🇨🇭 Mathias & Lars 🇱🇮

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" should I behave and be nice or show the world how wicked I am ? "

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❤️ First Name ❤️

❤️ nickname ❤️
Doesn't have one really, just dont call him Math -

❤️ gender ❤️

❤️ pronouns ❤️

❤️ bday ❤️
August 1st
- Founding of the swiss Confederacy

❤️ country they represent ❤️


🧡 sexuality 🧡
Asexual - Biromantic

🧡 views on being in a relationship ? 🧡
Not in one

🧡 lover 🧡

🧡 ex lovers 🧡

🧡 multiship 🧡

🧡 their type 🧡
Doesn't really know...?

🧡 top / bottom / switch 🧡
Probably would be a switch


💛 height 💛

💛 eye color 💛

💛 hair color 💛

💛 looks 💛

This adorable , two faced bean was drawn by the lovely Gmrsugarart ! Please go spam their stories with love and comments and check out their amazing art work ♥️♥️

Headshot was drawn by the lovely eggmxchiiiii ! Please go follow that lovely bean because their art is amazing and so are they ! ❤️

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ Mathias & Lars ⋅.━━━━ ⊰


💚 personality 💚
At first, he seems like the perfect person. A good boy with good morals and loves the people around him with respect. However, Mathias is hiding a dark truth of being two faced. He's very passive-aggressive, grumpy and is very high strung. He doesn't like people interfering in his life and locks himself away, acting like an old hermit.
When he is trying to be impressive, he will use his manners and charm to manipulate you into suspecting nothing. He is usually antisocial and avoids public areas when he can. He's 'nice' and uses the saying "salt looks like sugar" when being mean, cold and apathetic towards someone. He doesn't understand other's emotions very well and tends to act awkward in situations he didn't want to be apart of. Whenever Lars brings up how Mathias is feeling deep down, Mathias brushes it off while bottling more and more emotions down. Mathias doesn't break down in front of anyone, but instead, locks himself away. Even though he is two faced, he will always use his manners and have class as he finds it undignified if he were to drop those. He doesn't like violence and tends to show his gentle nature through neutrality. He's a pacifist and a peacekeeper.

💚 likes 💚
The color green
Being alone
His baby brother
Protecting himself and his brother
Royalty gossip
Being a hermit
The mountains
Peace and quiet
Using his manners
Wearing his yellow cape
Donating blood
His younger brother being around
Dark humor

💚 dislikes 💚
Being called nicknames (like doll, dear, sweetheart, etc)
Being in a crowd
Being controlled
Relying on others
Cute animals
Someone hurting his brother
Having his hair / body touched
Having his brother worry about him
Childish monster stories and such
Black magic
Talking about his feelings
Breaking down in front of people

💚 strengths 💚
Coming off as nice

💚 weaknesses 💚
Being empathetic

💚 hobbies 💚
Making cheese
Building new things for his homestead

💚 likeable or unlikeable to others? 💚
He presents his "nice" side to others; anyone who is naive to think he is just a cinnamon bun likes him

💚 goals / plans 💚
Keeping Lars safe
Teaching Lars and giving him a good education

💚 Favorite date night thing to do (if they're up for romance) 💚


💙 education 💙

💙 childhood 💙
He relied on his two faced nature to get him through his childhood. Some day it is a coping mechanism

💙 mental stability 💙
Tilting towards unstable

💙 mental illness 💙
Passive-Aggressive Tendencies

💙 physical illness 💙

💙 poor, middle class, rich 💙

💙 siblings ? Related to anyone ? 💙
Younger brother is Lars


💜 pets 💜

💜 tattoos/piercings/scars 💜

💜 fears 💜
Loosing Lars

💜headcanons / extra info 💜

• he acts like he hates everyone around him and that he can't the anyone. However, he only has a soft spot for his younger brother and loves him very much.

• he is the kind of guy to hold back laughter at funerals; however, seem like he is upset.

💜 Theme song 💜

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


" my brother is the best in the world! "

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❤️ First Name ❤️

❤️ nickname ❤️

❤️ gender ❤️

❤️ pronouns ❤️

❤️ bday ❤️
August 15th
- Bday of Prince Franz-Joseph II

❤️ country they represent ❤️


🧡 sexuality 🧡
Bisexual - female lean

🧡 views on being in a relationship ? 🧡
Not in one

🧡 lover 🧡

🧡 ex lovers 🧡

🧡 multiship 🧡

🧡 their type 🧡
Someone bold and hot headed

🧡 top / bottom / switch 🧡


💛 height 💛

💛 eye color 💛

💛 hair color 💛

💛 looks 💛

Redesign was made by the fabulous and super supportive FatYoshi5, please go give him so much love and appreciate all of his books; he is worth it! ❤️


💚 personality 💚
He is a her young and introverted individual. He is a major dreamer and loves being creative and drawing. Usually, he is very optimistic and kind when people are nearby and usually gets all geeky and flustered when talking about his interests. He is youthful, full of spirit and very innocent to the world around him.
He hates it when bullies wanna pick on him for expressing "girly" like topics, like flowers and dolls and can get butthurt very easily. He goes around skipping and is very air headed and aloof about the world and refusing to change his optimistic view point about the world.
He is childish, hypersensitive and has to rely on his older brother for a lot of stuff. He is a pushover, naive and gullible. Can become deeply saddened whenever Mathias refuses Lars' help and cares deeply about his brother as he can "sense" Mathias' hidden emotions.

💚 likes 💚
His brother
Flower crowns
Red and blue
Cool looking jackets
Bright skies
The sun
Being treated fairly
Doing big things when he is older
Widdling wood statues

💚 dislikes 💚
Being called girly
Being picked on
Crying all the time
Self harm markings
Triggering topics
His hair being pulled
Seeing Mathias upset/mad
When people say bad stuff about Mathias

💚 strengths 💚
Showing empathy
Being creative

💚 weaknesses 💚
Being picked on
Not being whiny
Taking to heart painful critisms

💚 hobbies 💚
Flower crowns
Day dreaming

💚 likeable or unlikeable to others? 💚

💚 goals / plans 💚
Get his brother to open up

💚 Favorite date night thing to do (if they're up for romance) 💚


💙 education 💙
Still learning and it's going very well !

💙 childhood 💙
When him and Tobias were seperated, he was poor and living on the streets until being taken in and nurtured by Mathias

💙 mental stability 💙
Stable just sensitive

💙 mental illness 💙

💙 physical illness 💙

💙 poor, middle class, rich 💙
High middle

💙 siblings ? Related to anyone ? 💙
Older brother is Mathias


💜 pets 💜
Has a bunny named Frizzle

💜 tattoos/piercings/scars 💜

💜 fears 💜
The dark
Loosing his brother
Being forgotten

💜headcanons / extra info 💜

• he is very clingy and usually will defend whatever negative thing people wanna throw at his older brother.

• He knows Mathias just buries down whatever people say and bottle his emotions and wants Mathias to open; however, Mathias doesn't.

💜 theme song 💜

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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