💙Chapter 23: That Special Day of The Year💙

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Shelby's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes just as I heard soft snores coming from Stella. I quickly got my phone and texted Xavier.

Shelby: Hey, babe. She's fast asleep. Is everything ready?

❤️Xavier❤️: Yeah. Jon already called Jeff and Matt to come down with their wives. They'll be here in a few hours. We're going to pick them up tomorrow. We'll set up the party tomorrow when Jon takes her out for a bit.

Shelby: She's going to love the surprises we have for her. She doesn't want to go out or anything. Just to celebrate her birthday at home.

❤️Xavier❤️: Yeah. I'll let you know when they get here. I'm on my way to the airport to pick you girls up

Shelby: Okay, babe. I love you

❤️Xavier❤️: I love you more

I put my phone down and put on some headphones before falling asleep next to my mentor. She's been amazing to me and has helped me with my training and taking me in when no one else would. This was me returning the favor and showing my gratitude.

Stella's P.O.V.

I woke up with Shelby shaking me gently, making me stir and blink several times as I opened my eyes. I looked and saw that it was roughly 2:45 am.

"We're home." she replied.

I groggily got up and rubbed my eyes as I realized she was right. We got off the plane and went to baggage claim to get our bags. Once we got the, we began walking through the airport.

"Xavier's going to pick us up. He offered. We just have to find him." she informed me.

We both walked until she gasped, seeing him on his phone and sitting down. Shelby walked fast and he looked up. I smiled as he got up and picked her up, spinning her around. I smiled as they reminded me of Jon and myself.

They kissed before he came over and hugged me. "Good to see you, Xavier."

"Good to see you too, Stel. Now, let's go home. Jon won't shut up about you." he explained.

I chuckled before the three of us walked out and into his car. We all talked while I dozed off a couple times until we got to mine and Jon's house.

I got my bag and said bye to them before going into the house. I closed the door and went up to my room.

I set my bag down and smiled as I saw the bathroom light on, knowing Jon was there. I got on the bed and waited for him.

Once he got out, I smiled as I saw him come out shirtless with his shoulder in a sling. He ran a hand through his hair before he looked up and his eyes met mine.

Before I could even speak, I felt him tackle me to the bed, avoiding his bad arm and the both of us laughing.

"When did you get back?" he asked.

"Just now." I replied.

I giggled as I felt him kiss my neck and I shivered at his touch. Jon moved his head and kissed me hard, yet gently. I kissed him back before he pushed me to the back of the bed. I giggled as I pushed him off me.

"Jon, forgetting something?" I asked.

He chuckled as he kissed my neck, nipping and sucking at the flesh, which turned me on even more than I already was. "I can't show my girl how much I missed her?"

I laughed and shook my head. "You can any time you want, but, your shoulder."

"Don't worry about me. You have control tonight." he said.

He kissed me again and I wrapped my arms around his neck. My legs wrapped around his waist as we slowly began taking our clothes off.

He was right when he said I had control but once he was healed, it would be a battle for dominance.


I walked down the stairs in a pair of navy warm-ups and one of my merchandise shirts. The smell of bacon filled my nose as I saw Jon making me breakfast. An omelette with my favorite fillings, bacon, pancakes, and some orange juice.

He must've heard me because he turned and a smile made it's way on his face. He looked at me with love and admiration in his eyes as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Happy birthday, my love." he told me.

"Thanks, babe." I replied.

He kissed my lips gently as I smiled, re-imagining the events that happened last night between us. He cupped my face as the kiss deepened. When we pulled away, our foreheads rested against each other.

"That smells amazing." I said as I leaned into his side.

"Well, I wanted to treat you to a birthday breakfast. I have to spoil my princess." he explained.

He served the both of us breakfast and we both sat down. It was then he took out a small box and handed it to me.

"I got this for you." he told me. I smiled and took it from his hand and opened it. I gasped as I saw it was a beautiful necklace that had a heart charm with S + J engraved on it. On the J, there was his birthstone and on the S, it was my birthstone.

"Oh, babe, I love it!" I told him as I hugged him. He hugged me back, kissing my head. "I got it custom-made for you."

I smiled as I cupped his face and kissed him. "Thank you, Jon. It's beautiful."

"Here." he said as he grabbed it. I moved my hair to the side and he clasped it around my neck. I smiled before kissing him again, running my hands through his soft hair.

"Later, you and I are going out for a bit before the real celebration happens" he explained.

"Real celebration, huh?" I asked with a smirk.

He chuckled before kissing my hand, winking at me. "Let's just say feathers will be flying around."

We both laughed before we went back to finishing our breakfast before retreating to the living room and snuggling. We watched a few movies until it was about lunch time and we ended up going out for a walk.


After almost two hours of us walking around and having some ice cream, we decided to go home.

I noticed Jon was being more anxious and excited. I knew something was up, since he doesn't act like that most of the time. I decided to probably ask him about it later.

We got to the door of the house and I opened the door. I noticed that it was very dark and I heard Jon close the door.

"Why's it so dark?" I asked with a small laugh.

Suddenly, the lights were turned on and confetti poppers went off with some cheering.

I gasped as I saw Shelby and Xavier there and I smiled. There was a party set up in my favorite colors that suited me.

"Oh, my gosh!" I said as I covered my mouth.

"Happy birthday, Stella!" Shelby said as she hugged me tightly. I laughed and hugged her back before pulling away. Xavier opened his arms and I smiled, hugging him. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you." I said with a smile as we pulled away.

Jon came over and kissed my lips. "That's not the only surprise we have."

"There's more?" I asked.

"Yeah, babe. You're going to love it." he told me.

He went to the closet that was in the kitchen and opened it.

I almost wanted to cry as I saw my brothers, a pregnant Ruby, and Beth come out of it. They all cheered, seeing me.

"Oh, my gosh! How did you get here?" I asked as my brothers picked me up, lifting me up with a hug.

"She managed to get us out here." Jeff said, gesturing to mentee.

"Thank you so much for bringing them out here." I told her as Ruby hugged me from the side.

"You've helped me so much and this is my way of showing you my gratitude." she replied as she wrapped an arm around Xavier. I smiled as I hugged her before we began having fun.

"When is that child popping out? I wanna meet my nephew!" I told Ruby as we ate some of the candies from the champagne cups.

"In a few weeks, Stella. Also, I would like for you and Jon to be the godparents." she explained.

Jon and I smiled as he wrapped an arm around me, kissing me.

"Of course we will." he told her.

We all ate cake, played some party games, and just had a good time celebrating my birthday.

I had gotten gifts from them including my Shield members. A Beauty and The Beast rose jar from Jon, a magenta leather jacket with the Shield logo on it from Joe, a pack of blue ring pops and a blanket with dogs on it from Colby, a wolf pendant from Xavier, a couple lava rock bracelets from Shelby, a couple Hot Topic shirts from Ruby and Matt, and a pair of light brown, studded boots from Jeff and Britt.

"Girl, rock that jacket!" Jeff exclaimed as I put it on.

The girls decided to take pictures of me posing with the jacket and my new sets of jewelry not long before Jon came in and we basically did a couples' photoshoot.

I took pictures with my family and friends before my boyfriend grabbed a piece of cake and smeared my face.

I gasped as he laughed before I chased after him. Everybody was laughing and recording us, just having a good time.

Overall, it was the best birthday ever.

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