The Ship Tag

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Yeah, so I was tagged by LiliandSnowC who made this awesome tag about shipping. Hopefully my opinions will not be considered hateful because hoooooo-boi

Won't that be unfortunate.

So let's start me digging up my own grave by getting started with this tag. I feel the need to say that these are my opinions based on what I know, seen, and heard. I do not want anyone telling me my opinion is bad because I didn't 100% agree with you. Please do not unfollow me because you hate what I'm saying. Please do not bully me because then I'll turn emo and edgy and no one wants that. Also, please no fighting in the comments.

Are we good now? Great! Anyways, let's get started.

Also, this with eventually be moved to my Salt Book, which I'll republish one day.

1- How do you feel about the typical cliches on Wattpad?

I don't usually read Wattpad books anymore, but I have read some and definitely seen people vent on cliches. There are the cliches where abuse is sexualized and others where the outcast nerd is some hot guy or girl who actually gets along with everyone and isn't actually socially awkward. I honestly don't really care too much about cliches, because there really aren't that many original ideas in storytelling nowadays.

2- Do you do Ocxcannon shipping?

I used to ship my OCs with cannon characters long ago (not that long ago) and really don't mind it when other people do it. I just have a problem when someone is a little too obsessive over the character and completely changes the story with no real good reason.

3- what's your opinion on shipping irl people?

In real life shipping is fine IF, and I'm emphasizing the IF because there are a lot of ways for it to become undone. For example, saying someone looks cute or drawing some bromance stuff is fine, but saying someone is hiding a relationship, being toxic about it, and drawing sexual fan art is just over stepping that boundary.

4- List one OTP from any Fandom you're in or your OCs.

Undertale Fandom: Undyne x Alphys, Toriel x Asgore, and Papyrus x Mettaton. Shut up, I know I listed three with two of them being unlikely cannon-wise.

My OCs: Mavis x Todd, Young Shadow x Young Camilla, and Summer x Moon.

5- Would you rather only like gay or straight ships?

I like both though-
I ship a lot of gay ships and a lot of straight ships. I couldn't just pick one or the other. However, if someone were to ask me if I think one should be liked more then the other, I'd have to say no, because both types are great and have no reason to be better then the other.

Besides, everyone should be against incest shippings and pedophile shippings.

6- how do you feel about fangirls/boys stereotyping gay relationships?

I'm really only familiar with a few stereotypes, but I do, in fact, think it's wrong to stereotype people. As humans, I feel we tend to lump everyone who shares one, remotely common thing with a lot of other people, and that's just no good. It's like lumping someone who doesn't view liking a certain thing with a single group while ignoring all their other, wonderful traits.

As for the people who might go on to say that some stereotypes do exist in some people. Such as the stereotype of artistic people being introverts and liking to be left alone. That is pretty true to me, and probably to a lot of people.

7- Have you ever wished your ship was cannon?

Yes, like a lot of people, I'm sure I'm not the only one wishing for some ships to be cannon. Like Asgore and Toriel ;-;

8- Opinion on yandere fangirls/boys?

Stop being so obsessive.
Why are you like this?
Who hurt you?
Why are you trying to kill people online?
You know you'll be embarrassed later in life when you look back on this.

Yes, I do realize many yandere fans are either trolls or really young people. At one point, I myself was super obsessive. Not yandere levels of obsessive, but obsessive. Thankfully I'm not like that nowadays.

Anyways, thanks for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed. Don't hate me for my opinions because I'll be sad.

Here's some peeps who might me interested.

DeadlyVenom0809 (idk if you'd be interested bub)

I'm done now-

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