《chapter 5》 Welcome home

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Me and Bill had a lot of fun together but sadly I had to go home at some point. Ford was mad that I was hanging out with Bill but I told him about what happened and he calmed down. Of course he still doesn't like him but thats understandable.

I was waiting for Mable to come home but she told me that she was spending the night at Pacific's house. It's still weird getting used to having my memories again and everything but I think things will be normal again at most within a few weeks. I'm currently meditating cause the sudden flow of memories gave me a headache.

I dont really need sleep anymore since I'm fully demon now but I still like to do it every now and again. I was told that some of mine and Mabels friends were coming over tomorrow so we could catch up after all of the wierd stuff happening lately, but weird stuff is normal here.

I got down from my position in the air, it was more comfortable just floating, and decided to test out a few powers to see if anything changed.

I held out my hand and created a flame, it was the opposite of a normal fire with the blue being on the outside and the yellow on the inside. I teleported from place to place in the room, even going into other rooms sometimes to get used to the feeling again. I got back to my room and snapped my fingers, the lights went out and the candles on my desk were lit by my flames. I snapped my fingers again and the lights came back.

Everything seemed normal and I didn't have much to do so I just went to sleep for the remainder of the night.


My eyes slowly opened and I took note of the light coming through the window. I checked the time and I got up.

'8:37 a.m.'

I was asleep for about 6 hours then. I got dressed and walked down stairs, I dont eat but I still like cooking so I decided to make breakfast. I knew Stan would want bacon and Ford likes eggs so I made omelets and made some extra bacon and toast for the side. Stan came out around 9 and Ford came in a 9:15. They thanked me for the food as I walked out, not really needing to stay any longer.

Wendy texted me that they would come around 11 so I still had about 2 hours before they got here, of course I just watched TV the whole time, mabey reading a bit.

~*2 hours later*~

Wendy texted me again saying they were almost there and that Mable was with them. I dont think they were told about us, but we're going to need to leave eventully cause if you remember there's still a war going on. I don't want to spoil the fun though so I thought I would wait a few hours.

They got here soon after Wendy texted me and we greeted each other.

"Hey dipper!"
"Hello dipper, how ya' been?"
"Hey dude, cool jacket you got there."
"Dipper, we haven't seen each other in so long!"

After that we congregated in the living room and played a few board games, I won clue each time we played it, Gideon won Sorry, Wendy won Stupid deaths, and we tried playing monopoly but Mabel and Wendy got too competitive so we had to stop mid way through. Eventually we ended up watching a dumb horror movie and making fun of it.

Once the movie finished Wendy spoke "So, what are we gonna do now?" She asked, looking around at us. I look to Mabel "Mari- Mabel, we need to tell them." Mable looked at her feet and dissapointment. "Tell us what?" Candy asked for the rest of them. It was silent for a moment before I spoke "well, its kind of a long story but to spare you the details, basically, me and Mari- Mable aren't human, we're reincarnated demons." And to prove it I went into my demon form, Mable also did. The others were silent except for a few gasps and quiet what?s. Wendy was the first to speak "I have so many questions, and the others probably do to, but I'll start with rhe shortest one. Why do you keep saying g "Mari" then cutting yourself off and saying Mable?" This time, Mable spoke first.

"My real name is Marinette Stellar."
"Mine is Alcor Starr, soon to be cipher."
"Cipher!?" Everyone but Mable yelled in unison "Yes, Cipher. Bill was my fiance in my previous life, and now that my memories have come back, so have my feelings for him." I blushed a little as I finished my sentence. The others looked even more surprised if that was even possible.

They continued asking questions for the next hour but ill spare you the details since you guys have already heard the story so many times. I dixnt mind answering their questions until one person asked "how did you die?" The room fell deadly silent once again and Mary (they'll be calling eachother by their real names now) looked uncomfortable yet I could see the pride in her pride in her eyes at the mention of the death, mabey she's still the same. . . No, I want to give her another chance.

I relized I was glaring at Mary the whole time I was thinking so I quickly regained a straight (gay) face. "I dont think Mary would want you to know the details," I sent her one small glare again to show her I still wasn't happy about it "so let's just say a war had broken out and my kin and I were caught in the cross-fire. I ended up sacrificing myself so they could escape." They seemed sad yet still interested like this was some sort of fairy tale. "What about Mable?"

"Bill killed her."



I was so happy I could barley contain my grin. Alcor was back!! Of course I still feel bad about what I did to him but I know he forgives me. I was going back to out hide out so I could share the news with the others.

I walked through the gate and down some stairs before I finally got to the main hall. I opened the door and everyone was there, they must have heard something about it cause very one seemed happier than usual. "Bill! Is it true? Is Alcor finally back?" I heard someone ask me. I looked a little to my right and saw Linea and oliver standing next to eachother around the room were some other gods and spirits that were on our side of the war. "Yup, he's back and has fully regained his memories. He just need s to take care of some business in the human realm before he can come back." The beings around the hall cheered for his return. But then Linea pulled me into a small room to the side. She looked at me with a more serious face. "What about Mary?" My smile dropped and I could feel the anger coming, I quickly calmed myself though "her and Alclor were reborn as twins, Alcor wants us to give her a second chance to see if she's changed." She looked to be deep in thought before speaking "I guess it wouldn't hurt too much to try, but she needs to be kept under high security until we know for sure one way or another."

(Just so you guys know, Linea is the kemleer of strength and war, and Oliver is the kemleer of beauty and romance. Thought I'd switch it up a bit)

♤Alcor ♤

The others were swarming me and Mary with questions like "why did he kill her" and "what did Mable do to be killed?" But yet again, there was one question that immediately pissed me off "why would you marry Bill if he killed your sister?"

"E̶̛̛̙̘͔̗̺͔͉͓̽̍̎̋̀̔̈́V̵̡̰͔̥̺̫̘̟͍̀͂̅̈́͜Ẻ̶̢̦͙͕Y̷̡̡͚̩͉̱̼̮̒̽ͅͅO̵̘̺̎̔̃N̷̲̻͎͉̑̑̔́́̽͠E̵̤̼͈͐̉̎́̌ ̵̧̹̦͓̝͚̈̋͐́͑̑̀S̶̢̛̙̖̬͎͓̞̮̊̚Ĥ̶̡̞̩̣̤͇̒̈͛̀͌̓͐͋Ù̴̜̱̭T̶̨̠͓̀́̈́ ̶̝͔̜͌́̈́͌̂̾̈́̚͝Ų̸̼̥̼̬̠́͒͗̾̍̕P̴̨̡͙̜̻͖͍̙̊͘!!" They immediately shut their mouths. My voice distorted, my eyes were probably red, and my wings were flared. I took a deep breath to calm down. "Bill had good reason to do it, I know that for a fact. And she's not my sister we may be of the same race, but we aren't of the same blood. Our human bodies may be related, but that is were our family ties end." Its harsh but true, Mary looked somewhat dejected but otherwise fine.

'Hey pinetree'
'Still calling me that huh?'
'Of course, but anyway, the others want to see you. Can I come pick you up?'

I almost forgot we had mental links so his sudden speaking spooked me a bit. "I'm sorry to leave on such a sour note but I have a war to attend to." The others snapped out of their scared state and said their goodbyes "Mary? Do you want to  come now or stay a little longer?"
"I want to stay a little longer, I want to say goodbye properly."
"Suit yourself." With that, Bill appeared behind me and wrapped one of his arms around my waist. "Hey pinetree~"

I gave him a quick kiss before walking over to Mary to tell her how long she has "you have 5 hours on our clock. Then I'll come to get you."
"Alright, see you then."

I walked back over to bill and he held my hand "you ready to be tackled and overcome with questions?" He asked amused "as long as you stay with me."
"I'd never leave." He made a portal instead of teleporting for a more dramatic entrance.

"See you guys when the war ends." Were my final words before being pulled through the portal and being enveloped in a warm white light.


Alcor went through the portal and both disappeared. "So Mable, or, Mary. What should we do with our last hours together?" Grenda asked
"Id like a few moments alone with Pacifica first." They all nodded and went to the gift shop to wait.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner paci, I just wanted to hang out together like I was still human." I said looking down solemnly. Paci came over and took my hands in hers "it's okay Mab- Mary, but now we should focus on spending out last moments together happily." I looked up at her and smiled. She leaned in and gave me a kiss, it lasted a few seconds but it was still as amazing as the first. "How about we go to the carnival?"
"That would be perfect."

We told the others we were going there and we all got in a car to drive there.

~*2 hours later*~

I was having so much fun I almost forgot about my time limit. I checked the time to see how much I had left. "Oh no!" I half yelled "whats wrong?" Pacifica asked the others also looking at me "we only have 25 minutes left!" Gideon gave me another weird look after I said that. "But its only been two hours, we still have three left."

"No, Alcor said five hours on our clock. Time in the celestial realm is double what it is here, so there, it's already been about four hours." The others looked saddened by this "then let's make these the best 25 minutes of our lives!" Someone had shouted. The managed to get everyone excited and we proceeded to do everything we've ever wanted.


The light faded and I opened me eyes to see a bright hall half full of people. Once they saw me they started cheering. A few came over and all hugged me at once. I ended up losing balance and falling over. I took notice of who it was and immediately grinned "Linea, Oliver, Zachary! Its so good to see you guys after so long!" I hugged them back and they eventually let me stand back up. I talked with few oth people there, most of them either familiar or friends. A few included the spirit of spring, the goddess of wisdom and war, and the spirit of creativity.

I had a lot of fun in my first hours back home, but it eventually came time to discuss business. Me, Bill, Linea, Oliver, and Zachary met in a meeting room to talk about Mary. "I know her actions from before are unforgivable and she does need to be punished, but, something just doesn't feel right." I paused for a second before continuing "earlier in the human realm, one of my human friends asked about my death, she looked uncomfortable and sad, but I could see pride in her eyes, but it just didn't seem like her. I want to give her a chance to change while I try to figure out what this weird feeling in my gut." The others thought about it and Bill spoke "another weird thing, when I went to get pinetree, everything I was around Mary I felt a strange feeling coming from her, and only now do I realize that I only started feeling it after  she started acting weird before the war. Mabey her going rouge has something to do with this?"

"That would make sense. But how are we supposed to figure it out?" Oliver questioned "hmm. . . I have a few ideas, but one of them involves going into her mindscape. Bill, would you be okay with doing that?" Bill nodded and we continued talking about ideas until it was time for me to get Mary.

Wowee that was fun. My writers block has cleared, now the only problem is my motivation. I've had the hiccups for an hour and my chest is starting to hurt.

Whats you favorite music genre?

Mine is punk rock but I listen to all kinds(except for smooth jazz and country)

Au revouir😘

2338 words


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