💙Chapter 29: Eliza Hardy V.S. Shelby Underwood💙

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Stella's P.O.V.

Well, here we are. Tonight's where I fight Shelby for the championship. If I'm being completely honest, I'm nervous. What if I hurt her? What if our friendship ends even though we said it never will?

I stood in gorilla with her as the both of us were going to be next in the show. I have a feeling  that we're going to take each other to the limit. Xavier and Jon were going to be in the crowd watching us in our match. They helped us prepare and train for the match.

I looked at her and placed a hand on her cheek. "We're still going to be friends after this."

She smiled and nodded. "After this, it's a date night with our guys." she told me.

I laughed before I realized our match was about to start. Her theme played and she walked out the curtain. I heard the bell ding as she walked down the ramp, greeting some fans.

"The following contest is scheduled for one-fall and it is for the WWE Women's Championship! Introducing first, the challanger! From Jacksonville, Florida, Shelby Underwood!" Lilian announced.

She walked to the barricade and found Xavier before he kissed her hand and she smiled, blowing him a kiss. Shelby got on the apron and got inside the ring. She began doing air punches as the crowd cheered.

After she did her entrance, she took off her leather jacket and stood in the center, waiting for me.

My theme played and I walked out with my game face on, raising the belt over my head. 

"And her opponent, from Columbus, Ohio, she is the WWE Women's Champion, Eliza Hardy!" Lilian announced.

After walking down the ramp, I slid in the ring and did my pose before looking at Shelby. I handed my title to the referee and he rose it above his head.

Once we were ready, the bell rang and I was laser-focused. Shelby and I circled each other before we locked up. I sent her to the ropes and went to clothesline her, but she dodged me.

She and I locked with each other again before I punched her in the gut, followed by sending her to the ropes and performing a Clothesline on her. I walked to her, but she kicked me in the face, sending me to the ground. Shelby then grabbed my hair before she threw me into the turnbuckle. She then used about five knee kicks on me before she stopped and I was on the ground.

She grabbed my legs and did the first half of the Boston Crab on me, intertwining my legs with hers. I managed to get to the bottom rope and Shelby released me.

After she did, she grabbed my hair and lifted me up before picking me up and slamming me to the mat. She grabbed me and hit a backbreaker. She proceeded to pin me.

"One! Two!" I kicked out instantly.

Shelby went for me, but I kicked her in the face and got myself up quickly. I punched her in the face until she was slightly bent over. I grabbed her and performed the One-Legged Monkey Flip

I went for a pin.

"One! Two!" Shelby kicked out.

I grabbed her hair and threw her into the turnbuckle. I let out a battle cry before I ran, doing a kick with both my knees. I used a couple of high-knee kicks until she was on the ground.

I began to climb the ropes and once I got to the top and balanced myself, I performed a Swantonbomb, expecting to land on Shelby, but I collided with the mat pretty hard. 

I groaned in pain as I held my stomach. Both of us were down and I was trying my best to get back up as I saw Xavier and Jon looking at us in concern.

Shelby then got up and she grabbed my hair before punching me in the face. She sent me face-first in the turnbuckle and began hitting my head against it until I was down once again.

"One! Two!" I kicked out.

Shelby went for me, but I managed to lift a leg up and kick her in the face. I got up and sent her to the ropes before performing a Superman punch on her. The both of us lay on the mat. I got to the ropes and slowly pulled myself up as I saw our guys. Xavier was gripping the barricade anxiously.

Shelby got up and she grabbed my hair before slamming me face first into the turnbuckle. I felt something warm on my nose and I looked, only to see blood. She used a couple of high-knee kicks before I was down. She climbed onto the top rope and balanced herself before landing on me with a crossbody. She proceeded to hit me with a Deep Six. I lay motionless for a bit.

She then pinned me. 

"One! Two!" I kicked out.

She groaned before running a hand through her hair. I used the ropes to try and bring myself to my feet again.

I got up and punched her in the face numerous times before kicking her. I sent her to the turnbuckle and let out a scream before running, using a double-knees kick to her gut. She lifted her leg to kick me, which I caught. I sent her leg to the outside and double-kneed her to the ground. I put her in the Walls of Jericho.

It hurt me deeply that Shelby screamed in pain, but I had to win this. I had to show why I was the champion. Shelby was struggling to get free. She ended up hitting my side and I let her go. I grabbed her again, but she ended up getting me with a DDT from the turnbuckle. She then sent me to the ropes and I went through and landed hard in front of the announce table, on my shoulder.

"Fuck." I groaned as I held it, the throbbing pain increasing. Shelby came over and slid me back inside the ring. She came at me, but I performed numerous Clotheslines on her.

I got on the top rope and performed the Moonsault, sending her down. I lifted her up and turned her upside-down before hitting her with the Twist of Fate.

I pinned her. 

"One! Two!" she kicked out.

She ended up getting up and hitting me with Sweet Chin Music. She grabbed my hair and slammed my face into the turnbuckle. She repeated what she was doing until I had a complete bloody nose, making our guys concerned.

I saw Jon looking at me with worry and I could tell he was getting very nervous as the match went on.

She kicked me in the gut and grabbed me before body slamming me onto the mat. She went for the cover.

"One! Two!" I kicked out.

I lay on the mat as she got up. She got me and punched me numerous times before she sent me to the ropes and Clotheslined me.

She then got a steel chair and hit me with it numerous times, making me scream in pain. I could see her fighting tears in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry." she sobbed. 

She stopped and she grabbed me and sent me to the ropes before she ran and kicked me, sending me outside. She followed soon after and rammed me into the barricade as my shoulder kept throbbing. I fought against the urge to give up.

Shelby grabbed me and got to the announce table before she placed me onto her shoulders and body slamming me, making me crash down with it.

She grabbed me and sent me back inside the ring as I got up on my knees and wiped the blood away from my nose. She already had tears strolling down her face, though she kept wiping them and I could tell Jon and Xavier were trying not to.

She grabbed me and proceeded to use the Widow's Peak, but I kicked her in the face and used the ropes to support myself up.

She came at me and tried to Clothesline me before I ducked and ran. I kicked her, then hit her with the Dirty Deeds, sending her to the mat. I went onto the turnbuckle and got up before jumping on her. I got up as she tried to get up and hit her with a Spear.

I then pinned her. "One! Two!" she kicked out.

I got the steel chair and as she got up, slammed it into her back and gut before hitting her numerous times before I finished.

I grabbed her and I lifted her upside down and let out a scream before I performed the Tombstone on her, me falling beside her.

I crawled over to her and pinned her as I lifted up her leg, desperate to get the win, but she got up quickly and limped to the ropes before climbing up and hitting a Frog Splash on me. I groaned as she weakly covered me.

"One! Two! Three!" The bell dinged.

The fans cheered and I felt nothing but happiness for her. The referee came over and handed Shelby the title and raised her arm. I smiled as I turned my head. Shelby rose the belt above her head and celebrated her win, crying happy tears. She came over to me, tears in her eyes, and wrapped her arms around me as she held the belt. I wrapped my arms around her as she helped me up.

The both of us embraced in the middle of the ring. We made sure we were both okay. When we pulled away, I placed my hand on her cheek, smiling at her.

"I'm proud of you, Shelbs. You deserve this. I'm happy I lost to you. Now, it's your turn." I told her. 

She sniffled and nodded before I rose her arm.

I pointed to where our guys were and the both of us carefully got out of the ring and walked over to them. Xavier pulled Shelby in a big hug before they kissed.

I wrapped my arms around Jon and he kissed my head. "I'm proud of you, babe. The both of you. I'm so happy I have a badass like you for my girlfriend."

I giggled before he kissed me softly. I kissed him back as the crowd cheered. We pulled away before I went to Xavier and he hugged me.

"Great job, Stel. That was awesome." he told me. "Thanks, bro." I said into his shoulder.

We pulled away as Shelby hugged Jon. I noticed two figures join them and I smiled, seeing it was Joe and Colby.

They pulled the both of us into a hug and we giggled. "Good job!" they said at the same time. 

We all celebrated, raising our arms and smiling into the cameras. 

This was one hell of a match and by far, the best one I've had in a long time.

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