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I made Fursonaaa UwU

ok, what was with the caps XD

But yeah! Her name is Celia (Seal-ee-uh) and she's a Wolf/Raptor Hybrid! :3

Here's the process she went through!


I'm SOUPER (I spell it like that now lol, sue meh) PROUD OF THE SHADING AND LIGHTING, OMAHGAH-
This is probably one of the best pieces I've done so far, it's amazing!

She's now gonna be my 2nd main Sona (kinda like a co-pilot lol) right behind Zera! (Or maybe not... I'm still unsure-)

(Don't be shocked or confused if I change my user though- :P >:3
*Cough* CeliaTheRaptor or Wolf *Cough*
Would y'all like to see that though-?)

Here's some more info on her!

Name: Celia Rolan
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Wolf/Raptor Hybrid

Personality: Shy when in big groups, but if she knows you well enough, she's a bubbly balloon! She loves everything besides mean, ungrateful, or rude others... And vegetables. (XD) She has some trust issues, but really loyal when you do gain her trust. But if you ever break it, you may never get it back.

Appearance: Above

Family: I have a mom, never met my dad... She speaks of one of my brothers, though, he ran away.
Friends: Anyone who can put up with me, and gain my trust.
Crushes: Hah, I have no time for those.
Favorite color: Cobalt blue
Birthday: Aug. 11, yes, today. :)
Hobbies: Training for fighting, drawing, playing piano, sleeping, and sometimes voice acting.
Accessories: None, but I sometimes wear a gold and blue bracelet
Favorite song(s): We'll Meet Again By TheFatRat
Favorite Book/Movie: Don't have one. I love too many.
Favorite Food: Don't have one, I love too many
Likes: Drawing, being left alone, listening to music, playing piano, singing.
Dislikes: People (sometimes) when someone breaks her trust, crying in front of others, extreme heat.
Pet peeves: Oh, my Gods, YOU CAN PUT IT BACK WHERE IT BELONGS! (Has slight OCD)
Fears: Never finding love, super high heights, roaches
Powers: Can run Very Fast.

I hope y'all like her, and welcome her to the Watty community! ^^


Ok, good night too uwu

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