Chapter Four

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[Spitfire : Chapter Four]

3 November, 1991

               Entering into November, the weather had changed drastically. The flourishing green hills were no longer green, instead, they were an icy-grey whilst the black lake was like chilled steel. Students no longer voluntarily went outside, whenever they were forced to for classes it was like hell. Seeing as Cassie was naturally a cold person, nothing could get rid of the lingering icy chill that was always chilling through her bones. Cassie had actually started going to class with her leather jacket, most Professors didn't seem to mind but Professor Snape was always badgering her about it. Though the recent class he seemed rather distracted, only targeting a few Gryffindors instead of the whole lot. Cassie could even see he was walking with a limp.

    On Halloween there was a little mishap, during the feast a troll managed to break itself into Hogwarts. It was believed to be a prank, that Peeves the Poltergeist broke it in. Peeves denied the accusations, though, dropping buckets of goop on the heads of students who asked. Fred and George Weasley also became victims of the goop, despite the relationship the mischevious twins and the poltergeist shared. Seeing as trolls were, in Kennedy's words, naturally idiotic lumps of mold, there was one question that was on people's minds: Who let the troll into Hogwarts?

    Apparently, Harry Potter managed to take it down with his two friends Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. They didn't talk much about it, Cassie even tried asking Hermione what happened but the girl responded with, "The boys saved me from it after I tried to take it down myself — oh look, pudding!" every single time. It was odd, Hermione was normally the talkative type around her. Constantly gossiping or asking her questions about being a metamorphmagus — it was like she was in a neverending interview. But now something new was on the minds of Hogwarts students, including talkative Hermione Granger; Quidditch.

    That Saturday evening was going to be the first Quidditch match of the year. Everyone around the school was going nuts, wearing their houses colors and shouting chants at the enemy. Everyone as in Slytherin and Gryffindor. If there wasn't a Gryffindor making snake hisses at a Slytherin then there most definitely was a Slytherin hexing a Gryffindors hair green somewhere else in the castle. Like the full-blooded Gryffindor Cassie was, she dressed in entirely red and gold. She wore golden-colored jeans as she and had Fiona dyed their clothes the day before, on top she wore a red tank top with her leather jacket on top — as if she'd ever go anywhere without that miraculous thing. To top it all off she wore a red and gold scarf, a lion sewed at the edge of it.

    Being thirteen years old and barely educated on the arts of makeup, she instead painted red and yellow lines under her eyes. To match it she turned her hair red and gold; much to Fiona's delight as the girl clapped excitedly — like an adorable child. Fiona sat on her own bed, dressed in a large puffy jacket — the color of red while wearing a bright yellow hijab. "Cassie, don't you think you're going a bit . . . overboard?" Asked the girl as she watched Cassie throw some splotches of red paint on her golden jeans.

    Cassie looked over at her friend, "Nope," she said, popping the 'p'. "Just showing my support for Rosie."

    Rose had been on the Quidditch team since second year, she originally didn't make the team but after Alicia Spinnet, a Chaser, got injured — Rose was given the spot. Since then Alicia would glare at the girl whenever they passed, Alicia had only sprained her ankle but to the team's captain, Oliver Wood, it was like she got a life-long knee injury that would prevent the girl from ever playing again. Then again, Oliver Wood was always paranoid with his team, always wanting the best of the best. That's why Cassie was left confused when Rose told the girls that Harry Potter was accepted onto the team. Despite being in the first year.

    "Do you think Kennedy's going to be mad she can't watch the game?" Fiona asked, fear laced in her voice. An angry Kennedy was a scary Kennedy. The day before Kennedy came down with the flu, she tried her best to reassure Rose she'd be there but Kennedy was basically a walking plague. Madam Pomfrey forced the girl to stay overnight in the hospital wing, despite the many revolts Kennedy forced against the matron. The first was Kennedy casually walking out, a sneeze giving her away to the point that Madam Pomfrey had to spell the girl to stay put. Another was Kennedy panicking, stating she had to feed her cat. Madam Pomfrey then reminded the girl she was allergic to cats. Kennedy ended up being so feverish that she hallucinated a cat called Bucky who could breathe fire.

    "She'll be more than pissed," Cassie said, wiping the paint off her hands and sticking a sugar quill between her lips like a cigar. "She'll be murderous, I recommended that Pomfrey should give her a calming draught this morning but I think she called my bluff. Poor soul."

    "Perhaps I should go down there and stay with her, I'm sure Rose wouldn't mind." Fiona suggested, taking one of Cassie's sugar quills.

    Cassie looked at her as if she were crazy, "Kennedy would kill you if you didn't support Rose on the first Quidditch match of the year. And then she would kill me for not making you support Rose on the first Quidditch match of the year while she was incapacitated."

    "A-alright then," Fiona mumbled, guilt etched onto her face. "We should get going then, at least if you want to wish Rose good luck before the game." Cassie nodded and grabbed her wand, shoving it into her boot before the two girls made their way out of the dorms.

    Most students were finishing up their lunch in the Great Hall, both Cassie and Fiona grabbed biscuits and shoved them in napkins before they made their way to the Quidditch pitch. Immediately after they left the castle they were in chatters, Cassie regretted not wearing a warmer jacket as she shook violently from the cold. Fiona was almost, or just as cold as she confided in her biscuit for warmth. After a few minutes, they decided to run, not being able to take the cold any longer.

    Once at the Quidditch pitch the two girls had to sneak into the area where the Gryffindor team was getting ready. Thankfully, Professor McGonagall wasn't there, it made the task of sneaking in much easier. Once inside Cassie hoped to be relieved of the cold but there wasn't even a change in temperature, she felt bad for all the players who weren't allowed to wear jackets. Causing Cassie to jump, Rose came running from where she polished her broom. "I've been waiting twenty minutes! Where have you guys been?"

    "Cassie had to paint her jeans," Fiona explained, Cassie rolled her eyes and hugged her friend.

    "Well, I have someone for you guys to meet," She said, putting an arm around both Fiona and Cassie's shoulder as she walked them towards an area with a bunch of old Quidditch supplies. "He's a bit shy, mostly nervous, today's his first match." She explained, Cassie looked at the brooms in confusion. "Are we calling brooms 'he' now?"

    "Wha— no!" Rose said, she turned towards a boy a few feet away talking to a tall brown-haired boy. "Girls, meet Harry Potter." She stated, Harry turned towards them and went stiff at the strangers. "Harry, meet Cassie Snow and Fiona Sen. Today is Harry's first game, he's going to be seeker!"

    "That's wonderful!" Fiona exclaimed in excitement, enthusiastically shaking Harry's hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Harry Potter, I've heard of the things you've done. Mighty spectacular."

    Harry looked uncomfortable but Fiona didn't seem to notice, Cassie silently observed the boy. This was the first time they were formally meeting, up close she could see the similarities between him and his father James Potter. They both had black messy hair, the same shaped nose and even glasses that were identical. At least they are according to the history books Cassie read about You-Know-Who's disappearance. She could also see the bottom of a scar on his hair-covered forehead, if Fiona hadn't nudged her she'd still be staring at the boy as he waited for an introduction.

    "Oh, right," Cassie started, breaking out of her daze. "Pleasure to meet you, Potter, good luck with your game tonight. Wood'll go barking mad if this game isn't won." At that Harry seemed to panic as his eyes grew wide.

    Cassie looked at Rose for help and Rose put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "She's only joking, you'll do fine, Potter."

    Causing Cassie to freeze, she felt hot air blow onto the back of her neck. She then jumped, almost crashing into Harry when she heard, "WHAT'S she doing here?" shouted right into her ear. In shock, Cassie's hair flashed a purple color, over the years Cassie and her friends noticed purple was what her hair changed to when she was scared. Blue was when she was happy and red was when she was angry — coincidentally enough. Her hair then flashed from dark purple to bright red, almost matching the Weasley's hair who stood with an amused smirk. "

    Bloody Weasley!" She shouted. "Do you really want to play your first match with a broken nose?"

    "Tempting, but not today." Said Fred Weasley, a lopsided grin on his face. He stood in his uniform, not looking at all cold as he held a broom lazily in his hand. His hair was a mess, most likely from practicing on the pitch. Behind him came his twin George Weasley, wearing an almost identical expression on his face. "Scaring Potter so your Slytherin lover wins the match, eh Snow?"

    "You bloody wish," Cassie stated, a look of disgust on her face at the boy's accusation. "Although I will root that you get hit with a bludger, it'd be fun to watch a Weasley squeal."

    "If you wanted me to squeal Snow, you could've just asked." Fred stated, his twin laughed and high-fived him at the vulgar statement. Cassie silently lifted her knee, pulling out her aspen-wood wand and lifting it up to point at the boy.

    Quickly, Fiona shoved her arm down and stated, "Why don't we just leave, yeah?"

    Cassie looked at Fiona, "No way! We're staying here until the game starts, Kennedy's orders. Though if you'd let me hex these arses, then maybe this wait will be a little more bearable."

    "We're right here y'know," Said George in amusement.

    Cassie glared at the boy and Fred laughed, "You're a bloody spitfire, you know that, Snow?"

    "And you're a bloody prick, you know that Weasley?" Cassie retorted, her eyebrows raised. During the little confrontation she noticed her hair had changed color, she quickly changed it back in hopes the boys wouldn't make fun of her lack of concentration. Still, a small blush found its way onto her pale, paint-covered cheeks.

    "Alright, I'm done watching this." Rose stated, putting a hand on Cassie and Fiona's shoulders. "You two go find some nice seats before Cas decided to kill both our beaters."

    Grudgingly, Cassie allowed Fiona to drag her towards the stands. As they left Fred obnoxiously waved them goodbye, George yelling, "Don't forget to save a seat for your snake bestie!"

    "You should've let me hex them into oblivion." Cassie grumbled as they sat down next to the commentators stand. "I've been working on some new ones, coulda made them lose their hair."

    "Impressive but Kenny would kill us both if you ruined the game for Rose." Fiona stated, warming her hands up.

    Cassie shrugged. "She's sick as a dog right now, the worst she could do is cough on me."

    "Wanna bet?" A raspy voice asked. Cassie and Fiona simultaneously looked over to see a girl wrapped in a blanket, black sunglasses covering her eyes. Her face was pale and glazed with sweat, Cassie gasped when she realized who it was.

    "Merlin's beard, Ken," Fiona whispered, "what are you doing here? Madam Pomfrey is going to freak!"

    "No, she won't," Kennedy said through a cough as she slid closer to the two girls. "I made Noah take my spot, little runt owes me for what I did for him."

    "What did you do for him?"

    "His essay." Kennedy mumbled, she coughed again. "Never mind that, when's the game going to start? Is Harry Potter really the seeker?"

    "He is!" Fiona shouted in excitement. "He's so adorable, he was basically trembling in his giant uniform. He even has the scar, a great big lightning bolt right in the middle of his forehead."

    "Interesting," Kennedy said, leaning back a bit with her eyes closed. She was in pain, all her muscles hurt and her head was pounding as if there was a niffler in her skull, slamming against it to break out and catch the golden snitch itself. It was too late now to go back, Noah was already in a wig, drinking potions he doesn't need and getting high off them.

    The girls sat chatting for a few more minutes, across the pitch Cassie spotted Isaac. She gave a small wave and he only flashed her a quick glance, she frowned and brought her attention back to the game which was beginning to start. In the middle of the field were both teams, Madam Hooch in the middle of them. Rose stood readily, her blonde ponytail blowing in the wind. Cassie shivered for her.

    After they all mounted their brooms, the game started. Immediately Rose took ahold of the quaffle. In the commentator's booth, Lee Jordan, also known as an almost equally annoying companion of the Weasley twins, was being scolded for his comments over Rose's appearance.

    Fiona and Cassie cheered, standing up and yelling in support for their friend who took the Quaffle. Kennedy, beside them, jumped — she hadn't even realize the game started.

    "And she's really belting along up there, a neat pass to Angelina Johnson, a good find of Oliver Wood's, last year only a reserve — back to Rose Murphy and — no, the Slytherin's have taken the Quaffle, Slytherin captain Marcus Flint gains the Quaffle and off he goes — Flint flying like an eagle up there — he's going to sc- no, stopped by an excellent move by Gryffindor Keeper Wood and the Gryffindors have taken the Quaffle — that's Chaser Katie Bell of Gryffindor there, nice dive around Flint, off up the field and — OUCH — that must of hurt, hit in the back of the head by a Bludger — Quaffle is taken by Slytherins — that's Adrian Pucey speeding off toward the goalposts, but he's blocked by a second Bludger — sent his way by Fred or George Weasley, can't tell which — nice play by the Gryffindor Beater, anyway, and Murphy is back in possession of the Quaffle, a clear field ahead and off she goes — she's really flying — dodges a speeding Bludger — the goalposts are ahead — come on, now, Rose — Keeper Bletchley dives — misess — GRYFFINDORS SCORE!"

    The three Gryffindors jumped and cheered for their friend who wore a grin on her face. Even Kennedy jumped up, despite the throbbing pain in her entire body. Rose looked over and her smile grew even larger at the sight of Kennedy. Cassie was now warmed up by her adrenaline, she didn't even notice herself cheering when one of the Weasleys shot a bludger at Adrian Pucey.

    The game continued slowly, neither teams scoring much. That was until the golden snitch was noticed by Lee Jordan, which got the attention of both seekers. While Harry Potter went for it his broom was knocked by Marcus Flint, the boy managed to get back on but his broom started to malfunction. It shook like an earthquake as if its only purpose was to throw the boy off. It then started going upward, the Weasley twins attempted to help him off but every time they got near it jumped up higher. Since when were brooms homicidal?

    The Slytherins cheered, as they had just scored, and no one really noticed Harry's broom going wonky as it lurched forward and backward dangerously, going higher and higher into the sky. Cassie nudged her friends and pointed, Fiona gasped and Kennedy leaned forward for a closer look, "What in seven hells is this child doing? He needs to get the snitch!"

    "Bloody hell, Weasels!" Cassie yelled to the twins who hovered below the levitating boy. "Help him!" Fred looked at her, his expression was panicked, he gave her an 'I don't know what to do!' look as George looked up at Harry, confused out of his mind.

    Finally, as if something clicked, Harry regained control of his broom and climbed back onto it. He then came crashing towards the ground, a hand on his mouth as if he were going to be sick. Rose flew down and grabbed the boys broom to slow him down, when they were on the ground Harry coughed up something and held it into the air. Rose's expression shifted from concern to excitement as Harry yelled, "I've got the snitch!"while waving the snitch above his head.

    The girls cheered, Kennedy the most excited out of them all. After a quick celebration with her teammates, Rose flew up to the stand and celebrated with her friends. They all hugged, though Kennedy and Rose the longest. Cassie smiled at her friends and Fiona looked up at Cassie, "Why does Kennedy get a long hug while we get little shoulder taps?"

    Cassie laughed a bark-laugh as she patted her friend on the head stating, "Sweet, sweet, innocence." before walking towards the exit of the stands.

    Fiona stood confused, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Authors Note:

I can't wait until I get into Prisoner of Azkaban, that's when things get interesting. Vote if you liked I guess, it'd be appreciated!

April 21, 2019
3,080 words

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