Persona X Problem

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"I think she's awake..." Alluka sounded from beside me. Though, once the three of us looked over, a surprise happened to be waiting for us.

"You mean they're awake?" (Bf/n) asked, the usual humorous tone sounding more like an assurance for themselves.

"I can't believ this... She-" I couldn't finish my statement, completely in shock of the situation.

"Split in two..." Gon finished for me, his sight switching from the two look-a-likes. He poked both of them, like he was a scientist that just discovered some new specimen. It was amusing at first, but eventually it happened to get old.

"Gon. Stop" both of them say at once. The sound sent chills down my body and not the good kind.

Alluka immediately hopped up on the bed they were on, smiling happily. Her questions came in like wildfire, slightly overwhelming the two of one girl. The questions kept coming until I eventually pulled Alluka away by her collar.


"What're we gonna do with two (Y/n)s?" I ask, letting Alluka go. The two (e/c) eyed look a likes shrugged, giving each other questioning glances.

"Who knows?" The one on the right asked, slightly sweatdropping.

"That's the best fucking answer I've heard all day! Any other dumb replies?" The one on the left sighed out, glaring at her counterpart. The comment only caused the one on the right to cry.

"Oh no, (Y/n)'s crying!" Gon exclaims, freaking out. The (Y/n) on the left shook her head, smirking.

"I'm not crying" she stated, her smirk growing wider. I walked to the other side of the bed, attempting to comfort the (Y/n) on the right.

"That's oh so obvious! He meant this one" The left (Y/n) rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"Uh... I'm so confused" (Bf/n) stated sweatdropping, "Can't we call them something else? I get they're both (Y/n), but calling them both that just wears it out. Plus, one's a total bitch!"

"Oh... Well fuck you too, (Bf/n)" the one on the left stated, crossing her arms and scoffing.

"I-I'm j-just wondering how we split like this. It's all really scary and I don't like scary things!" The one on the right stated, shaking me back and forth with every word. I somehow managed to calm her down, but she was still on edge. Left (Y/n) squeezed the right (Y/n)'s shoulder, stopping her from shaking me like a rag doll.

"Calm down, Water Works! We'll be fine" The left reassured, letting go of the right's shoulder. With a fresh set of tears in her eyes, the (Y/n) on the right practically tackled her counterpart, resulting in a bright flash of light.

"Aw shit! Don't tell me my friend exploded! Those are hard to replace!" (Bf/n) exclaimed, covering their eyes from the blinding light. Though I couldn't see, I tried to glare in their direction.

"Dumbass!" I shout, only for the light to subside, "Why would she suddenly- Woah..."

Instead of having two (Y/n)s sitting in front of us, only one sat there. She was hugging herself, her eyes closed. Bright (e/c) eyes were soon wide open, looking everywhere they could. The eye movements were soon followed by a scream, a very loud one.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Everyone's eyes widened slightly at the outburst, mine lowering once the realization dawned on me. There was only one of her sitting on that bed instead of two.

"(Y/n)!" The exclamation caught her by surprise, the sudden hug that followed soon after surprising her even more, "There's only one of you!"

"That's a relief! I don't think I was prepared for one of (Ts/n)'s finishing blows" (Bf/n) states, shuttering a bit at the thought. (Y/n) wasn't worried about that though, an obvious fact from her breathing, eye movements, and frozen pose that the two of us were in.

"K-Killua..." she silently calls out, finally moving her hands to grab my cheeks. I looked up at her, smiling genuinely.

"Hm?" I hum in reply, taking notice of the obvious blush on her cheeks. She darted her eyes around the room a bit and then looked back at me, breathing in a bit.

"Killua... WHAT THE FUCK?"

A/n: Hewo! Decided to update before the holidays officially roll around for me. At first, I was planning to write a Christmas special, but I kinda sorta already have enough to work on *sweatdrops* Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! MCI Out, Peace 😜!

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