💙Chapter 13: Saving and Teaming Up With Paige💙

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Eliza's P.O.V.

I was in catering with Summer, eating a few grapes as Paige did her segment on the monitor. I was going to be saving her from an attack by Alicia and Aksana, resulting in a tag-team match.

"So, how's everything been going since you beat Rachelle?" she asked.

"Great. She doesn't bug the hell out of people and has stopped whoring around. Guess I just gave her an awakening." I explained.

Summer chuckled before speaking up. "Maybe we can have a girl's night with Paige and AJ when we have the chance."

"I'd like that. We haven't been on one of those in a while." I replied.

We continued watching until Aksana and Alicia attacked Paige from behind. They began stomping on her.

"That's my cue." I said as I got up and ran out of catering. I ran to gorilla, past the curtain before I came out.

The crowd cheered as I ran down the ramp and slid in the ring. I pounced on Alicia and began punching her before going to Aksana. I hit her with a dropkick and then a Twist of Fate.

They both rolled out of the ring before I turned my attention to Paige. I went to her and bent down, checking on her. I helped her up as she held onto the ropes.

"You okay, hon?" I asked.

She smiled at me. "Yeah, Pumpkin."

I went to get a microphone before looking at the two women on the outside.

"You want to attack my best friend?! Well, you mess with me to! You two versus the both of us right here, right now!" I shouted, tossing the microphone and taking my jacket off.

Soon, a referee came out and got in the ring.

Alicia and Aksana looked at each other and nodded before coming in the ring. We all went to our respective corners and I decided to start off against Alicia.

We circled each other as the bell rang. I immediately ran and tackled her, punching her over and over. I backed her into the corner before the referee separated us. Paige was encouraging me as I went for Alicia again.

*10 Minutes Later*

We were tearing our opponents apart and it was clear Paige and I were exhausted, but we still kept going.

Alicia had Paige in a headlock. My best was struggling to break free, trying to get up.

"Come on, Paige!" I encouraged her.

The crowd began chanting her name as Aksana and Alicia grew frustrated. Paige managed to break free and began landing punches. She backed her into a corner.

Alicia was holding her stomach in pain. Paige went to the opposite turnbuckle and ran before hitting her with a forearm. She grabbed Alicia and tossed her across the ring.

She got on the top rope, but Aksana ran and distracted her. I jumped off the apron and grabbed her leg, getting her off. I ran and hit her with a Spear. The crowd was going wild.

"That's how it's done!" I yelled, making them cheer loudly.

I turned around and was met with a Scissors Kick by Alicia. I fell to my knees and I was sent face first into the steel post. I held my head in pain as Paige came to check on me, holding her stomach and neck.

"Are you okay?!" she asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

She looked at Alicia. "Bitch!"

Paige went and prevented her from running. She tossed her back in the ring as I struggled to stand up.

She hit her with a running knee until Alicia managed to send her face first into the turnbuckle.

Both Paige and Alicia were down, trying to get to their corners. I saw Aksana encouraging her partner to tag her in.

I quickly ran to my corner and extended my arm out. "Let's go, boo!" I encouraged her.

Paige managed to tag me in just and Alicia tagged in Aksana. I slid in the ring and I began attacking her with Clotheslines.

I knew she sucked at this, so I thought of a quick way to pick up the win for my team.

I hit her with a dropkick and ran to the ropes, hitting a Sling Blade. I quickly went outside the ring and climbed the ropes as Paige prevented Alicia from getting to me.

I let out a battle cry before hitting Twisted Bliss. I pinned Aksana.

"One! Two! Three!"

The bell rang as Paige slid in the ring. She hugged me as I held my head with a smile.

"Here are your winners, the team of Paige and the WWE Women's Champion, Eliza Hardy!" Lilian announced.

Paige and I raised each other's arms and celebrated our win before exiting the ring. We walked up the ramp, arms around each other as I rose my title.

We got backstage and met up with Summer and AJ. The four of us decided to hang out in the locker room and pack up.

I walked with them when we passed The Shield who was talking.

"Great match." Seth said.

I looked at him and couldn't help but smile. "Thanks. Good luck on your guys' match tonight."

Dean smiled as well before looking at the girls. "Can you give us a minute?"

"No, Dean, it's fi-" Paige said before I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, girls. I got this." I told them.

They all nodded before walking off to the locker room.

I looked at the guys. "Fine. I'll give you all a chance to explain. But, it better be good."

"Look, Stella, we just wanted to say we're sorry for what we did, but you have to know the truth. There is a lot you don't know that you deserve to." Dean said.

"We didn't actually plan on kicking you out of the group or anything. We didn't even know what we were doing." Seth explained.

Roman was the next to speak up. "The one who caused all of this was Rachelle herself."

"What?" I asked, completely confused.

"That night we were all at the club and you had to take Nikki and Paige home because they wre drunk? Well, we were waiting for you, but somehow, Rachelle slipped some kind of drug or shit in my drink and it made me have sex with her without me even remembering it. I was confused until she told me that you had sex with some other guy and I came to her for comfort. She told me so much bullshit about you cheating on me. Rachelle even told these two that you were going around spreading shitty rumors. That's why we turned on her. When she revealed it was all fake, I was stuck with her. We were fools to believe that, Stella. You have no idea how much we regret it." Dean explained.

I looked at them before I nodded my head. "I'll have to think about it."

They looked hurt, but seemed to agree. "Take all the time you need."

I walked off, trying to process everything that just happened. The truth coming out and me realizing everything.

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