Chapter Forty

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[Spitfire : Chapter Forty]

1 September, 1994

            Cassie Lyra Lee Snow was constantly full of surprises, Isaac knew that. Not only could she change her appearance from one thing to another, but she also had the mind of an overactive puppy with a mind for mischief. Not Weasley-mischief but Cassie-mischief. That meant Isaac always had to be ready for something new to pop up with the girl. Whether it was she learned how to change her arm into a bird's wing or she discovered her father was a mass murderer on the loose.

    What Isaac never expected was Cassie Snow spending the summer with him and it being one of the best summers he could remember since he was an unsorted assumed-Ravenclaw child protege. His mum even became the saint he never remembered her to be, and his father hadn't used his favored punching-jinx once that summer. The summer of 1994 was his best and most favorable. Though, he and Cassie were still glad to return to Hogwarts. That year Thorfinn was going to be gone, he graduated the year before and was most likely in the middle-east hunting rare and endangered magical species with his twisted family.

    At Platform 9 3/4 it took an incredibly long five minutes for Indra Deehan to finally release Cassie from her tight embrace. Well, it actually ended minutes before but the woman continued to pat her cheeks and shoulders. Isaac could see how badly Cassie wanted to leave so he took initiative and directed his mother's attention by pointing towards his older sister Harper who was dangling on a Hufflepuff boy's arm. Indra Deehan couldn't have that, her daughter was too young. Allowing a child to fool around with a boy would portray a bad image for the pristine Deehan family.

     The woman took off like she was fighting for first in a marathon. And so did the children. Before she could look back both Cassie and Isaac rushed to the doors of the train with their trunks in tow. Mayhem, who was relaxing in his cage during the short break, was flung side-to-side with every rushed footstep. Cassie had to risk her freedom to grab her sugar quills that fell out of her pocket, thankfully the large bustling crowd blocked Indra, who had Harper clutched in her grasps, from getting close enough to stop her. Before the woman actually made it back over, Isaac and Cassie rushed into the depths of the train towards the back where Isaac would reunite with Marcella and Estelle.

    "Well well well, look who we have here." Said Marcella, her haired newly-dyed silver and a soft tan toning her original pale skin. The hair reminded Cassie that she no longer had to keep her hair white. As if she was taking off a tight ponytail, she sighed in relief and shook her head around as it changed back blue. Marcella ignored the act while Isaac and Estelle watched her in amusement. "It's Mr. I-Take-Weeks-To-Message-Back. Finally remember us, Deehan?"

    Isaac cheekily smiled, hugging Estelle who held her arms wide. "I was busy, Marc. I eventually got back."

     "Yeah, it was great hearing about you and Snow's shenanigans from June yesterday," Marcella stated, she peered at Cassie's grey owl who was nuzzling its feathers. "and that wretched owl, it was yours? No wonder . . . looks daft as Lockhart."

    "Don't blame Mayhem for Isaac's misdeeds." Cassie stated, covering her owl's cage. Isaac glared at her and she smiled up at him, he grew a lot over the summer. It seems her growths spurt to five foot nine was as tall as she was going to grow.

    "Ignore her, she's bitchy today." Estelle said, grinning and patting the empty spots on either side of her. Isaac gladly sat down but Cassie stayed standing at the doorway.

     "Am not." Marcella grumbled, crossing her arms and relaxing a leg on Isaac's knee from across from her.

    "No worries, I always ignore her." Cassie teased, Marcella scoffed. With a grin, Cassie readied Mayhem and her trunk in either hand. "I'm going to go reunite with my comrades. Ciao, snakes."

    "Seeya, cub." Isaac retorted, winking at her as she left. Cassie rolled her eyes at the underwhelming nickname and left the compartment. The train hadn't yet moved so the threat of being ambushed by Indra Deehan was still plausible. To hide herself from the windows she held up Mayhems cage beside her face. She also made sure her hair was a boring brown color, Cassie made herself a reputation of never being normal.

"What are you doing?" Cassie heard a voice ask, she looked around in her octal view to find nothing. That meant the culprit was on the right side of her, where her cage was dangling by her face. She didn't turn as quickly as she should have because she could easily recognize the voice. It was Fred Weasley's; the boy who she unintentionally ignored throughout the entire summer. She heard a small cough, "Well?"

"Weasel-bee!" Cassie said joyfully, placing an enormous grin on her face and turning towards the boy. He was much taller than the last time she saw him, his vibrant red hair was also the same length as hers; laying just above the shoulder. He didn't have a smile on his face, something Cassie expected in the back of her mind. She hoped she would've had time to get settled on the train before encountering anyone, she had a lot of explaining to do for her silence.

"Snow," He greeted, unmoving with his arms crossed. George Weasley was in the seat behind him, sitting across was Angelina Johnson and Lee Jordan. "why are you holding your owl like a lantern?"

"Long story," She said, she looked behind Fred. "hello!"

"Hi!" Lee greeted enthusiastically, Angelina gave her a small wave. George crossed his own arms, his face wearing the same expression as his twins. If there was one thing Cassie liked least about the Weasley twins, it was that they were always in sync with their thoughts, beliefs, and, well, looks. If one twin was mad at her the other was too. Even if it was because she accidentally spilled pumpkin juice on one of them.

Which definitely didn't happen during mischief night the year before.

    "Seems as though you're hiding from someone, Snow." Fred said, tilting his head with an even expression. "Anyone in particular?"

    "Yes, actually—"

    "You bloody blue-headed bitch!" Shouted a familiar Irish accent from a few compartments down the train. By then the train began to rattle, indicating the engine was on and they were about to depart. There were also a few prefects closing the doors to the train. Cassie looked over to see Kennedy, backed by an arm-crossed Rose and a smiling Fiona.

    Before Cassie could say anything, her freckled friend had stomped over with her posse and hit Cassie with a jacket. "Bloody ow!" Cassie shouted, blocking her face and accidentally dropping Mayhem in the process. She may had also ran into Fred who she quickly threw herself off of before he could join Kennedy in her rage.

"One hundred and four days of summer vacation and I haven't once heard from you!" Kennedy said, jabbing a finger at Cassie's face. "Neither has Rose, from Fi we have to hear you bloody—"

"Inside the compartment, people." Ordered a prefect walking by, herding the teenagers like sheep into the Weasley twins compartment.

"Cassie, Cassie-dear, is that you?" Cassie heard from across the window immediately upon entering. Cassie's face reddened as she looked over to Ms. Deehan who was on the platform, relief on her face as she's finally found the metamorphmagus. The woman had a bottle of water in her hand and there was a small sack of cash floating towards the open space. "I wanted to give you these in case you get the munchies, and the water is self-replenished so you won't have to worry about getting thirsty during the trip."

Cassie could hear the snickering from Lee, who had no idea who this woman was, and some questioning looks from Kennedy who was now distracted by the random woman acting as her best friends mother. Cassie grabbed the pouch of currency from the air and reached for the water bottle. "Er, thanks Ms. Deehan."

"No bother, Cassidy." The woman said confidently, a bright grin on her face. There was a small cough from Rose who fought off the smile trying to replace her stern expression. Cassie hated being called Cassidy, everyone knew that. And now there was some lady calling her it and Cassie didn't even attempt to argue. "Remember, you're always welcome to come home at Christmas. And if you do, make sure Isaac comes — boy never answers my letters."

    "Yes ma'am," Cassie said, her cheeks blushing. "I'll mail you if I decide to, er, visit."

    "Yes, yes," She nodded, her eyes then lit up like a spark. "oh, silly me! No one'll be coming home for Christmas holiday, how quickly I can forget things amazes me."

    "Pardon?" Cassie asked, all her thoughts shifting to the new information. Her friends behind her even leaned in to listen, the Weasleys seemed most curious as they both now stood on either side of Cassie. Fred seemed much more tense than George, though, like he didn't want to be around Cassie.

    "Oh, you'll find out when you arrive." Indra stated, waving her hand. The train let out an enormous honk and the chugging began, Cassie nearly fell backward when it started moving. Indra began following the train in a fast pace. "Goodbye, love, it was great having you over!"

    Cassie ignored her, instead she caught eye of someone standing by a pillar towards a coffee shop behind the hoard of parents. It was Kendra. Cassie had her head out the window to catch a closer glimpse of the woman who was actually there. Kendra seemed to notice Cassie noticing her presence and gave a small wave, a somewhat blank expression on her face. Cassie gave a wave back and then was yanked back into the train by the back of her shirt. Seconds later, the train was going through a tunnel which would have surely decapitated the metamorphagus if she were there any longer.

"You have a suicide wish?" Kennedy asked, her tone as angry as it was before.

"I—," Cassie stopped herself, rubbing her arm while Kendra's face continued to flash through her mind. The woman seemed better than before, than again Cassie could've just been fooled by the woman's normal clothing. "no, I didn't realize the tunnel was so close."

"Idiot," Kennedy sighed, rubbing her face. She then looked back up and lightly pushed Cassie on the shoulder, "all summer and no ones heard a word from you. Explain yourself."

"Well, I—"

"She was at Deehan's." Fred stated, Cassie nearly forgot he was there.

"I was," Cassie nodded. Her brow quirked, "how did you know that?"

He ignored her, sitting down beside his twin and looking out the window in a sulking position. Cassie's brows quirked again and she opened her mouth to speak but Rose beat her to it.

"Did you get the gift I sent you?" The French girl asked, her eyes curious and hopeful. Cassie bit her lip and shook her head.

"I haven't gotten any mail over the summer, nor have I been able to send anything to anyone other than Fi." Cassie said, tilting her head to the muslim who smirked. "Mayhems been an arsehole, and the Deehan's don't have an owl."

"Why were you at the Deehan's anyway?" Kennedy asked.


"As fun as this conversation is to listen to," Fred started, his head perking up as he spoke.

"Can't I ever speak?" Cassie whispered to herself in exasperation.

"can't you guys take this elsewhere? I don't feel like listening to you ladies complain today." He finished.

Cassie was wide-eyed and turned to the boy, she hadn't heard that tone of voice since her and his little squabble a few years before when his sister went missing. George even seemed surprised by his twin and Angelina was not-so inconspicuously kicking Fred in the shin. Lee was amused by the whole interaction, laying back and taking a sip of Cassie's bottle of water she purposely handed to him.

"Say that again, Weasley, all I can hear coming from your mouth is shite falling into a toilet bowl." Kennedy said aggressively, stepping closer to him. Rose put a hand on her shoulder and Fiona backed up to the door of the compartment.

"We never invited you lot in here," Fred continued, not affected by the girls insult. He glanced at Cassie and then looked back at Kennedy. "we were having a much better time before you've barged in and began fighting."

    "Oh, we're sorry our presence disturbs you, your highness." Kennedy said, her tone full of airy sarcasm. Cassie backed up towards her friends and watched the boy with a face of hurt. She knew he would be mad at her but she never expected him to verbally attack herself and her friends.

    "Just go, please." Fred said, waving them off in annoyance.

    Kennedy was about to attack him but Rose pulled her out, Fiona had already left a few moments before knowing something bad was brewing. Cassie was last to leave with her suitcase in one hand and her owl in the other. She glared at Fred who raised a brow at her, not jokingly like how he normally did but with annoyance. She huffed. "It was amazing seeing you after so long, Weasel. I've missed spending time with you."

    Before he could respond, she left the compartment to join her girlfriends. She explained what happened and they took it so much better than the Weasley who didn't even allow her to explain. The rest of the train ride to her sixth year was spent in silence, looking out the window and watching the passing landscapes with a new ball of stress entangling her heart. She had seen Kendra and possibly lost a friendship all in one day.

After the girls left their compartment, Fred, George, Angelina, and Lee were left in an awkward silence. Fred was visibly steaming with anger as his twin and Angelina spoke with face gestures. Lee was moving around in his spot causing a lot of noise and crinkling from his bottle. Eventually the silence was broken when Angelina sighed, losing her argument with George who was sorta afraid of his twin at the moment.

Fred acted odd all summer, in the beginning he tried to hide it but you could tell something was wrong. Towards the end, like that day, he began losing his patience more. Growing angry at any little thing.

"Why'd you act like an arse?" Angelina bluntly ask, no sign of fear in her whatsoever. Fred looked over at her and glared.

"I didn't."

"You did." She stubbornly stated.

"I wasn't an arse, I just didn't want her in here." He grumbled, then coughing. "Them, I mean."

"Why's that?" Angelina asked, "you didn't seem to have a problem with them during the train ride home last year."

"Can you drop it? I just didn't feel like dealing with them." He argued.

"Dealing with them? You say this as if they're a bunch of ickle children." Angelina said. "Fred, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Fred stated.


"Ang! Please, drop it." He said, his voice raising a bit. By then George decided to force himself into the small bicker-match, he kicked his twins foot with his own then shuffled away a bit at the quick glare.

"Don't you yell at me, Fred Weasley, because you're in some pissy-fit!" The girl stated, leaning forward angrily. "Talk to us, what's going on? You usually love talking to Snow."

"Cas hasn't mailed either of us all summer," George explained, gaining another glare from his twin. If possible, George's tooth glimmered when he grinned innocently at his brother. "he's been complaining about it all the time."

"That's not why I'm mad at her," He grumbled, he rubbed his face. "Them, I mean them."

"Sure," Angelina said disbelievingly. "but that wouldn't make you so angry. You yourself suck at mailing, what else happened?"

"I'm leaving." Fred said, standing up. Angelina stood in front of him and harshly shoved him down. His angered expression morphed into surprise at the strength of the girl.

"No," she said. "I'm leaving. And until you can explain to me why you're being an arse to everyone, stay away from me."

"Ang—" Started George, she held a finger up and silenced him.

"I'll see you at Hogwarts, George." Angelina said, stepping out of the compartment. Before she made her way down the middle aisle she held a finger up at Lee. "Thanks for the help, Jordan."

"No problem, love!" Lee said gleefully, earning himself a kick from either twin.

Authors Note:

Not even 3,000 words and this took forever to write, oopsie. I also have five drafts of this same chapter because writing has been super hard lately, lol. This sorta sucks but U hope you guys enjoy anyway. Vote and comment if you liked this chapter, or if you just want to be nice, it'd be appreciated. (:

January 8, 2020
2,907 words

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