QnA for my OCs (Again-)

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Yeetus, I am back at it again with another chapter. This time it's not art related (I'm sorry for that), but it is still semi important, so I thought I might as well doing this! Now let's get this shit show on the road.

PumpkingxAngel asks-

1.) Your oc that would throw the best parties?

From my main cast- Todd and Maxwell have a pretty close tie ngl.
From the background characters- Trish and Tranquil.
My personas- Jayda.

 2.) Your favorite crack ship couples of your ocs?

God I fucking love StanleyxCamilla. There's just something about that crackship that just- that just makes me laugh and smile. It would be a pretty interesting ship if not for the fact that both these characters aren't exactly the best people.

I also love JaydaxViolet, but I've never drawn it before, I just think about it sometimes and it makes me smile. I also love JakexTodd- literally almost any ship with Todd is pretty great. Kind of the same case with Mavis too-

 3.) How much partners/husbands/wives has Camilla had in her life time? 

Camilla has had several! She first dated a guy in middle school, but broke up with him because he embarrassed her. Then she had a little secret relationship with Shadow, in which both genuinely loved each other and did- stuff- together. Then she married Maxwell. That's really about it! Camilla swore off dating or relationships after the divorce, and everyone kind of finds her too bitchy to really want to date her.

 4.) Ocs that your characters can't work well with?

Camilla (even though deep down she still loves him) and Shadow. Summer and literally anyone that dislikes her. Surprisingly, Mavis can't really work well with Trish or Alastor, and it's not for the reason you think. They just wind her up too much and they don't really know how to calm her down like Todd and her other friends can.

 5.) How your ocs would react during a horror game?

God, the funny part is that I did something like this in an old OC skit book I had where Mavis was a gamer and I had her react to some horror games. In short, here's their reactions.

Mavis is the one who screams, cries, then gets really upset at the game and ends up calling all the enemies something silly and stupid.
Jake just pretends he wasn't scared or saw the jumpscare coming even though he is silently freaking out. He also can NOT stand games with creepy noises.
Summer would scream then shut off the game and chuck out whatever device she was playing on for embarrassing her.
Maxwell would honestly not even be that scared. Maybe uncomfortable, but not that scared. He'd call literally ever single thing in the game something silly, like Bob or K E V I N.
Camilla would act like Summer does, but instead of chucking out whatever she's playing on, she'd drive a spear straight through the console.

 6.) Favorite seasons for your characters?

Most of my characters really love spring actually. The few exceptions are Summer (who likes Summer), Shadow (who likes fall), and Moon (who likes winter). Most of my background characters like winter or spring, and all my personas like fall.

Soulbounded asks-

I'd like to know more about Todd's family and their relationships to each other.

Todd's family is actually pretty big! Most of them moved away from OakEbott as soon as they got the chance too, but there are still some of his relatives that live nearby. Maybe one day I'll design and make a few of his aunts, uncles and cousins. As for his inner family, Todd and his dad are not close at all (because abuse and stuff). Todd and his mother are pretty decently close, although Todd doesn't really talk to her about stuff that often. The closest family member to Todd is his sister surprisingly, even if she messes with him and acts like a brat all the time with him. She's the one who knew about his crush on Mavis first, and is the one who knew what kind of person he really is. Even if they fight a lot, they still have a very close sibling relationship! As for Stanley and Lily? Well, they stopped being super close once Lily got a really good job that involved her being gone often, and obviously- them divorcing. Stanley doesn't like either kids, while Lily is very fond of her children. Todd's uncles and aunts aren't very close to Stanley (even the ones who are related to Stan the man), but they love Lily and the kids. Both of Todd's grandparents spoil him and his sister to literally no end!

I'd like to know more about Todd and Mavis relationships, how they met and such and what their differences are.

Ooo! Interesting! Well, to try and keep this spoilers free for the future of my book series, I'll try to keep it short! Todd and Mavis are actually childhood friends, or at least were until something kind of happened. But, by late middle/early high school, they start hanging out again! Todd starts to develop some feelings for Mavis, but he doesn't admit them. She starts developing some for him. By the end of Mavis' high school year as a sophomore, he finally asked her out, and she said yes! They are actually Soul Mates, but more about that in the book ;)

As for how they met- it was all thanks to George and Fred actually! Todd introduced Todd to their friend group back in elementary school, and Mavis just so happened to have been their friends at the time! He teased her a whole bunch, but he did care about her. Mavis was never really sure of him as a kid though. Once they reignited their friendship, both had mellowed out and got more mature. The main differences are really in their personalities and some of their interests. Todd is an extrovert who is beyond confident and loves sports, while Mavis is an introvert who isn't all that confident. They balance each other out in an interesting way! Mavis helps keep Todd calm and focused, and is always there for him, and he's her rock and helps elevate her confidence up! They are one of the few examples of opposites attracting that I feel like really work out!

Their future dream home! You know like: location, maybe a different country? Or big house/small house? Family or career?

Todd and Mavis have a surprisingly similar idea of what they want their future home to be like! Somewhere close by their families, but nothing in the city. Mavis really wants to live out in the country so she can garden and have a lot more peace, while Todd really just wants to live on the outskirts of town so he can easily get to work. Both will end up in a pretty lowly populated part of the city and Mavis still gets the garden she wants. Neither really want to travel, and they want a small house with a big yard (and a pool). Todd is going to be a cop, and Mavis is going to be a teacher. And yes, they will have kids!

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