Continuity error broadcast.

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- MESSAGE: We're experiencing a broadcast not related to this universe's programming.-


A portal opens in the empty, revealing a being who looks like Chris Evans known as Freelancer comes through as the portal closes behind him.

The godly being snaps his fingers and summons three familiar beings.

Freelancer: "Discord, Bill Cipher, and Wanda Maximoff, you remember me correct?"

Discord: "Of course, we fused together with some other people to beat you and your friend."

Bill: "What brings you to our neck of the woods or should I say Multiverse?"

Freelancer creates chairs for everyone to sit down and talk.

Freelancer. "Well that move you pulled off caused a few more problems then solutions."

Wanda: "What do you mean?"

Freelancer: "Well, it created dark doubles of me and Rathsbone, we still have our powers and so do our dark twins."

Bill: "So it's like cutting both sides of the same coin in half?"

Freelancer: "Pretty much and also-"

While Freelancer is talking in very good detail about the dark clones, Bill is whispering to Discord.

Bill: "Hey D, I know she's human and all but dang she can cause some serious chaos, have you seen the movies?"

Discord looks at Bill with a stern look.

Discord: "Yes, and Bill, you can't be serious."

Bill: "Hey, it took me getting erased in Stan's mind to realize humans are a lot more complicated than you think. And besides I'm still in my prime and I need someone who cause as much chaos as I do."

Discord: "You do realize she's not in the moment of finding someone new, right?"

Bill: "Well her brother got shot by a dollar store skynet, she blew up her husband for nothing, and she lost her kids twice. And for once, I think she needs a guy who can't die."

Discord rolls his eyes.

Discord: "You do realize you can die?"

Bill: "Eh, I'll just use the Axolotl trick to come back no problem."

Wanda then fired a hex bolt at both Bill and Discord as they were covered in ash.

Wanda: "Unlike the two of you, I pay attention."

Bill: "Look lady, we've been in the chaos magic gig way longer than you, so-"

Wanda then uses her magic to restrain both Bill and Discord and look at them with anger and annoyance.

Wanda: "Do you want to know how you weren't able to succeed in your plans? You never take your enemies seriously."

Wanda turns to Discord & shows him his past failures not only with the Celestia and Luna but also the Mane six.

Wanda: "You were turned to stone."

Wanda then turns to Bill as he starts laughing at Discord and is shown his defeat in the hands of Stanford Pines and the Memory gun.

Wanda: "And you were mind wiped."

Wanda then looks at both of them as she taps into the life force.

Wanda: "So, if you two don't want to suffer another humiliation once again, make your egos like magicians and disappear! IS THAT CLEAR?!?!!?!"

Bill and Discord gulp in fear.

Bill Cipher/Discord: "Crystal....."

Wanda then lets them go and looks at them.

Wanda: "The plan is simple, find their dark halves and destroy them. I know that Freelancer said more than that but I said it in a simpler way so that you two would understand because you're idiots with oversaturated egos."

Rathsbone96 then appears besides Freelancer as they fist bump.

Rathsbone/Freelancer: "Yep we picked them."

Freelancer then snaps his fingers as he teleports the three chaotic beings to a frozen wasteland.

Wanda looks around as he sees what a depressing and Malefic land the place is.

Bill: "Wow, this is nuts! And that's coming from me of all people."

Discord's ears then start to twitch as he looks around.

Discord: "Do you hear that?"

Wanda and Bill Cipher turn to Discord, not hearing anything at first but were surprised to see an army of snow-like beings with blue caps.


The snowmen stop surrounding Wanda, Bill Cipher and Discord as they see how unnerving the frosty beings are.

Bill Cipher: "What are these little freaks?"

Wanda: "No clue. We shouldn't take these things lightly."

?????: "You are correct, Miss Maximoff."

The snowmen move aside to show Rathsbone's darker half alongside a giant king looking snowman.

Discord: "Rathsbone's darker half, I presume?"

Bill Cipher: "What are these, walking popsicles?"

The dark figure chuckles at Bill's humor.

D.R.: "The 'Jack Frost' and 'King Frost' are interesting creatures. The king has the power to freeze the entire world but it didn't know that it had that kind of power. As for the Jack frost, there is an interesting thing about them."

D.R. chuckles darkly as it snaps its fingers as the Jack frost transformed into an evil variation of themselves.

D.R.: "These beings turn into what they look like now when a cute Jack Frost remembers its nature as a demon and become Black Frost. As they say, Hee-ho."

Discord then snaps his paw as the King Frost & all of the Black Frost all turn into ice-cream as D.R. cracks its neck while smirking.

D.R.: "You want to play that game? Alright, let's play."

D.R. snaps its fingers and music starts playing.

Wanda gets confused as she looks to see where the music was looking for while Bill Cipher and Discord look at D.R. as it takes out a cane, welding it like a sword.

Wanda then gets ahold of herself, using her magic to create a chain and ball to Rathsbone's darker half to its leg.

The dark being's leg slips through the chain as the singing starts.

Discord then pulls out multiple Heavies from TF2 with their Gattling guns.

The Heavies: "CRY SOME MORE!"

D.R.: "A "Pony meets world" reference? That's a peculiar choice."

The Heavies start firing as D.R. splits his cane in half, holding both parts & using them as swords to deflect the bullets to each and every Heavy, killing them as they scream.

Bill Cipher: "You Deadpool hack!"

D.R. then wills the cane back together as the dark half stabs the ground, spinning it as the planet and reality spins with it like it was a bowl of spaghetti.

The chaos users were starting to get sick from spinning with reality as the reverse lyrics played.

D.R. then dashes over to Wanda until she fires her magic at the being, causing the half to absorb it.

He turns to Wanda with a look of hunger in its eyes.

D.R.: "That power. It's just the high I need!!!"

D.R. then snaps its fingers as Wanda gets trapped in her mind with her life flashing before the Scarlet witch as she gets her magic absorbed by D.R. and shatters like glass, killing her.

Bill Cipher and Discord then grab D.R. as they go through different dimensions while Bill Cipher's lyrics start.

After they get to the Meta Reality, which is in utter chaos because of the darker halves.

Discord: "This stalemate is getting old. How's about a different game?"

Discord summons a few dice as D.R. summons a gigantic Hisuian being of ice & stone, squishing the lord of Chaos and destroying his body.

The Draconequus' spirit and Bill Cipher possess D.R.'s body, going into his mindscape.

D.R.: "You're trying this trick now? Wow, you guys must be ancient to not know that what you're trying to pull will fail."

The mindscape suddenly lit into blue flames as Bill and Discord attack until D.R. smirks evilly as giant hands appear & grabs the two chaotic beings, locking them into place, draining their powers and pulling them back into the real world.

D.R. laughs maniacally, seeing that Bill and Discord's spirit are in its hands as the dark half absorbs their magic as they die in blue flames until he notices Bill's tone of voice being happy and Discord smiling.

Bill Cipher: "Oh well, it's time to throw in the towel. But hey..."

Discord: "Welcome to your new home."

The Meta Reality shatters around D.R., revealing to be the nightmare realm as the singing stops.

D.R.: "No. NO!!"

??????????: "I can't believe it."

D.R. turns to see both Rathsbone and Freelancer through a dimensional rift, lamenting their losses.

Rathsbone: "Neither can I. It was fortunate that both sides were sealed away so they can't be free, but.. it doesn't matter. We failed.

D.R. tries to dash over to the rift but the rift closes right in front of him, trapping him into the nightmare realm.

D.R.: "NO!!!"

Discord and Bill laugh as D.R. crushes them in its hands, fully absorbing the spirit of Chaos and the dream demon's powers.

D.R. then screams in pure rage, letting out shockwaves beyond shockwaves, howling across the multiverse, through time and space, putting everyone on edge until the screaming stopped in sync of the song finishing.

D.R.: "No matter. If Cipher can do this shtick, so can I."

D.R. slowly turns, opening its eyes and staring through the camera on the reader's device, making it a possible gateway to ask one question while holding out a hand as it lit a blue flame.



- Now, back to our original programming, for real this time. -


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