Chapter Thirty-Three

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[Spitfire : Chapter Thirty-Three]

25 February, 1994

            Cassie didn't know how Fiona could do it. How she could last from sunrise to sunset without food, water, or any type of luxury to relinquish the bodies demands for energy throughout the day. On the first day of Ramadan, the tenth of February, Cassie planned on joining Fiona with her Islamic tradition but she ultimately failed three days later when she just had to chug a goblet of pumpkin juice at dinner before she fainted onto Isaacs lap.

    Fiona, though, didn't have a reaction. Nor did she complain like how the girls had. Rose and Kennedy tried too, only Rose was succeeding (painfully) with Fiona. Kennedy gave up an hour after Cassie in order to win a bet. For the other girls, it was mainly a challenge to see if they could participate in Ramadan. But for Fiona, it was her religion. She fought through the hunger, the thirst, she prayed early in the morning and fasted during the entirety of breakfast, classes, and dinner until she and millions around the world would participate in Suhoor and Iftar.

    As Fiona was the only muslim in the school, she would be alone during her night and early morning meals. So Kennedy, Rose, and Cassie would join her in the empty Great Hall to eat. Currently, it was about two hours before dawn. The outside was dark as a shadow and the hall was silent as a mouse, but the girls were allowed to be there. Dumbledore had given Fiona permission, just like he had every year. They were given freedom and privacy, mainly Fiona, at least. Kennedy, Rose, and Cassie weren't really supposed to be there.

    But they were.

    Fiona's father sent food every day for Fiona to eat during the proper feasting times, it was mainly meats. There were some type of way the meat was to be prepared in the Islamic Ramadan tradition that Cassie didn't quite understand. They never stayed on topic long enough for Cassie to be properly taught. They sat alone in the Great Hall, Kennedy laying on top the Slytherin table, Rose keeping herself awake by cutting a carrot into hair-thin pieces, and Cassie reading a Daily Prophet . . . which was upside down. Fiona was waiting for the house elves to come back with her cooked meats, the ones she received from her father.

    "So you can't even have one drop of alcohol?" Kennedy asked, her voice raspy with tiredness but curious all the same.

    "Nope," Fiona replied, taking a sip of water. "alcohol is forbidden, during Ramadan we cleanse ourselves from ill thoughts, ways, etcetera. Alcohol is always a sin but we can drink it during non-Ramadan days. But during Ramadan when Allah is with us every moment, it would be awfully rude to drink in front of our God, wouldn't it?"

    "I guess," Kennedy said, sitting up and crossing her legs. "would it be rude if I drank alcohol?"

    "A bit," Fiona bit her lip. "but feel free to do whatever you'd like, your activities aren't mine to judge."

    "I guess I'll stick with pumpkin juice." Kennedy sighed, rolling onto her back and reaching for her goblet.

    "You say that," Cassie raised brow, attempting to not butcher the accented name. "Allah is here now?"

    "Allah is always present with his children, even with those who aren't good or loyal." Fiona smiled calmly. "I haven't done anything wrong, I don't think. I could only assume he's watching me, us, proudly."

    "I can't tell if that's comforting or intimidating." Cassie said, looking around warily. "Should we even be here, since we're not dressed in Hijab's or anything?"

"He's not going to strike you guys down or anything," Fiona giggled. "despite the accusations, Allah is a peaceful God. If people don't participate or believe, he won't torture you or condemn you to an awful life. It's just swell to repay him for all he's giving us by following his five pillars, Ramadan being one."

"Oh," Cassie said, shifting uncomfortably. "alright."

"You guys don't need to be here, you know." Fiona said after another gulp of water. "I'm fine on my own."

"But that's lame." Kennedy said, throwing a piece of popcorn for Rose to catch with her mouth. Over the past few months, Cassie hadn't learned a thing about where Kennedy got her mysterious, but endless, treats. "Might as well not be alone. Besides, studying is much easier when you're sleep deprived, lets me focus on one thing rather that a hundred."

    "That makes no sense, but fair." Rose said, she still wore her pajamas, the other girls were in their uniforms. Cassie, though, hid under hers in a ginormous throw blanket. It was February, meaning is was as cold as Voldemort's sympathy towards the muggle minorities.

    The Great Hall doors flew open and at first there was no one to be seen. But if you looked toward the floor, you'd see a tiny house elf the size of an arm holding plates the size of its body on its paper-thin arms. A few following behind it. The elf, Tippy, struggled. "Tippy is here with the food. Tippy is sorry for taking a while, Tippy will punish herself if she has t—oh no, Ms. Sen, Tippy wishes to serve! Fiona Sen must sit, Tippy will bring the food herself."

    Reluctantly, Fiona sat. Giving Tippy a grateful handshake after Tippy placed the assortments of traditional Ramadan foods on the table. Quickly, Cassie's stomach began to rumble at the delightful smells. After Fiona said a few words in her language, she began eating. As well as Cassie, Kennedy, and Rose. Kennedy ate because she felt like it, intrigued by the delightful smells just as Cassie was. Then Rose ate with Fiona, as she was still participating with the girl.

     "You've locked up the Nutcracker, didn't you, Cas?" Rose asked, lifting her head from where it looked at her plate of steamed vegetables.

    "He's with Isaac, actually." Cassie said, wiping the corner of her mouth with her sleeve. "After the Thorfinn thing Cracker-Man doesn't want to leave him alone."

    "That's adorable." Fiona said, smiling at the thought. She may had disliked the Nutcracker but the thought of Isaac, the apparent-hardcore Slytherin, and a magicked Christmas toy together like a super villain with a pet cat made her heart flutter. "How is Thorfinn, anyway?"

    "Mortified, I hope." Cassie grinned, remembering when she and Isaac released the Nutcracker on an unsuspecting Thorfinn, covering their mouths in surprise when the toy went right for Thorfinn crotch. "Isaac says he's been less Thorfinn since it happened. Probably self conscious now that he's only got one testicle."

    "What did they think attacked him again?" Kennedy asked, mashed potatoes dribbling from her chin. "A garden gnome, right?"

    "Yeah," Cassie snickered. "someone in Ravenclaws been selling garden gnomes to the Hufflepuffs, or just anyone who's got a knack with Herbology. So they pinned it on them."

    "That's a bloody hysterical." Kennedy laughed loudly, causing the girls to cringe. They sat in silence for a few moments, hoping that Peeves the Poltergeist hadn't heard, but thankfully they were left alone.

    "I've got to pee." Cassie suddenly stated, placing down her fork.

     "I'm so happy for you!" Kennedy said sarcastically. Cassie glared at her and stood up, placing her blanket on Fiona's shoulders.

    "I'll be back. Rose, can I borrow a tampon?" Cassie asked, leaning across the table to Rose. The girl silently pulled one out of her pocket, always on the ready. "Thanks."

    Cassie then left the Great Hall, now more careful as she walked. Dumbledore had stated that they were to only be in the Great Hall, escorted to and fro by the house elves. But as she walked alone to the restroom, she was at risk of many things. Pesky Slytherins, pesky dementors, pesky fathers; Peeves, most of all. She made sure her wand was in a position here she could easily pull it out if need be.

     Though, it seemed to be too lose from her pocket because it fell right out after she stepped onto a stair. It fell down, clattering with the cement loudly in the silent corridor. "God freaking damn it," Cassie whispered in a rush, quickly going wide eyed. "er, sorry God, Allah, whatever your ca—" She went silent. It could've been her imagination, but she might have heard a whisper.

      She stood frozen, her ears branching out to hear whoever or whatever had made the noise. There was silence, complete and utter silence. Cassie arched a brow before she bent down to grab her wand, as she did so there was another voice. This one higher-pitched than the last one, indicating a male and female were around. Cassie froze again, peering her eyes around the area.

     Whoever had made the noise knew that Cassie heard them, they froze as well. Staying completely silent as they leaned against the wall huddled together. Cassie's head leaned back when she noticed a pair of feet by the top of the stairs, only feet. She acted like she didn't see them as she shrugged and tip-toed up the steps. As she walked by, in the corner of her eye, she noticed two more pairs of feet; six altogether without a body in sight. Cassie swiftly turned and pointed her wand. "Revilio!"

    Something flew off the person, the people, and dropped to the floor. Cassie and the trio went wide eyed at each other. In front of Cassie stood Harry Potter, Ron Weasley on his left and Hermione Granger on his right. Cassie quickly lowered her hand as Hermione lowered hers as well, Cassie hadn't even realized it was pointed at her. "Potter, what're you doing out here?"

    "Wha-Wha-What're you doing out here?" He retorted, pointing at her as he hid something behind his back.

    "I asked you first." Cassie said stubbornly, placing a hand on her hip.

    "I asked you s—"

    "Oh shut it," Hermione told her friend. She turned to Cassie. "we're searching for Ron's wand, he dropped it yesterday after dinner and has been in a panic since. Now, what're you doing out here?"

    "I'm celebrating Ramadan with my friend." Cassie said, suspecting a lie from Hermione. "If he's lost his wand, why not try Accio? Accio Ron's wand!"

    Ron let out a yelp as a wand came shooting from his back pocket. Cassie caught it with a grin. "Found it."

    "Huh," Ron laughed nervously as he glanced at Hermione. "I guess I didn't drop it after all."

    "That's okay," Harry said hurriedly, patting his friend on the back. "you've got it now, let's go back to bed. Bye Ca—" He turned away, not even finishing his statement as he and his friends attempted to flee. Hermione knelt to grab something quickly which Cassie recognized to be a silvery blanket of sorts.

    Cassie saw something rolled in Harrys pocket, without thinking she snatched it. He yelled and tried to reach for it but, thanks to her height, she was able to keep it out of his and his friends grasps. She held an aged yellow parchment in her hands, it was completely blank. "What's this?"

    "Give it back!" Ron said, his face pouting in a less-cuter way then how his brother would do it.

    "Ah ah," Cassie said, holding it above her own and his head. "I'm a fifth year with permission to be out late, you're a third year sneaking out. Tell me what this is or I'll have to tell," She looked pointedly at Ron. "Fred and George that their ickle brother and his two pals were out after hours."

    "You wouldn't." Ron dared. He wasn't afraid of Fred or George telling a Professor, like how Harry and Hermione were, about what he had done, but he was afraid of them telling their mum which they would do in order to torture him.

    "I would." Cassie said, she tapped the map with her wand, "Revilio." Words began to appear on the map, but none that Cassie had been expecting.

     First to appear was; Messr Prongs wishes that the chameleon holding this parchment would return it to Harry Potter. Then; Messr Padfoot seconds Messr Prongs statement, and would like to add that the chameleons blue hair makes her look like Penicillium. Following that was; Messr Moony is surprised that Messr Padfoot knows what Penicillium is, but also wishes that the fungus-lady gives back the parchment to Potter.

     "Oi," Cassie called in offense. "your papers mean."

    "It's weary around new people." Potter chuckled nervously.

     "Hm," Cassie said, eyeing the three before she handed it over. "you three go back to bed, it's dangerous out here with Sirius Black, and all."

    "You don't think I don't kn—"

    "Leave it, Harry." Hermione said. She looked at Cassie, "Thank you, Cassie, we'll be leaving now. Thank you for helping us find Ron's wand."

    "Uhuh, sure." Cassie said, did they not understand she knew they were lying?

     "You won't tell the twins, right?" Ron asked after a few moments of silence, his two friends stopping in front.

     "Maybe, maybe not." Cassie said, Ron looked mortified. "I'm only joking, Ron, you'll be fine."

    Ron let out a breath of relief. The trio then began to leave again but Cassie rapped her leg vigorously. She ran up behind them, making all three jump at the same time. "I'll walk you back."

    Hermione smiled politely. "Thank you, but we—"

    "Are thirteen, I'm fifteen, better for me to be with you guys, for protection and all." Cassie said, using her age once again to get her way. "Plus, I want to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Cassie Lyra Lee Snow, but call me Cassie, or Cas."

    "Hi." Harry said, shying away from her. Ron already knew who she was, having a conversation with her every once in a while when she would be with the twins. Hermione had spoken to her once on the train ride to Hogwarts. She didn't really seem to like Cassie, despite having a major interest in her and her metamorphmagus ability back when Cassie was in third year.

    "And you're Harry, the Boy-Who-Lived." Cassie said, chuckling after so the tension would hopefully relieve. "Fancy name for a thirteen-year-old, ever use it to get free things?"

    "Ever use your shape shifting to get free things?" Harry retorted, tilting his head at her. With that motion, his lightning bolt scar became visible in the darkness.

    "Touché," Cassie chuckled, she stayed silent before adding; "sometimes."

    "You really shouldn't," Hermione said. "it's quite illegal, especially since you're using your ability. You could get up to fifteen years in Azkaban for it."

    "Thanks for the advice, Granger." Cassie said as they made it to the Gryffindor portrait. The Fat Lady was asleep, Ron hadn't waited a second before leaving to waken the angry woman. Hermione followed behind, scolding him for being rude. Harry went to follow but Cassie placed a hand on his shoulder, he flinched. She immediately felt bad, he had the same type of reaction Isaac would have to the unsuspecting gesture.

    "Thanks for the walk, but we're fine now." Harry said, looking longingly towards the door as he wanted to flee.

    Cassie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know." She stood straighter to make herself seem more professional. "Hey, Harry, I know we've only just met but know that I'm here for you. Even if you need me to switch into Dumbledore to get you out of trouble with Snape. Just tell Granger to come and find me, or even one of the twins. Alright?"

    "Er-Yeah, thanks." He said, clearly uncomfortable.

    This wasn't going as how Cassie planned, or the small fraction that she planned just minutes beforehand.

    "Okay, cool," Cassie said, patting his back. "off you go."

    He nodded and left in a hurry, she called his name, stopping him. He looked back. "Yeah?"

    "Try not to get caught next time you sneak out after hours!" Cassie told him, he chuckled anxiously and entered the portrait. Cassie face-palmed, disgusted by how awkward she made the interaction. Though, at least she didn't have to worry about talking to him for a first time anymore. Now she just had to worry about talking to him for a second time, though, first she had to pee.

Authors Note:

I really hope I didn't butcher anything up about Ramadan. Also, for the meat-thing, I was hinting towards Halal or whateva—I don't think they'd do those types of religious things in Hogwarts. So I had Fiona's father do it and send it. The chapter was a bit fast paced but ay, next chapter is the beginning to the whole Sirius thing (:. Vote and comment if you liked this chapter, or if you just want to be nice, it'd be appreciated. (:

October 14, 2019
2,826 words

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