Chapter Ninety

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[Spitfire : Chapter Ninety]

2 May, 1998 pt. 2

         Cassie had swept through the corridors of Hogwarts nearly a dozen times, and had yet to find Fred amongst the hundreds who had joined together to fight in the final battle. To be exact, she had yet to see not even one Weasley, except Ginny, who was dancing with excitement. The two stayed in the Great Hall, watching in amazement as the professors shielded the school with magic. Harry had come by once to greet them both, but was quickly pulled away by McGonagall. After then, they were left mostly alone awaiting the chaos and his backup to arrive. Ginny was eating a cheese sandwich on white bread, conjured up by the house elves who were working with limited supplies. "A cheese sandwich as my last meal, doesn't seem too bad."

    "Hush, it's not your last meal." Cassie rolled her eyes, sipping a goblet of gigglewater. She let out a bark, her ears quickly flushing red. Curse those death eaters for nearly removing Hogwarts' entire supply of food. "And surely you'd only settle for something gourmet. Lobster, aged-wine, something."

    "Wine tastes like cough syrup,'' the younger girl cringed, "good glass of fire whiskey, though. I could live with that."

    "You mean, die?" With her legs sprawled out, Ginny kicked Cassie's foot causing both girls to giggle. "If I were to have my last meal . . . I think I'd want some type of rice-dish. And afterwards, an endless supply of sugar quills. Speaking of sugar quills, got any?"

    Ginny shook her head, "All out. Had to give them to Knox in Hufflepuff."

    "The diabetic?" Cassie asked, her face scrunching. "Surely he doesn't need any more sugar in his life."

    "Love the stereotyping," Ginny snorted, "he's type one, got it as a kid. He needs sugar or else he'll flop like a fish and die. The death eaters allowed him insulin doses, but they took most the carb-related foods away in order to keep us 'sterile.'''   

    "So he needs sugar, and they took it all away?!" Cassie asked, wearing a horrid expression. "That's . . . that's attempted murder!"

    Ginny only shrugged. "Shoulda seen what they did to Neville, I thought his eye nearly came out."

    "How did Pomfrey react?"

    "She's confined to her quarters, only allowed out if a student stops breathing. Snape allowed her some time for exercise but the dark twins began toying with her." Ginny swallowed a bite of her sandwich. "Of course they both ended up unconscious, but we haven't seen her again until today."

    Cassie smirked, "Did you just call the Carrow's the 'dark twins?'''

    "Yeah," she spotted Cassie's expression, "what? I can't call them 'the twins' , they're my brothers!"

    "Fair enough," Cassie nodded, the massive great doors of the great hall creaked open to reveal a crowd of red-headed beings. Excitedly, Cassie stood up. "And here they are!" Cassie didn't await a response from the youngest Weasley before she went running toward her boyfriend, and his family. He spotted her halfway and broke apart from his family, embracing. Her face crushed into her shoulder, she muffled, "What took you so long?"

    "Mum and da' wanted us to fatten up," Fred laughed, "fattening the pigs before the roast, y'know?"

    "Is making death jokes a Weasley-trait nowadays?" Cassie asked, her hair flushing into a navy blue. "Make happier jokes, you shite, we're nerveracked enough."

    Fred put his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay, fine. I guess making death jokes on a day where there will be many deaths is a little overboard. Shall we say 'hi' to the rest of the family? Is Sirius here?"

    "Not yet," Cassie shook her head, following Fred to the other Weasleys. "But I sent a patronus for him, he should be here soon. Wendy and Isaac are . . . I don't know, actually. Most likely staying out of the public eye due to being dead and all."

    Fred nodded his head in understanding, "Da' said Remus should be here soon, he wanted to ensure the family was safe before coming."

    "Coming? He's coming?!" Cassie asked, alarmed. "He's just had a kid!"

    "And a war's breaking out!" Fred retorted, "a war that's been on-and-off for over three decades. He wants to be a part of it in order to stop it, I don't blame him."

    "At least Tonks is holding back," Cassie sighed, "at least Teddy will have a living-mum after this."

    Fred nudged her arm, "Oi, Lupin'll be fine. He's a werewolf, he goes through the worst of the worst every month. He'd probably take a killing curse and whack it off like a stray flame."

    Cassie chuckled, smothering her face into the back of his shoulder out of nerves. "He'd get hit by a spell and shake it off like rain in a dog's fur."

    "That's more up your da's alley, isn't it?"

    George joined in on their conversation, "Fred, why is there a woman in your pit?"

    "George," Cassie countered in a mocking tone, "why is there a dumb look on your face?"

    "Ah, it's Spitfire!" George grinned, with a similar expression, Cassie moved around her boyfriend to hug the one-eared boy. "Nice to see you here, Ms. Black. How's the atmosphere? I'm seeing a solid three out of five stars. Floorboards are a bit creaky, and I think I stepped in some bird poo."

    "About the same," Cassie jested, "according to Mrs. Ginerva over there, the cheese sandwiches are quite exquisite. So perhaps a three and a half, out of five stars."

    Fred wore an expression of confusion, "Stars? What's this star-business?"

    Cassie thought back to their time of taking a muggle cab back during a trip to muggle London. They were all drunk to hell. Fred the most as he was nearly unconscious. Cassie and George were quite delighted to learn about the star-rating system introduced to them by their cabbie Mr. Frier. Ever since, it was a joke between the two to sound as stuck-up as possible. Fulfilling their natures of being delinquents asked to act professionally.

    Kingsley Shacklebolt's infamous lynx came running toward the barrier shielding the school; quickly, Professor Flitwick granted it a small entrance. It came down, spoke something to Professor McGonagall, and evaporated into nothing. Everyone seemed to notice, staring in an expecting silence. "Alright, everyone," McGonagall said, quickly regaining herself. "It's time. If you are willing to fight, come to me for orders. If not, go to Madam Pomfrey, there you will help evacuate the injured, dead, and ensure our Slytherins don't leave the dungeons. We cannot allow those poor children to witness their families' downfalls, but all the while, fight to kill. Our side can't handle loss, we haven't many fighters, but luckily, we have some of the best in the whole wizarding world fighting on our side. Good luck, everyone, and I hope to see you all when this is all over."

    There was silence, and then people began to gather in a line in front of McGonagall. Startling the three, Molly Weasley erupted from out of nowehere and smothered her boys in kisses, and then a massive hug. Afterward, she did the same to Cassie, "Fight with all your might, young lady." She backed away from her, now talking to all three. "I've already begun your Christmas sweaters, I cannot afford them being thrown away."

    "Of course, mum," George said, giving his mother a tight hug.

    Similarly, Fred saluted, "Would never miss a chance at a new, scratchy sweater."

    "And I wouldn't let them waste your talent," Cassie nodded, warmth flowing through her chest. She appreciated the kindness from Molly, the woman feeling more like a dodding mother than a mother-in-law. Now she just wanted to know where her father was, he was going to miss the fight.

    Molly offered a pitying smile before Fred grabbed onto Cassie's hand, directing them both toward McGonagall who now ordered a crowd of soldiers. Harry Potter was there too, wild, but speaking frantically to the transfiguration professor. "Weasley!" She called, noticing the twins. "Weasleys," she corrected, "the two of you, guard the Room of Requirements. We still have forces coming out of there. Ms. Lee, go to the bridge with Mr. Longbottom and Mr. Finnigan, we might need to take it down and you three are the best at blowing things up.

    "I blew up something once!"

    "And it left Professor Snape with a hole the size of a knut in his forehead," McGonagall said, "Go now, we must hurry."

    "Wait," Fred said, wide-eyed and unmoving as George turned the other way. "She's not coming with us?"

     "No, Mr. Weasley, we need her skills elsewhere," McGonagall bluntly stated, "and we need yours outside the Room of Requirements, go, they're beginning to break down the shield."

     "I'll be alright, Fred," Cassie smiled, giving his hand a squeeze, "and promise you will be too, yeah?"

    "I-I don't like this," he said, chewing on the inside of his cheek. To stop him, Cassie placed her hand over the spot, caressing his jawline.

     "Me neither, but everything will be okay."

    Fred leaned over and gave her a kiss, nodding his head in doing so. "Alright, I'll see you later, yeah?"

    "'Course, love," Cassie grinned, "now go on, looks like George is about to pop a blood vessel."

    Fred nodded, glancing one more at his girlfriend before running the opposite way with his twin. Taking a deep breath, looking longingly toward the Great Hall doors, she ran toward the bridge connecting Hogwarts to the rest of Scotland. There she found Neville Longbottom, and Seamus Finnagan, the two looking on anxiously at the growing group on the other side of the bridge, Thankfully, there was still some shield left protecting them from the wrath of the death eaters. "Hello," she greeted, scratching the back of her head. "we are a bit understaffed, huh?"

    "Eh, we can take 'em," Seamus said, his familiar Irish accent sending a giddy feeling up Cassie's spine. "Either way, them hounds can't survive the sixty-metre drop we're aboutta give 'em."

    "Sixty meters?!" Cassie asked, "Wait, did you say hounds?"

    "Yep," Seamus grinned, "Fenrir and his whole pack. Ugly lads, aren't they?"

     Cassie looked to where the wolves stood, too blurry to identify an exact face. "If they're a part of Greyback's pack, then I believe you, Seamus."

     Following a small explosion from the other side of the castle, Neville fell to his knees. Cassie panicked, immediately thinking he might have been injured. Seamus must've thought similarly, as well, as he had taken out his wand. Buyt instead of weeping in pain, Neville was begging at Cassie's feet. "I'm sorry!"

    "For what?!" Cassie was bewildered, taking a step back from the boy.

    "For injuring you!" He said, Seamus was staring at him like he was crazy.


     "During The Battle of the Department of Mysteries," Neville explained, "I had stunned you by accident, I watched them carry you out to St. Mungo's. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" When Cassie saw Bellatrix shoot the mystery-curse to her father, she had jumped in front of it. But before it could collide with her, another spell knocked it off track and then hit her. One of which saved her fathers life, her own life, and knocked her unconscious all the while. Neville is the one who sent the spell, it was a stunning spell. He saved her life, and her fathers life. He was the reason they were both still there to that day. She laughed at his misunderstanding, and his expression turned to panic. "I didn't mean to do it, truly! I'll do anything to repay you, anything. I'm just so, so, so soorrryy!"

    "Neville, there's no need to apologize!" Cassie laughed, dumbstruck. "Here, get up," she helped him up. "If I knew you were the one who saved my bloody life, I would've been thanking you to the heavens! You're the reason I'm still here, Neville, and there's no words to explain how grateful I am of you."

    "R-Really?" he sniffled, Cassie noticed the black eye he bore. "You're not mad? I hurt you."

    "No, you saved my life." Cassie said, "and besides, it hardly hurt. I just went to sleep, and woke up to find that all of my loved ones were still safe. If you hadn't saved my life, my fathers life, that battle would've come out as a loss for us, mate. You're a hero!"

    "And to think all this time he's been guilty about it," Seamus laughed, Cassie had forgotten he was there. "But, eh, enough with the tears, yeah? Our alpha's arrived."

    Cassie spun on her heels to spot Fenrir Greyback on the other side of the shield that protected the three teens from his growing pack of Voldemort-supporting heathens. He watched back at her, smirking. Cassie could've sworn she saw flies swarming him, thriving off of his stench and dirt. Uncontrollably, her hair fell flat with the death of her curls. And it originated back to her natural raven-hue, Greyback only smiled wider. She must've looked more like her mother. Either way, she was glad he got to witness this. As she would be the one killing him. An eye for an eye. Seamus had begun placing vials along the bridge, hiding them in every crevice to ensure when the bridge blew, all of it would go. Okay, perhaps she wouldn't directly kill him. But she'd still manage to see the last look in his eye.

    The explosions behind them grew, Cassie turned to Neville, "Hey, make sure no one runs up on us, okay?" He nodded. "Finnigan, once that shield breaks, and they are just meter's away, I want you to blow everything to hell."

    "Yes ma'am," Seamus saluted, now he was placing different-colored vials everywhere. He knelt down at the shield, placing a few along the barrier. Cassie didn't have long to warn him as Fenrir came running at an unnatural speed, his fist breaking through the shield. It was dying from the top, lowering like a melting cube of ice. "Oi, oi!"

    "Hold on, kid," Cassie shouted, running forward. She began jamming her wand into the werewolves hand, but the alpha only growled as he pushed further. His pack was running up behind him, thankfully a bit farther away as the bridge ran long. "Seamus, this might burn a little!"

    "Just do it!" The irish lad shouted, closing his eyes.

    Silently, Cassie pressed the tip of her wand to the back of Greyback's hand, and the wolf's hand went alight. It was quick, like a flame colliding with spilled gasoline. The wolf shouted, falling back and clutching his flaming hand. Seamus fell as well, smacking at his shirt then went alight with the wolf's fist. The shield continued to fall, it was now at a climbable height. "Seamus, it's time to blow this sucker!"

     The boy had tears welling in his eyes, but he stood, nodding with determination. While there weren't many vials, especially due to the fact the entyire quantity of them were only on one end, the boy was sure it'd take down the whole bridge. And she trusted him, as he hadn't seemed to deter once. He pulled a vial from his pocket filled with a red glistening liquid, he flicked it to push the bubbled toward the lid. "Better take a step back, or else you'll face a nasty fall."

    Cassie nodded, running back to where Neville stood. Seamus returned to where he once was with Greyback, a hole now burnt into his t-shirt. He grinned at the man who stood surrounded by hundreds of his allies, awaiting the fallen shield. "Bye, bye, doggy." And at once, he threw the vial against the ground hard enough to shatter it, and send the liquid flying. Nothing happened, and Cassie nearly lost all hope for her life. But then Seamus lifted his leg and slammed his foot against the green vial planted on the ground. It erupted into green fire, and Seamus went running for his life. "Run! She's aboutta bl--" The wind was knocked out of him as Greyback grabbed the back of his shirt.

    "What did you do?!" Seethed the man, his soldiers attempting to smother the fire.

    "Killed a shite-ton of doggies that outta go to the pound," Seamus said, gritting his teeth as Greyback's nails dug into his throat.    

     Cassie pulled out her wand, running forward. There wasn't much time left, the fire was almost near the second vile. After that, there'd only be a chain event of death. "Release him, Greyback!"

    "Hello beuatiful," the wolf taunted, "lovely to see you here. Got out of my grasps last time," his expression lost all amusement, "this time, I'll leave you weeping with your mother. And as your father mourns, I will be tearing him apart."

     "Alright, then come and get me, mutt." Cassie hissed, "I'm right here."

    "Gladly," the man said, without a hint of a smile. He threw Seamus aside, the boy hadn't long to regain himself as the other wolves went to attack. Thankfully, he pulled out his wand quick enough.

     Cassie had the killing curse on the edge of her tongue, but was cut short when she was shoved aside. A man as tall as her, with identical raven hair and anger, was rushing toward Greyback. "You flea-ridden fool," Sirius swore, his legs beginning to bend unnaturally. "What I'm about to do to you . . ." he laughed, wildness in his tone. His face began to turn to a snout, and the ground grew diligently closer. "This is for Remus," he shot a spell at the man, causing the wolf to yell. And as he fell to the ground, contorted fully into his shaggy-dog animagus, he tackled the alpha into the green fire. "And this, this is for Aspen!"

    Seamus jumped toward Cassie as the explosions began, still staring in disbelief toward where her father left, she grabbed onto the boy and drug him to safety. Neville helped her. The bridge fell, and it went quickly. Wolves shouted, and could be seen jumping through smoke. Others tried running, but the other side of the bridge had already been blown to bits. Well, it seems Seamus had this whole ordeal planned out longer than Cassie knew. Some wolves, shrouded in green fire, jumped to their deaths to fulfill a quick mercy. The three teens sat on the cobble in bewilderment, staring at the bizarre scene ahead of them. Neville was horrified, Seamus amazed, and Cassie worried. Sirius hadn't fallen, had he?

    A body broke out from within the smoke, and it came flying toward the teens direction. Cassie stood quickly, her wand raised. And readily, she came face-to-face with a bloodied, and charred Greyback. But something came leaping after it, a shaggy dog with matted fur and a flaming tail. A hellound from the depths of chaos and smoke. It tore its barred teeth into the alpha's skin, ripping it to shreds. Cassie never knew she'd be so delighted hearing a man scream. But then she was screaming as the bridge her father and his plaything stood on cracked, and fell. She went running toward the edge, but someone grabbed to stop her. Neville, once again saving her life. But this time she wouldn't be as grateful. "Let go of me!" She screamed, "Let go!"

    "Let go of her, mate," Seamus said slowly, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. Reluctantly, Neville followed his friend's advice. And Cassie went scrambling toward the edge. Through the smoke she spotted a black figure swinging from the stole, she held her hand out, "Da? Dad?!" She jumped when something enclosed around her wrist, but still, she pulled the figure from the smoke. Leaning back she called to her companions, "Help me!" And they did.

    Laying on the cobble beside her was her father, his mouth bloodied and hair wild. He wore a crazed expression, his mouth in a wobbly grin, "I got em', Cas, I finally got 'em."

    She laughed, "You got him?!"

    "I DID!" He laughed, equally as excited. He quickly spun around and hugged her, squeezing her to almighty death.

    "I blew up a bridge!" Seamus shouted gleefully, turning to Neville.

    Neville stood with confusion, "D-Do you want me to hug you or something?"

    Seamus looked at his feet. "Well, er, no. I was just--" before he could finish his statement, Cassie had stood up and pulled the two boys into a tight embrace. Sirius stood up behind them.

    "Once you three quit your group hug, we've gotta go. The others need help, they're infiltrating the castle."

    "Infiltrating the castle?" Cassie asked, "those are words I never thought I'd hear."

    "Me neither, darling, but todays a day for firsts, isn't it?"


ah shit, *bites lower lip seductively* whasss poppingggggg

i'm getting scared :(
also, two updates ay :((

5 official chapters left, including the epilogue.

be gay, do crime!

vote and comment if you liked this chapter, or if you just want to be nice—it'd be appreciated. (:

July 2, 2021
3,538 words

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