Chapter Ninety-Four

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[trigger warning: disassociation]

[Spitfire : Chapter Ninety-Three]

2 May, 1998 pt. 6

       Fiona found Cassie in the Great Hall, standing in the center of chaos as healers switched from person to person, seeing if the dead had any chance of reviving. There was a distant look on the girl's face, and her hands were plastered in blood. Fiona ran up to her, adrenaline taking over as she spotted her friend. Was she injured? She had to know where it came from, that blood had to have come from somewhere. A few people stopped her along the trip, but Fiona ignored their begs and pleads. It hurt her soul to run by people in their most tragic moments, but at that moment, there was only one image in mind. Her best friend. "Cassie?" Fiona placed her hand on the girl's robes, they were torn but well enough to provide comfort. However, by the way the girl's shoulders sagged, it seemed to be doing more bad than good. "Hey Cas, are you alright, hun?" Cassie continued to stand frozen, goosebumps riddling her body with her eyes presenting her disassociated, faraway mindset.

    Obviously, she was in shock. Fiona just had to figure out what had happened.

    Fiona moved ahead of her, to where she was looking, but Cassie made no sign of comprehending her presence. Fi placed a hand on her cheek, observing her over. Her head moved from side to side easily without restraint, thankfully making things easier. Still, Cassie was as limp as a ragdoll, the only signs of life being the fact she can stand, and breathe. Scared, Fiona grabbed either of Cassie's hands to hold them comfortingly, if she wasn't harmed, then she had to be shocked by something she's seen, right? But where did the blood come from?

    Both of Fiona's questions were answered when Cassie flinched at the hand-contact. Fi looked down at the girl's right hand to find that it was all discombobulated. Not only was it broken, but there was bone obviously sticking out. Fiona cringed, it was a horrible sight. One of the worst she's seen that night. Cassie went to speak, but her mouth only opened and closed like a gaping fish. She was pale in the face, and her hair was actively changing from its original raven-hue to the whitest of whites. She hadn't any control, Fiona could sense it. It was like back in fourth year, when Kennedy was trapped in a state of petrified imprisonment. "Cas, you'll be okay. Let's just get to the hospital wing, yeah? Pomfrey can help you there, sweetheart."

    Cassie didn't move, looking frantically around the room for a specific target. She could hardly concentrate on one thing or the other. In the far distance she could spot Kennedy, she was hugging someone . . . was that Isaac? Yes, it was Isaac. And on the ground was Wendy and Remus. Oh goodie! She didn't dwell on it wrong, trying to rearrange the jigsaw mess that was once a perfectly arranged brain. The entire Great Hall was filled with people, every house table had been removed along with their flags. Replacing them were bodies covered in tarp, or not even covered at all. Their families and friends surrounded them, sobbing and sodden with war-ridden debris. Was there a truce called? Why wasn't there anyone fighting? Cassie was confused, only recognizing Fiona ahead of her, and the pain in her wrist. "Cassie," Fiona said, the girl's eyes readjusted onto the girl, her pupils a dilated mess. "What happened?"

    "I-" Her voice was scratchy, erupting like a bullfrog's croak. It frightened her initially, not being able to recognize even herself. What was happening? Why was everything so . . . wrong? "Fiona?"

    "You're in shock, sweetheart," Fiona told her. "You hurt your wrist, Cassie. Do you know where we are?"

    "Hogwarts," Cassie nodded, "I-It's the final battle."

    "That's right," Fiona smiled, "And do you know what happened to these people here?"

    Her eyes slowly trailed to the victims around her, there was a fifth year student as well as two older people Cassie couldn't recognize. "They died," she croaked, had she? "Am I okay?"

    "Yes, yes, you're okay," Fiona reassured, a frown forming on her face. "You've just hurt your wrist," at the reminder, Cassie flinched as pain erupted into her arm. "I came over here because I want to help you. Do you remember what happened, Cas? What caused the break?"

    Cassie searched through her memories, it was like searching for a cloud amongst a tower of fog. She couldn't connect one memory with another, it felt like her mind was shattered. But then she remembered the bridge, the Hogwarts bridge. It had fallen, because she, Neville, and that Scottish? . . . No, Irish lad had blown it to shreds. Greyback was dead, Sirius had tackled him off the bridge. Her heart stuttered, her dad . . . he died? Her eyes filled with panic and she looked at Fiona, she was about to speak when she was interrupted by the next memory. Her father grabbed her hand, and was pulled back up. He was okay, Sirius was okay. He didn't die, but someone had. And then the dots connected. "Fred."

    "Fred broke your wrist?"

    Cassie hadn't heard her question, feeling a fresh wave of nausea and grief as she remembered what happened to her boyfriend. The corridor had fallen, Bellatrix . . . that old hag, she blew it up! Fred was dead immediately, stone striking him in the head. Her hands started to shake, and she looked wildly around. No . . . it couldn't be true. When they had come out, healers had taken the boy away. But where to? She looked around, and Fiona panicked at the sudden change of priority. "Fred, h-he's hurt, his head--I have to find him, where is he?"

    Fiona's heart shattered, a million conclusions coming to mind. "I-I'm sure he's fine, Cas. I'll help you find him, okay? Just calm down, sweetheart."

    "Stop calling me sweetheart!" Cassie shouted, her hair flashing red. The section of the Great Hall they were in went silent, but Cassie paid no mind. Instead, she looked around, trying to spot red amongst the several families. At the far corner where the Gryffindor table once stood was a single red-haired boy Cassie came to recognize as a Weasley, but not the one she was looking for. Still, she rushed over. Was that Charlie? Has she met him before? She couldn't remember. "Charlie!" The older boy looked at her, his face caked with soot except for the spaces cleared by rushing tears. Once the boy looked at her, his shoulders sagged.

    "Cassie . . ." he said, his voice slow and dreadful. "I'm so sorry--"

    Cas ignored him, "Where is he?" She looked around, there's Arthur! He was watching her with a sad expression. She didn't wait to ask Charlie another thing, instead, she went running toward her boyfriend's father. "Mr. Weasley!"

    The man's voice broke, "I--"

    Fiona had come running after her, "Cassie, slow down!" The girl came to a sudden stop when she spotted the ordeal going on behind Cassie. Her heart dropped, and expression fell. Oh Merlin, it was like Rose's death all over again.

    "Mr. Weasley," Cassie began, her words came out in a rush. "I-I was too late to get to him, b-but we got him out before the corridor fell.T he healers, they took him. His head was bleeding pretty badly and he wouldn't wake up, but they wouldn't take him if he's gone, right? Right? They wouldn't risk resources on a dead man. Is he okay, Mr. Weasley? Mr. Weasley--" Fiona planted a hand on Cassie's shoulder, cutting her words short. Cassie swung her head to face Fi. "What, Fi?"

    The girl was silent, but slowly raised her hand to point in the direction downward behind Cassie. She turned with the same rush as before, eager to find answers to her questions. Her heart plundered. On the floor was her boyfriend, his eyes shut as if he were sleeping. Beside him was his twin, George, looking equally as distraught as she felt. Molly was hugging Fred, overlapped on his chest. Cassie slowly looked up and saw that everyone was there as well. Ginny was clutching onto her eldest brother, Bill, who sniffled as he stared down at his younger brother's body. Ron and Hermione were hugging, more-so Ron sobbing into her shoulder as she looked on desperately. Harry was off in the distance, looking on at the tragedy ahead of him. And Percy, poor Percy, was by the boys feet staring ahead with a horrified expression.

    Cassie fell to her knees, and a rush of amusement flowed through her. She nearly laughed. She was so bloody naive . . . now she could remember, Fred was dead. He died when that stone had hit him, and all over again she had forced herself through the realization. Without meaning to, tears trailed down her cheeks as her hair turned into a sodden, icy blue. A color unnatural to Cassie's metamorphamgus abilities, only appearing in the most tragic moments. It had only happened before, when her mother died. Kendra. Molly had sat up, allowing Cassie to take her boyfriend's hand. It was limp, a fact she hated. Even when they held hands as they slept, there was still some type of restraint when Cassie would try to shift around. His skin was warm still, but less so than before. The blood on his head was cleaned, his hair red only due to genetics. She held onto it, ignoring the piercing pain in her wrist. She kissed his knuckles, heart shattering even more when she realized she couldn't go after the actual kiss on the lips. She laid his hand back on his stomach, and drew her knees to her chest. She hugged them, allowing her head to drop. Fiona sat beside her, resting her head on the sobbing girl's shoulder.

    The rest of the battle went quickly in Cassie's mind. Especially since she, and George had simply spent the time huddled around Fred's body. Initially, it was due to the fact they couldn't comprehend the world going on around them. Afterwards, they realized they had to protect what they had left of the boy. At some point Harry killed Voldemort, and for some reason that was the most least important thing Cassie could think of. Her Fred just died, gone forever, why should she care about that snake meeting ends meet? Faintly, there was a conversation ensuing behind her. Simultaneously, she and George lifted their heads to meet each other's eyes, both exhausted and distraught. They knew it was time to leave. It was all over, they were to bring Fred's body home and life was to go on. Leaving was a quick ordeal, planned by the adults. Sirius, thanks to the gods, was still alive, and Arthur had both joined together to help apparate the deadweight of Fred back home. Ginny helped Cassie back, while Bill and Charlie helped George. Once they arrived at the Burrow, Fred was already laid on top of the sofa with a sewed blanket resting on top of him. Molly was fussing with him, attempting to keep him comfortable even in the afterlife.

    Similarly, Kennedy Murphy and Myrin Crowe had helped Isaac bring Wendy's body back to the flat they lived in. Wendy and Isaac had 'died' unexpectantly, so the flat was still how they left it. Thankfully, none of the flatkeepers thought to remove the furniture and belongings yet.  When they had arrived, Isaac went directly toward the kitchen stool he favored most, the one he sat at during the occasional home-cooked dinners. Myrin floated Wendy's body onto the sofa, as Kennedy sat across Isaac. The two girls, in silent agreement, decided they would be staying with him until they saw fit. Fiona wished she could represent such loyalty, but instead she returned home to attend to the Nutcracker. Sneaking into the joke shop, she kidnapped the Little Elf as well. They may not understand what had happened to Fred Weasley, but they'd surely recognize the signs of grief. Fiona didn't want them alone for that.

    "Are we just keeping him on the couch?" Ginny asked, breaking the silence as the entire family looked at the lump on the couch.

    "I'd assume George would like to sleep in his bed," Molly said, her voice was raw. Moments before she had informed Cassie she took care of Bellatrix Lestrange, and that gave the girl the faintest sense of relief. "Or Cassie." George nodded, glancing at Cassie who responded with a single nod of agreement. "Alright," she sniffed, Arthur stood beside her, silent as ever. "Well, i-it's been a long day, I think everyone should get to bed. Bill and Charlie, your rooms have been emptied for Ron's . . . business, but we can set up foldable beds. Everyone else should be fine, good night, everyone."

    "Night, mum," Bill croaked, Charlie kissed his mothers cheek as he followed his elder up the stairs.

    "Night, dear," Molly sighed, she gave a slow glance toward Fred before turning to Sirius. "You're free to stay, dear, if you'd like. I could set you up a bed as well."

    "I'll be fine, Mrs. Weasley, but thank you." He smiled, "I'm going to go stay with my cousin. Remus, he . . . Tonks is going to need some help. Of course, if my going is fine with Harry and Cassie." Cassie shrugged, exhaustion overflowing within her veins. She just wanted to cuddle up with Fred, and sleep, just like how she had the night before.

    Harry turned to him, "Can I go with you?" Ron and Hermione gave him a look, "Can we three?"

    "If that's alright with Molly," Sirius stated, looking for comfirmation from the woman.

    "It's fine with me, just as long as they sleep," Molly stated, she gave the three hugs and kisses. Holding onto Ron the longest. After a few moments, the three apparated away leaving Molly, Ginny, Cassie, Percy and George as the only one's in the room. Arthur had already left, his footsteps quiet as he was. "Ginny, I want you to sleep with me and your father tonight," Molly said, nearly breaking out into tears. Ginny gulped, nodding. "Percy . . . your room is as you left it, dear."

    Percy nodded, giving his mum a hug and kiss. "Good night, mum." With another glance toward his brother, he left. Cassie dreaded when it was her time to leave.

    Molly mumbled for Ginny to leave them, and quickly, the girl did. That left Molly alone with Cassie and George. "We're going to have to keep him here overnight until St. Mungo's can collect him," she explained, "but don't worry, I won't let them take him away until we all have our 'goodbye's.'"

    A tear slipped down George's cheek and he quickly wiped it away, looking towards his mother. "Alright, mum, thank you."

    Molly frowned, walking toward him to embrace him. It was an awkward hug due to the height difference, and the fact that George wasn't hugging back, but Cassie still yearned for one of her own. Particularly from Fred, a wave of nausea rushed through her. "Georgie, I'm so sorry, baby." George collapsed into his mother, sniffling into her shoulder. Molly, soaked with tears herself, turned to Cassie, "Come here, dear." Cassie, nodding, ran forward and joined the hug. The three stood there for longer than expected, Arthur had to come out to retrieve his wife after too much time had passed. He needed to mourn himself, and he wouldn't dare break down in front of any of his children. "I hope you two can manage some sleep," she told them, whispering into their ears. "I'll see you's in the morning, yeah?"

    Next thing Cassie knew, she was in the twins room, dressing into an oversized t-shirt stolen from her deceased boyfriend's wardrobe. George had done the same, fitting easier into the clothing. They both then stood, staring at Fred's neatly-made bed, courtesy of his mother. He never would have done that himself, and they knew it. George spoke first, "You can take it tonight," George solemnly stated, "I'll sleep in my bed."

    Cassie shook her head, "No, I-I can't. You take it."

    George hesitated, "You sure?"

    Cassie nodded, "I can't sleep alone, especially not in his bed. I'll take the floor, or your bed."

    "We . . . we can both sleep in his." George offered, "I sleep on one side, you the other. I don't think he'd mind."

    Cassie agreed with him, biting hip lip. "No, he wouldn't." Slowly, she crawled into bed. George followed, getting under the sheets that smelled painfully of his brother. The two lied on their backs for ages, at some point they had both begun crying. As they finally slept, George had his face pressed against Cassie's shoulder as he had been sobbing into it, Cassie, on the other hand, chose Fred's pillow to cry into. Thankfully, neither of the two had terrible dreams as they were welcomed into the third of May. With final blinks, and the evening of breaths, the two eagerly left behind the worst day of either of their lives.


i'm so sad, this is the last actual chapter of the wristbands duology. next is the epilogue, which is just gonna be closure for the characters we've all fell in love with. i think im going to cry? dunno yet, it's 3:30am as i write this and i'm about to go to bed.

this will most likely be posted july 7 along with the epilogue, as i don't want to make anyone wait.

0 chapters left, 1 epilogue to come

vote and comment if you liked this chapter, or if you just want to be nice—it'd be appreciated.

July 7, 2021
3,017 words

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