Ch.1 Not again

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Lacey's POV

It was the splatfest time of the month! Everyone was soo excited, running around, dancing to the 'Ink-Zizters' [Zizters as in sister's but with Z's, also word play from the word inkzooka] in the plaza and most of all participating in the turf wars. The 'Squid sisters' usually perform during splatfest, but since they went on a world tour, the 'Ink-Zizters' are covering for them until they get back. I don't usually play much in the splatfest. I much rather dance my heart out all night then play in the turf wars. I mean, we can play turf wars any day of the year so I honestly didn't care about playing that many rounds. The splatfest theme was Sweet or Sour [Ik this was never an actual splatfest, but in my universe I am just gonna say the final splatfest never happened] which people can look at in two different ways. The first way being candy, the second being personality.. I looked at it from both points of view and chose Team Sweet.

I mean splatfest is great and all, its just complicated. See all of us inklings are divided into different clans/teams based on our tentacle color. There was a time when we all got along, but that was a long time to go. Now we only speak to inklings with our tentacle color OR inklings with that have tentacle color of a befriended clan. My tentacles are pink so I hangout with the pink clan, and we befriended the purple clan. So since we are befriended clans we are a team.

Since we are allies with pink clan when splatfest comes around depending on who was on team sweet and on team sour we would break up into groups of four and play with those people during splatfest. But there were an odd number of team sweet supporters soo I just played one round with my team and then I let my friend Jaxon play the rest of the battles. Jaxon is in the purple clan, but the pink and purple clans are a team so thankfully we are allowed to be friends.

I don't know why we go with the word "clan" to describe one color group, but it's not like I have a sayin in it.

But besides the purple clan we don't have any other allies, actually all clans have one befriended, while the rest our enemies. For example; Pink clan befriended the purple clan. The other clans/teams i believe, yellow and orange, blue and dark blue, and red and green. I never really associate with the blue or green team squids so I can't really give you a detailed description of them. For the yellow team I can go on and on about how the leader is like.

"Hey look its the sailor girl" I heard a female inkling say with a bunch of laughter following the insult. Speak of the sea witch herself. I knew who it was almost instantly by the sound of her voice. It was nobody but the 'most popular' and 'freshest' inkling in the yellow/orange team. I turn my head to the right and there she is, Maria Reynolds. My stomach drops when i see her. Maria is the leader of the yellow clan with yellow eyes that I swear could stare into your soul. Maria is wearing 'Studio headphones' and her 'Punk Cherries' boots. For her shirt she usually wears a 'Black Inky Rider' jacket but since its splatfest she is wearing a 'Team Sour' shirt.

Also if you couldn't tell, she is my bully. Big shocker right? Maria has been picking on me for as long as I can remember, I think it started in fifth grade, but who who honestly knows. With time our memories change how we see things so I could possibly be wrong.

"What do you want Maria?" I asked with my voice just above a whisper. Dang, I have no self confidence, probably cause of Maria, but it could just be my idiotic brain. But how can I? Compared to Maria I just don't look fresh at all. Even though she is in yellow/orange team i keep negatively comparing myself to her. Her gear looks soo cool while mine looks like I'm going to spend the day on a boat, well besides today cause of splatfest. But I usually wear the 'Traditional headband', the 'White Sailor Suit' and my 'Cream Hi-Tops'. Aka; where I get my nickname "Salior girl" from.

"I just wanted to know why Sailor girl was dancing by herself instead of playing in splatfest, did you're team not let you play because they knew you would bring down team sweets score?" Maria asked.

"Actually I let my friend take my spot cause he gave up his for one of the freshies." I answered calmly "And since we can play turf wars any day of the month, I rather dance to the Ink-Zizters then play some turf wars."

"You're team is letting the freshies play in the splatfest? Ha, That's just embarrassing. We will be sure to blame purple/pink team for which ever team that looses" Maria said while glaring at all of all the purple and pink squids in the plaza.

"Wait are you saying your team isn't letting the freshies play in the splatfest because they are learning??" I asked.

Maria gave a quick nod "Yup, all squids level 15 and under can't participate. We don't want yellow/Orange teams to be blamed for losing splatfest, so we just don't let them play." WOW that is just low! I mean according to my team leader Terra, yellow/Orange teams bar is really low in the social department but they would stoop that low?!!

"Just because you don't want to be 'the cause' for losing splatfest you don't let the new squids participate?! That's just awful, all of the new squids on my team were so excited about splatfest and crazy about participating in it. And you guys just take away the thrill of splatfest from them?!!"

I feel so bad for the new Yellow/Orange squids. 'Come to inkopolis! Participate in turf wars, ranked battles, 1vs1 in the battle dojo and best of all splatfest!' Unless yr a yellow/Orange squid then you have to wait till level 15 to participate in splatfest! Ugh it's sooo wrong! I'm getting pissed just thinking about it.

"We aren't taking away the thrill of splatfest you little pink sailor brat. No need to criticise our ways just because your team hasn't figured out theirs yet." Maria snapped.

I quickly raise my right hand over my chest like it would help the shock. "Excuse me?! You have no right to say anything negative about my team!" I said angrily.

Maria took a step closer to me. "Your team? Last time I checked it was Terra's team" Maria snapped.

"You know that's not- "

"What the shell is going on here?!" My friend Jaxon shouted storming through the crowd of people along with multiple team members and our team leader Terra.

It wasn't long until I was pushed back and in my best friend arms. I relaxed my muscles knowing it was Jaxon behind me. Jaxon knew exactly when i needed a hug. Jaxon actually has been the only one that has truly cared for me. I mean my parents never really cared and yeah Terra has stepped in for me like she has now but that's just because Maria is a yellow squid. If it was another Pink or purple squid, I would probably be the one getting punished be Terra. Terra never asked if I was okay, just finishes the business with Maria and walked off. Jaxon how ever actually asked if I was okay, or if Maria hurt me. I smiled as I stood there in his arms. It was nice knowing someone cared.

"Ahh, looks like you got lucky sailor girl. Your team leader and your boyfriend came to the rescue." Maria taunted.

I stepped out of Jaxon's arms and was about to object but Terra spoke up before I could say a word.

"You shut up!" Terra said pushing Maria back. "You have no right to be treating my team so cruelly!"

"You're not the boss of me Terra! So I can say and do what ever I want!" Maria snapped.

Before Terra can bark out a reply everything started shaking. The Ink-Zizters fell over and clutched the stage pillars on the semi's. While other inklings just grabbed onto each other or the nearest object. I quickly grabbed onto Jaxon trying to keep my balance.

A flying object that looked like an flying saucer or alien space ship came out of nowhere and hovered over inkopolis tower. The closer it got the worse the shaking got. At this point other inklings in the plaza have fallen or flown into a wall. A worried expression grew on my face as I saw Terra get blown into a vending machine."Woah!!" Jaxon and I lost our balance and we flew into the near the entrance of the alley way.

We both looked up at the unidentified flying object in the sky, that stood over inkopolis tower. And with no time the great zapfish was taken from the tower and into the 'ship'. Right after the great zapfish was taken an Octarien girl stepped into view on the 'airship'. "Thanks for the zapfish Inklings! We really appreciate it!" The Octoling girl laughed as the unidentified flying object blasted away.

//End of A City Divided by Color | Ch. 1 Not Again\\

Yay! First chapter posted! Okay so I know this inkopolis is nothing like the real one, so it is like an alternative Splatoon universe! Hopefully I didn't cram to much stuff into this first chapter ;-; O'well, if yr reading this tysm for reading and hopefully I will see u in the next chapter! Bye! ~Athena

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