction.

The vampires, Nachzehrers, Werewolves, Skinwalkers, Djinn and Wraiths want all of the humans so they can have more food.

All the Werewolves with the Skinwalkers and half of the Nachzehrers want to eat the hearts of the living humans while some of them will also feed on their blood with the vampires and Djinns.

Wraiths will feed on humans brain fluids while the rest of the Nachzehrers will feed on the flesh of dead humans.

Although the Shapeshifters and Sirens want the humans as breeders so they can raise them to fight if any of them pass away.

They even started fighting to obtain humans, not caring about each other.

Stella (Siren #1): "All of the humans belong to us!"

Shawn (Shapeshifter): "We need more kin to continue our work of survival!"

Vector (Vampire): "Humans are our food!"

Henry (Skinwalker): "We can only think rationally if we eat now!"

????????: "SILENCE!!!"

All the monsters in the room stop arguing and turn to see six individuals.

(This is what the Alpha Werewolf in apocalypse world will look like.)

(This is what the Alpha Shapeshifter in apocalypse world will look like.)

(The Alpha Vampire will have its original appearance in apocalypse world .)

(Unlike her children, the Alpha Wraith will have the ability to transform into a ghost-like being and this is what she'll look like this and will have the ability to induce insanity-like hallucinations to its enemies without touching the target but it won't affect angels, monsters, mutants or Prophets of the lord.)

(The Alpha Skinwalker from apocalypse world will look like this in its canine form & chooses not to change into its human-looking form and only talk to all monsters, telepathically.)

(The Alpha Djinn from apocalypse world looks like this.)

Wendy (Wraith): "Fathers."

All the monsters in the room start to bow.

Alpha Djinn: "Don't do that."

The monsters stop bowing to the alphas.

Alpha Vampire: "What is going on here?"

Bobby John (Shapeshifter): "We have a slight issue with the caged humans."

Willow (Werewolf): "We need Humans to eat so we can remind sane... unlike some of us who can't control themselves!"

Sarah (Siren #2): "But we need them for to breed while most of you are stuffing your face, you gluttons!!!"

The group of monsters then start fighting again, irritating the Alpha Werewolf.

Alpha Werewolf: "ENOUGH!"

In fear, every monster who was arguing stopped and turned to the Alphas.

Alpha Werewolf: "Now, there has been a change of plans. Every one of you will help us hunt down the rest of our food and we will share ALL of them... DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

All of the children look at the Alpha Werewolf and nod their heads, not noticing the human spies that heard everything and ran.


(Back at the Humans and angel's base, Leahcim's POV.)

Sunset and Heinz slowly gain consciousness as I try to help them up but they got themselves up and backed away thinking I'm Lucifer.

Me: "It's me... It's Leahcim."

I look at Sunset as she goes up to me and holds my hand, remembering her telepathy through touch.

As she lets go, I saw her face go from worry to calm.

Sunset: "Leahcim... I know you want to help fight (N/Y) and to prove yourself that you aren't expendable... but you're not expendable. You never have been."

Me: "You really believe that?"

Sunset: "I know that."

I smile softly for a bit as she smiles back.

Sunset: "Let's get back to the others."

As we were about to walk back, I took a deep breath, wanting to ask Sunset a question and worried about what her answer is.

Me: "Sunset..."

Sunset: "Yes?"

Me: "Do you still... love me? I understand if you don't, I mean... I said yes to a being I shouldn't have and..."

Unexpectedly to me, Sunset quickly hugs me tightly.

Sunset: "I still love you, no matter what happens. You were just insecure because of your dad... but you're not him. You're not Lucifer. You are kind, you are humble and you do your best to care about others, no matter what state you were in."

I then look at her face as she lets go, seeing her tears as she smiles.

I smile back and wiped her tears away with my thumb softly to dry them.

Sunset: "We better get back to the others with the gem."

Me: "Here."

I gave Sunset the dance gem and the Pharmacist his box as we walked back to the others.


(No one's POV.)

Hannah, Garth and Rufus show Chun-Li, the Doctor, Castiel, Sam & Dean plan their next move in the planning room.

Garth: "What do you want to know?"

Castiel: "Everything."

Hannah: "There isn't much information to work with but what we do know that some monsters had joined forces when the Alphas called them after Michael left a year ago along with the Sirens and Nachzehrers joining their alliance a few months later... so both the humans and angels were forced to work together."

Garth: "It wasn't all bad. The angels here knew that what Michael was doing was crossing a lot of lines and wanted to rebel but were too scared to say anything..."

Rufus: "But when Michael left, the rest of the angels had left heaven to do what they should've done from the beginning."

Castiel: "And that was..?"

Hannah: "Protect the humans."

Sam: "So... do we have enough to take them out?"

Hannah: "We did had more weapons to kill monsters after Michael had left... but after a few weeks, we're starting to run out of resources."

Wade: "Like?"

Garth: "Lamb's blood along with food, water, dead man's blood, bronze daggers, mirrors and silver."

Dean: "Well, that's just awesome."

Sunset, Leahcim and Dr Doofenshmirtz comes in, hearing about the group running out of supplies.

Leahcim: "It's that bad?"

Hannah: "Yes."

Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Too bad we can't escape to a place without monsters."

Dean starts to think but after a few minutes, he looks at Sunset & Leahcim and smiles, realising what the answer for the problem is.

Dean: "Hannah, Rufus, Garth... Doctor. Can we have some privacy?"

Rufus, Hannah, Garth and Heinz leave the room so Dean can explain his idea to the others.


(Dean's POV.)

Me: "I think I've got an idea on how to help them."

Wade: "How?"

Leahcim: "There are more monsters than humans and the resistance are going to run out of their supplies eventually, making it an unfair fight for them."

Me: "We don't need to fight."

Chun-Li: "What do you mean?"

Me: "We give the resistance a new home."

Everyone looked confused until Sunset, Leahcim, the Doctor and Castiel look at me.

Castiel: "Do you mean..?"

Me: "Oh yes."

The Doctor: "Brilliant!"

Velvet: "What's the plan?"

The Doctor: "Does anyone remember the apocalypse that happened back at our world? The one involving the zombie virus."

Wade: "Yeah, why do you..."

Wade then stops and realised what my idea is.

Wade: "Wait... you're not thinking about what we did... are you?"

Me: "Exactly."

Chun-Li: "Can someone explain what you're all talking about?"

The Doctor: "Sunset, Leahcim, care to explain?"

Leahcim: "Chun-Li, do you remember when Dean once told you that he was from another universe?"

Chun-Li still confused about the question, nods her head.

Chun-Li: "Yes but the only thing he told me was about the Magneto from his world choosing to stay behind."

Wade looks down, missing Magneto.

Sunset: "Well... that universe had a virus that had turned almost everyone into zombies."

Leahcim: "Including our counterparts and a version of Reed Richards who went mad and tricked us into making a portal to his world and nearly caused the end of both of our worlds."

Chun-Li: What did you do?"

Wade: "The Doctor and Magneto figured out that we can take refuge in their dimension... and Dean's idea is for Rufus, Hannah, Garth, Dr Doofenshmirtz and the monster resistance to stay in our universe."

Velvet: "We are going to have to tell them about it."

The Doctor: "Velvet's right. We need going to explain everything to them."


(no one's POV.)

Leahcim goes over to the door and opened it to let Dr Doofenshmirtz, Rufus, Garth and Hannah in the room.

After the group finish talking, Hannah goes to tell the rest of the resistance about Dean's idea.

Dean looks out of a window and notices two army trucks that need its engines repaired.

Dean: "Hey Rufus?"

Rufus looks at me.

Dean: "Tell me about those army trucks."


(Timeskip, three hours later.)

After Dean fixes the engines of the trucks, Rufus and Sam test the engines to see if they work.

The engine of the truck that Rufus was in was working fine as was the one Sam was in.

They turned the engines off and got out of the trucks.

Rufus: "The engine in the truck is working."

Sam: "Same with this one."

Hannah and Garth go up to Dean.

Hannah: "We took a vote to see who was willing enough to go to your Earth."

Hearing Dean and Hannah's conversation, Wade goes over to them.

Wade: "Is anyone coming along?"

Hannah: "Everyone."

???: "That's good."

Hannah along with Rufus, Garth, Wade, Sam and Dean turn to see You.

Hannah: "Who are you?"

You: "A friend."

Dean: "(Y/N)."

Chun-Li: "Weren't you back at your world?"

You: "This is my astral form, I can use it to travel anytime and anywhere I would like to go but I only do it if there is something important that should happen and this is one of those times."

Sam: "Then why are you here?"

You: "Because I'm here to tell you that you need to hurry. The portal I made that transported you here was a temporary one and it will close in 9 hours."

Wade: "That would've been good to know before we jumped through."

Garth: "What should we do?"

You: "Tell the resistance to hurry and pack their things."

Rufus: "What time is it?"

Sam gets out his phone and sees it turn midnight.

Sam: "Midnight."

Dean: "So we've got until 9 or we kiss our chances to get out of here goodbye."

Hannah: "I'll tell everyone to get ready."

Hannah disappears as Sam sets a timer on his phone for nine hours.

You: "See you all soon and Wade..."

Wade looks at you, knowing something big is going to happen.

You: "Good luck."


(At the avengers facility of earth 6721, Your POV.)

I get back to my body and got up as Summer wins a game of downbeat.

Summer: "Downbeat!"

Ryu: "How do you keep winning this game?"

Me: "Not much people have really got that far."

I then notice them looking at me, clearing up the room.

Ronin: "What are you doing?"

Me: "We are having some guests from apocalypse world, so we're clearing the room a bit... although, it will be a little bit crowded so is it alright if you can play your game in a different room?"

Summer: "Uh, sure."


(Back in apocalypse world, no one's POV.)

As you vanish, Rufus goes over to Dean.

Rufus: "Hey... thank you."

Dean: "No problem."

?????: "Rufus!"

Dean nods his head as he sees two familiar people go to Rufus.

Rufus: "Ellen, Jo."

Ellen: "The monsters are on the move to hunt down every human here."

Jo then looks at the trucks, seeing that they're all repaired.

Jo: "So, we're escaping?"

Dean: "Yeah."

Ellen turns to Dean with a calm yet confused look on her face as Sam heads over to the group and Leahcim walks away.

Ellen: "Don't believe we've met. Ellen Harvelle, this is my daughter Jo."

Dean: "I'm Dean, this is my brother Sam."

Sam: "Hi."

Ellen takes a deep breath and turns to Rufus.

Ellen: "I'm trusting you with this."

Rufus nods his head as Jo and Ellen go back to camp.

As Leahcim looks around the apocalypse world, he starts to notice his hand shaking, remembering his old life about his father.

??????: "Leahcim?"

Leahcim's hand stops shaking and he turns to see Sunset.

Sunset: "Are you ok?"

Leahcim: "I'll be alright once this is all over..."

Sunset nods her head in worry as you both go to.

Leahcim: 'We better get prepared for this.'

After four hours later, the resistance had finished packing their things and preparing themselves, get inside the separate trucks as Rufus and Garth get in the driver's seats.

Castiel along with Sam, Dean and the Doctor get into a Jeep to lead the way with Chun-Li, Sunset and Leahcim go in one truck while Hannah, Wade and Velvet go on the other.

Dean drives the jeep to the location of the portal with Rufus and Garth follow him.


(Meanwhile, Alpha Werewolf POV.)

My kin and brethren have been hunting for humans.

I was about to stop the hunt until I found a new scent.

The scent of humans.


(Back to the resistance.)

After an hour of driving, they get to the portal.

As everyone get out of the vehicles, Leahcim gets a small headache and taps on Sunset's shoulder, implying that he won't be able to contain Lucifer for much longer as Sam turns to The Doctor, Chun-Li, Velvet & Castiel.

Sam: "Chun-Li, Velvet, Doctor, Cass. Show them how it's done."

Chun-Li goes through the portal with Velvet, Castiel and the Doctor following her.


(Back at the facility in earth 6721.)

As you were cleaning up, you saw Chun-Li, Velvet, The Doctor and Castiel got through.

You: "I'm guessing the group and resistance is coming through."

Castiel: "Yes."


(Back at Apocalypse world.)

Sam: "Hannah, Rufus, Garth, you're with them."

As Rufus and Garth go through, Hannah looks at Sam & Dean and smiles.

Hannah: "Thank you."

Sam and Dean nods their heads at her.

Hannah then heads through the portal to the other side.


(Meanwhile at earth 6721.)

After Rufus, Garth and Hannah got through to the facility of this universe, other humans and angels came through in a single file.

You: "Alright everyone, please make your way to the waiting room upstairs in the facility."

Most of the humans and angels go upstairs in the waiting room while Hannah, Garth and Rufus stay behind to talk to you.


(Back at Apocalypse world.)

Wade and Leahcim stand guard over the stream of humans and angels going through the portal as Sam and Dean encourage them to go through the rift.

Dean: "All right, let's go!"

Sam: "Single file everyone."

After the resistance go through, Sam and Dean look around.

Leahcim: "Ok, that's everyone."

Wade comes even with Leahcim and stops, hearing a loud boom by a tree.

Sam and Dean join Leahcim & Wade and look at a distance.

A flaming tree falls down on the trucks, causing them to explode.

Wade puts his hands up to protect his head, but Leahcim just watched, trying to seeing through the smoke.

Sam and Dean raise their weapons trying to peer through the dust that has been kicked up by the explosions.

There was some growling and the dust cleared, revealing it to be the Alphas along with their kin, the Sirens and Nachzerhers.

Alpha Wraith: "Humans. You have been blessed with a beautiful job."

Leahcim: "And what is this 'job'?"

Alpha Wraith: "Satisfying your superior's appetites and having our kin."

Dean: "We'll pass on that."

The Alpha Werewolf smirks evilly at Dean but when he notices Leahcim, he sniffs the air and his smirk grows wider.

Leahcim notices it, knowing what he needs to do and takes a step forward.

Leahcim: "You guys go, I'll buy you some time."

Wade: "You don't have to do this alone, dude."

Just before you could argue, Lucifer starts to fight for control.

Leahcim takes a deep breath and calms down.

Leahcim: "Ok."

Wade: "What do you want us to do?"

Leahcim: "Wade, you and Dr Doofenshmirtz stay with me, Sam, Dean, Sunset... go through the portal... and Sunset?"

Sunset: "Yes?"

Leahcim: "Tell (Y/N) when we all get through the portal."

Sunset nods her head before she gets through the portal with Sam and Dean following her.

Leahcim closes his eyes as he does feels a tear slide down face as he tries to fight Lucifer's control but fails.

Lucifer opens his vessel's eyes, flashing red for a few seconds and smirks evilly, snapping his fingers, making every monsters except the Alphas explode, killing them.

Alpha Werewolf: "MY CHILDREN!"

Lucifer accidentally freezes the other alphas, realising his new vessel has plenty of abilities.

The Werewolf alpha was about to attack Lucifer but stops as Wade pulls out an Mp5 loaded with angel killing bullets.

Wade: "Say Hello to my little friend."

Wade shoots the Alpha Werewolf with the Mp5.

It doesn't hurt the Alpha much but the angel bullets slow it down enough so Dr Doofenshmirtz takes out the hand of god, causing it to glow and transfer its power to Dr Doofenshmirtz.

Wade then noticed what was happening and stops shooting the Alpha Werewolf and goes through the portal with Lucifer following him.

Dr Doofenshmirtz uses the power of the holy grail and destroy the Alpha's but sends him flying into the portal.


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Author's note: Again, I apologise for taking so long to get this done.

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