Wish I Had More Creative Titles

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Oh hello there! I didn't see you there. Do you come here often? Yeah, me too-

Okay that's getting weird, let's just forget that happened-

Anyways, howdy ho! It's another chapter of this art book! Seems like I'm getting a bit better with some kind of a schedule for this book, sort of. I don't have a whole ton of interesting and amazing art for this chapter, but I do hope you guys like them quite a bit! I'm rather proud of a few drawings in this chapter! I also decided to dedicate a future book to my goretober sketches, since SOME of the drawings keep getting corrupted. That way I can have a couple of drawings per chapter and have more in depth explanations and stories and stuff! So um- yeah! I'll make an announcement for it once I have it all set up!

In the meantime though, I AM in the process of rebranding both my adoption book and my redesign book. I feel that they could be improved, especially my adoptable book. Any and all art things in either books will remain the same, it'll be mostly the intros and book covers that are going to be different. I hope you guys end up liking them! Let's get this party started!

First of all- here's my first cover! This is for my redesign book, which I decided to name "Rebrand". I thought it was fitting as it's both a rebranding of the book AND of your old OCs! The mascot for this book will be Jasmine, since she kind of represents my love for character designing. In fact, her design has been updated slightly! I'm not 100% pleased with this, but overall I think it looks okay and gets the book across for what it is! I do hope I get more people to check this book out once I completely finish rebranding it.

Here's the cover with no filters or anything. This way you guys can better see her design!

Here is my new adoption book cover! I changed her design up just a little bit and I'm superrrrr proud of this cover! I hope you guys really like it too! I really can't wait to get this book rebranded! Anyways- yeah! She has an egg in her hands and a blank OC holding onto her. I'm pretty pleased with this! I don't have too much else to say about this. Oh! Why is my initials the sponsor? Because I'm the author and the account this book is on- duh.

Again, not too much to say here. This is Fruitloop, a dutchie made by an old friend that is no longer in my life for um- drama... reasons. I felt it was unfitting to keep him a dutchie, especially since I only wanted one because she had several. Anyways- yeah! Here's Fruitloop, a fun loving sweet boi who like flying around and having an otherwise good time. I actually still like this old design, but I needed to change it. All of it. I wanted to just completely change him. Physically anyways- Also I didn't make this base, I just found it on Instagram. I left the original artists' signature on their so if you want to find them, you guys can.

Here he is! Yes, he is a horse. A flying horse! I don't quite like this design, so I will probably change it eventually, for now though- this is fine. Will I keep him? I'm honestly not sure. He's certainly a decorative character now, full time. I'm really not sure what to think of him. I guess he's okay. Maybe I'll put him away from adoption in the future. Who knows! Oh, and yeah, I did this on MS Paint. I think more digital artists should make a challenge for themselves and draw on MS Paint. It's a one layer challenge all the time, but I think it's pretty fun. 

Next up is another adoption from the same person. Yet another dutchie. I never fully gave her a personality or anything, since I never got around it before we lost touch. So um- I had to come up with an idea for her in the redesign. Let's get to that! First things first though, I actually don't hate the original dutchie design at all. I think it looks really pretty! I wanted to try to keep this mystical feel in the new design, so yeah-

Here she is! She's a half unicorn, half zebra girl! I actually really love her design! She's a shy, sweet baby, and she's a big magic nerd. I think for my MLP universe, I'm going to make her the Starlight Shimmer of the universe. Or- not Starlight. Starlight's friend- I forgot his name. Sunburst? Was it Sunburst? Anyways um- where am I going with this? Oh yeah- She's going to be the Sunburst of that universe. So that means the Starlight will either be a gay girl or a boio. Depends on what I'm feeling if I ever get around with that. I dunno yet tbh.

Here is Cheesecake! The final dutchie I adopted from the old friend. She's Fruitloop's younger sister and is just as fun loving and energetic. There isn't too much to say about this design. It's okay, and I like it, I just needed to change it. So let's get on with that.

Here is the new Cheesecake, who is now a gr- I FREAKING FORGOT HER WINGS!!! NO WONDER WHY SHE DIDN'T LOOK RIGHT! GOD DAMN IT I'M JUST TERRIBLE!! UGHHHHHHHHH!!! Ahem- anyways. Yeah, she's a griffon. She's Fruit Loop's friend. Blah blah blah, I'm just gong to stop talking about her.

This was adopted from someone on Instagram. I actually don't remember who I adopted from... ah well- I adopted Brownie here to be a coach for the high schoolers in my Undercannon universe. Originally she was just going to be a generic teacher, but I was recently struck with an interesting idea that I love very, VERY much. So, I will get to it shortly. This version of her is a very basic, chocolate inspired wolf design. Very simple. Way too simple. So um- yeah!

Here she is, redesigned! She is now George and Fred's adopted mother! She's a seemingly sweet, caring person (and she really is), but she harbors a very deep hatred for Stanley and his son, Todd. She only hates Todd because he looks like Stan the man, and the reason she hates him is because- well- he played a very nasty joke on her in high school. I thought it would be really interesting that the track team/gym coach would also have a metaphorical hate boner for Todd and his father. However, even though she hates him, she lets her boys be his friend and still lets him be a part of the track team.

Ayuma Hex was adopted from lilspacebirb! I bet you thought I wouldn't draw her anytime soon, huh dude? Well, I did! It just took while because I wanted to copy the exact same style and outfit, but I just couldn't do it justice. I can't do really cool, pretty intricate details... however, I did do my best to keep the spirit of the original outfit! I hope it does you justice Lils, I really do.

Here she is! I changed her up a bit to be a bit more reclusive and nervous. I kept her kind of puppet-feline-rabbit thing, and I like it! I even extended the face marking to the rest of her body, and I like it a whole lot. I even kept her legwarmers! And I tried to keep the interesting nightmare catcher design on her chest, deciding she'd have her soul constantly exposed, so she has to have some sort of protection. This means I um- may be making a new species that are puppet like. So thank you for that inspiration Lils! I owe ya' one! I really like how she came out too, and I hope you aren't upset I had to remove a lot of her details. I tried really hard to keep as much of it as possible!

Here are two other new OCs I got, this time from PumpkingxAngel as payments for some adopts they got from me! I absolutely love these designs, especially the white bat girl! I felt so special when I read she was a part of an old species of yours! I originally wanted to go completely into that bat idea, but I went against it because I wanted to stay as true to the species as possible. I hope I did pretty well! Anyways, I didn't have that many ideas for these two at first, but as I was redesigning Arrow Davis, I thought 'hey, wouldn't it be cool to have more teacher characters?' So that's what I did! Here are the lesbian teachers!

We'll start off with Anubis, who I made into a fallen angel-succubus demon hybrid. Fallen angel's aren't actually angels or ex angels, they are just demons that carry very similar traits of angels, while still being brutish and demon-like. And I don't think I really need to explain what a succubus is. However, Anubis isn't really like a succubus. She's just a pretty normal woman who has a bit too much energy and dramatic acting. So I think she fit perfectly as a drama teacher. Although a small part of me likes to think she helps the band teacher with teaching the band students. Her wife, who's name I misspelled, is Bailey! She's a friller white bat, and she teaches Pre-K (the grade before kindergarten. Like daycare, but not exactly- I never went so I don't really know what it's like-). She's a pretty awkward and an 'under the rock' sort of girl, since she grew up pretty sheltered, but she does her best. She absolutely loves her wife, who loves her back, and tries her best to keep up with her fast-paced partner. She also really loves her job, and wants to have kids of her own someday. I love these two very much, and I hope you like what I've done to them Lex!

Here is my final few drawings, and it's more redesigned versions of my 'mane' six. Here's my AJ replacement, Ink Tome! She's a writer! Both an author and a journalist! I know journalists aren't exactly known for being 'honest', but I really thought it could add to her character to have to be the most honest source of news.  She WAS going to be half zebra, but I didn't really like it, so I just gave her a neat little design to make her stand out a little and left it as that. 

Here is my Twilight Sparkle ripoff, Moon Beam! I shortened her name a bit and changed her design. Ngl, I really don't care too much for this design. So I may have a certain someone (*cough*lilsmaybeyouwannadoit??*cough*) have free rein to maybe redesign her? If they want to? Anyways um- yeah. She's a student of the Princess Celestia ripoff of this universe, and is just very similar to her cannon counterpart. However, she actually does have friends, she just struggles to really relate to them or anything. She's a nerdy girl who wants to be popular but constantly reveals her geekiness, which makes her friends awkward around her. So yeah um- she's more open to having friends and such in Ponyville.

Here's the final drawing of this chapter! Blossomfall! I didn't change her too much, I just kinda went knee-deep into a deer aesthetic, since- well- I was inspired by a lot of Fluttershy redesigns from people. She looks so sweet and cute. I love her. Anyways um- yeah! Here she is. Nothing changed about her tbh, just her appearance. She's a little gardener pony. She's best friends with the Pinkie Pie ripoff and Ink Tome, since both of them respect her introverted self and like being around her and the flowers.

I hope you guys enjoyed this... confliction of a chapter. I had fun writing it all things considered! I'm going to do a little something new for the end of each chapter! 

I want to do some kind of QnA at the end of each and every chapter! So um- if you'd like too, please feel free to ask questions! I'll do my best to answer them either as a response or in the next chapter of this book!

Next up, I want to say I have requests and art trades open constantly! So don't ever be afraid to hit me up!

Oh, and finally-

You guys who haven't yet told me what you guys wanted for your prizes from my contest book- um- can you guys please tell me what you want? I've been meaning to ask, but I keep forgetting too. So please tell me what you want as soon as you can!

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