💙Chapter 8: You've Got To Be Kidding Me💙

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A/N: Italics will be the The Shield talking from the titantron

*Monday Night Raw*

Eliza's P.O.V.

I waited behind the curtain as I saw Eva in the ring, waiting for me. Stephanie banned Cameron and Rachelle from ringside, so she was by herself.

I was defending my title against her.

I adjusted my kneepads before I wrapped the classic, yet beautiful Women's Championship around my waist and moved my long, blonde hair over my shoulders.

I was wearing a Jeff Hardy shirt, denim shorts, and black combat boots with leather, fingerless gloves.

I walked out as the fans jumped from their seats and screamed.

"And her opponent, from Columbus, Ohio, representing The Authority, she is the WWE Women's Champion, Eliza Hardy!" Lilian announced.

I walked down the ramp.

I got on the apron and slid myself into the ring. I raised my title over my head with a smirk as the referee kept Eva back.

I handed the referee my title and he gave it to Lilian before the bell rang.

I smirked as I knew that with this opponent, I'll win in no time.

Eva went to Clothesline me, but I dodged it and performed a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT on her, sending her down.

I got on top of the second rope and waited for her to get up.

I jumped and performed an RKO, sending her down.

I got her legs and locked her into the Figure Four, eventually converting into the Figure Eight.

Eva tapped out immediately and I released her.

"Here is your winner by submission and still the WWE Women's Champion, Eliza Hardy!" Lilian announced.

The referee handed me my title and raised my arm. I smirked and got on the top rope, making the fans scream.

I jumped down and flipped my hair and was about to get out of the ring when I heard voices and I saw on The Shield on the titantron, Dean holding the camera.

"You've got to be kidding me." I told myself

"Well, hello there, Sweetheart." Seth greeted.

"It's been a long time, Darling." Dean added.

"In fact, way too long, Babygirl." Roman added.

I rolled my eyes before I asked Lilian for a mic and she gave it to me.

"A long time? Too long? Sure it has. Ever since you screwed me over and left me for a strawberry-blonde bitch who can't fight for shit." I told them.

"Come on, Babygirl. Give us a chance." Roman told me.

I scoffed as I held my title.

"Me? Give you a chance? After everything you put me through?! No chance in hell!" I shouted as I glared.

"Baby, you know you want me back. So do I." Dean said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes.

"If you wanted me so badly, maybe that night when you broke up with me, instead of replacing me with a bitch, we could've just got back to the hotel and solved everything." I told him with a malicious smirk, earning wolf whistles from the guys and cheers from the ladies.

Even Lilian and the commentators were trying not to laugh.

I rose the mic up again.

"But, you decided to do it another way. By hurting me." I told them.

"You don't know the truth, Lex. We want you back and there's a reason why. The Authority is trying to hurt us. We need our Queen of Justice. We need our Queen of The Hounds. We need you." Seth told me.

"Umm, did you forget? I'm in The Authority and they aren't hurting you three. They're serving me true justice that you three always fail in doing." I explained.

The guy stood frozen and I could tell they were trying so hard not to cry.

"Where was the justice when you walked out on me? Where was the justice when I was in a rehab facility after trying to kill myself with drugs and alcohol after what you did? I literally had nobody. I would get calls to get checked on from everybody else, but NOBODY was there with me. I had to go through it by myself. And where were you Roman and Seth? Nowhere. And where were you Dean? Screwing that bitch who just wants to be in your pants. Now, you just lost me." I explained with tears running down my face.

"Eliza. You don't know the truth. We were forced to turn on you. There's a reason why. You just need to listen." Roman said.

"I don't need to hear anymore of your bullshit lies anymore. I was done with you three a long time ago. I don't need you three anymore. I have the Divas. I have The Authority. Most importantly..." I trailed off before a smirk was plastered on my face.

"I have my boyfriend who treats me like a Queen and that's Dolph freaking Ziggler!" I said, making the crowd cheer.

"Also, just because I would like a little payback, since I am member of The Authority, you three will participate in a Seven-On-Three Handicap match against Big Show, Kane, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Mark Henry!" I shouted as the crowd went insane and the guys widened their eyes.

"You can't be serious. That's not the Eliza we knew. The Eliza I loved." Dean said.

"Oh, I'm damn serious! And, you're wrong. This is me and this is who I am! Believe that!" I shouted and flipped them off before tossing the microphone.

The titantron went back to the "RAW" logo and I got out of the ring and walked up the ramp.

I went backstage and I got to a lonely corner and sat down on the ground.

I hugged my knees to my chest and cried uncontrollably.

It was then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked and saw Brie, Daniel, CM Punk, AJ, Dolph, Paige and Randy there.

"Oh, Sweetie. It's okay." Brie told me as she hugged me.

"Why can't they just leave me alone?!" I sobbed into the shoulder as she helped me get up.

"They just don't give up! They betray me and then they are basically following my ass everywhere I go! Why can't they just stop and leave?!" I sobbed.

All the Divas and Superstars hugged me one by one. Randy was the last one.

"What The Shield did wasn't scripted. If they keep this up, she will go back to her old habits. We can't risk that anymore." he told the rest.

"Ladies, you all stay with her the whole time until the show is over. I'll take her to the hotel. I'll have Paige, AJ, Punk, Dolph, and myself be her roommates for the night." Randy explained.

Everybody nodded before the intercom sounded.

"All Handicap match participants, please report to the curtain at this time."

Randy, being like the older brother he is, kissed my head and ruffled my hair before he, Daniel Punk, and Dolph walked off.

AJ wrapped an arm around me and I did the same as we walked down the hallway.

"How are things with you and Dolph? I hope you don' mind the storyline tween us." I asked Paige.

"Great. I don't know if I should ask him out. Also, I don't mind the storyline. I know you two are like long-lost siblings." she replied.

"Girl, if he doesn't make the first move, beat him to it." I joked and she laughed.

"What about you, AJ? How are things with Punk?" I asked her.

"Awesome. He asked me to marry him." she said as she showed her ring.

"Girl, that is gorgeous!" I said.

"What about you guys?" I asked Brie.

"Good. I kind of want to be a mother now." she told me.

"Really? That's great." Paige replied.

"I know. I am so excited." she replied.

We all went to catering and we sat there.

We saw The Shield and their opponents already in the ring as Rachelle, Eva, and Cameron were at ringside.

Style and grace
I'm never gonna be done
Lean on in
Now welcome to the queendom

Stephanie's music hit. She smirked a she stopped halfway down the ramp. The music stopped as she held a mic.

"Wait just a minute. Before this match happens, Rachelle Deville, Eva Marie, and Cameron, you all are banned from ringside. This will include all future matches for The Shield and each one of you." she said.

The Shield protested as well as the girls. Stephanie sent a glare to them.

"Ladies, get out of there, go backstage, or all of you will be fired." she told them.

Rachelle stomped her foot as she stormed off, Eva and Cameron following behind her.

I laughed as they passed by Stephanie, glaring at her.

Once they were off-screen, I smiled and went to go and get some food for me and the girls.

When I got the food, I walked to the table and set them there.

"Drinks?" I asked.

"Water." AJ said.

"Beer." Paige added.

"I'll get a beer as well." I said.

I walked to get the food, but, I felt myself get bumped into.

"Watch it, bitch!" she told me as Eva and Cameron stood behind her.

"Excuse me, strawberry shortcake? You watch it!" I told her.

"Okay, you want to go there, huh?!" I yelled as AJ and Paige rushed over.

"Yeah, bitch! Let's go!" she said.

I broke free of Paige and AJ's hold and tackled the little bitch down.

I landed punches after punches as she pulled my hair and fought back. I grabbed her hair and slammed her face against the ground.

"Come on, Lex! That's enough!" AJ told me as she and Paige tried to get me off.

Eva and Cameron tried to pull Rachelle away.

"You took everything for me! Now that I'm back, I'll make sure I crush your dreams once and for all!" I yelled.

AJ, Paige, Eva, and Cameron separated us and I calmed down as Rachelle was kicking her legs, trying to come at me again.

I mocked a crying face to her as I smirked.

"Never light up the fuse! This piece of dynamite will blow you up and you'll regret it!" I yelled as I went back to the table.

Everybody else in catering looked at us.

"Mind your business, please." I told them as I sat down.

They went back to what they were doing.

I began to eat my food while watching the match.

"Damn, girl, you beat that bitch good." Paige told me.

"I just had to." I said as I took a bite from my pizza.

"And The Shield is getting beat up pretty well." AJ said.

I saw that The Shield was out of breath and strength as Seth laid motionless on the mat as Mark Henry made a tag.

He tagged in Dolph and Seth could barely stand up. Dolph ran and hit him with...my finisher.

He then pinned him and got the three count. I smiled as the girls and I clapped.

Soon, Dolph came backstage and joined us.

"Hey, Bambi." he said as he ruffled my hair.

"Hey, Dolphin." I replied. He sat next to Paige and kissed her.

Oh, how that reminded me of myself and Dean.

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