Not Art BUT-

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First of all, I want to remind you guys that I have an art contest book that you guys should go check out and enter in. Please let friends who might be interested to join know about it. It would mean the world to me to get a ton of new entries and see more amazing skills and talents! Anyways- with that shameless plug out of the way lets go onto this-

So, I was looking at a draft of The Aftermath, looking for motivation to work on the current version of it and I found this gem.

"Knock, knock!" A sing-songy voice came from outside a white houses' wooden front door, "I know you're home Shadow! I saw that your upstairs light was on! You can't ignore me again!" The voice purred out again. A sunset-orange fox stood there, raising his fists to knock again when he received no response. His bright blue eyes glistened with annoyance when his friendly knocks were met with silence. So again, he knocked. "Come on buddy! You know I can keep going like this for hours! We've literally lived in the same house since we were children!" He shouted, swishing his tail. As he was about to knock yet again, his knocks and annoying shouts were met with the door opening suddenly.

"What do you want, you no-life, four-eyed shrimp?" the recipient of the knocks asked, his voice giving way into aggressive annoyance. This didn't seem to faze the sunset fox though.

"Well now, mister grumpy-pants. I was just here to be friendly and try to rekindle our friendship, even though you... ya know, killed me and all! I just want you to know that I forgive you and I really want to have some coffee with you sometimes! You can do that, right pal?" The fox purred, grinning and making a nodding gesture with his head, "Isn't that great?"

The shadow gave him a look that screamed sarcastic joy, as he said, "I don't talk to dead people."

"But I'm not dea-"

And as the fox spoke, he was met with a face full of door.

"I'm not dead though! Come ONNNNN Shadow! Come onnnnnn! Quit being such a jerk and invite me in!! I know you don't actually hate me, do you?!" the fox shouted through the door, before proceeding to try opening the door with the door handle, jiggling it pretty violently. "It's kinda funny when you think about it! Me, begging my killer to let me in! HAHA! Okay, haha, I see why you're doing this now, Shadow! It is really funny to have me sit here and beg for you to let me come in and talk like friends again!" The fox laughed, while struggling with the door. There was a response by something being dragged up to the door. Probably a chair to block the door. Max started to bang on the door, pleading to be let in to chat, only for some kind of radio to be turned on full volume.

This shouting and knocking fit the fox had continued on though despite that. He even went to one of the windows and peeked in, before knocking on the glass and waving when he saw the shadow at his coffee table. The shadow got up, walked to the window, and closed some curtains right on the fox's face, gaining a 'how rude' response from the fox. Even so, he just continued to shout and whine for the shadow to let him in.


Finally, the shadow opened the door. "Holy fucking shit, you are even more annoying then I remember. Can't you just be sensible like Camilla and leave me alone to die alone in the underground, huh Maxwell Fox?" The shadow shouted, throwing his hands out at the fox, who stared at him for a moment before laughing.

"Haha, no. I couldn't leave you all by your lonesome. Being lonely sucks!" Max purred, while pushing Shadow aside to enter his home, "and besides, I figured you've had enough time to wallow in self pity too!" Max purred as he looked around the home.

"Oh yes, just enter my home. Remind me that there is no Royal Guard down here anymore," the Shadow huffed, slamming his door shut once the fox was inside, "Breaking and entering is still against the law, you fire rat."

"Oh hush up, you grown baby."

Shadow rolled his eyes and watched as the fox walked around, looking at some of the basic decorative pictures on his wall. He made a comment on how nice the images were, much to the dismay of the Shadow, who's shoulders slumped as Max spoke. "I'm going to assume you're going to want something to drink, huh Maxwell?" He sighed. The fox nodded at him, grinning. This just annoyed the shadow, who went to make some tea for them. 

And can I just say that like- I love their dynamic in this dumb little rough draft. My god they are true brothers and I just-

Mwah mwah.

Or they could totally be frickin gay lmfaofwiafjawj-

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