Wistful October Doodles

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Yoooo! It's me, again, about a week or two since my last chapter. It's been a while, eh? Well, probably not that long, but still- Anywaysssss! I'm here, making another art chapter, and hopefully I have some interesting stuff for you guys to look at! Since it's October, you know your girl just had to make yet another attempt at making a goretober list! This year though I'm combining the idea of having a goretober AND an inktober, so my drawings will be a little mix of both! The ideas will either be dark and... well not so much gorey so far- or just cool and fitting with the theme. So far, I actually made it up to day 8, but I haven't really had the chance  to do day 9 or 10. Also, for those who are curious, I'm not adding the original drawings of the pony original designs, to save room for the rest of my pictures.

Here is the list! I'm actually pretty pleased with the list, and so far, I like most of my drawings. So um- hopefully it stays that way!

Day 1 is Sleep. The idea I went with is Maxwell and Shadow, with the former sleeping and the other- well- you can see. No, this isn't cannon, it's just a spooky drawing that I thought would be pretty cool to draw. I might make this a drabble one day, since I like the idea actually! For now though, I guess the story would be Maxwell keeps having the same nightmare, over and over, of his adopted brother killing his family, much like that shadow did to his brother when he was a little kitten. So, one night, he takes matters into his own hands and goes in to suffocate Shadow, who's having a good dream.

Day 2 is Show. I just went with a puppet theme and had Summer basically dance 'forever'. I'm really proud of the dress if I'm being honest, with the sequins top and a more silky-thread-like texture of the skirt. Then the transparent silk thingie that's draped across Summer's body. It's pretty damn cool if I do say so myself. I'm pretty pleased with how this came out, even if it's not perfect.

Day 3 is Storm. I decided to go with Felix during the Monster v. Human war and have his magic freak out in the rainy weather. I freaking LOVE the effect if I'm being honest. Like- I truly feel pride whenever I look at this drawing. I could not ever really redo this drawing even if I wanted too. I'm just beyond pleased with this drawing. As you can see though, all these drawings have very cold feelings, and I realized this on day 4, so I tried to get away from using blue for shading, since I didn't want everything to feel cold and dark.

Now this was so god damn hard to figure out what to do. I originally wanted Skyler to hide away from some kind of 80s killer, but I didn't like that idea as much. So I decided to go with a movie poster. I used an Evil Dead poster at first for my idea, but I didn't like it, so I decided to go with the Society poster. I used the woman in the blue dress, and instead of her face coming off, I went with Sky's soul. It's not the best, and is one of my least favorite drawings.

Day 5 is Kiss. Now this is another one that I'd love to write a drabble on. The idea is that Camilla is absolutely insane and very obsessed with both Maxwell and Shadow. Why aren't they kissing? Well um- I kinda didn't know how to draw them kissing while maintaining the idea I had of her mind controlling him or something, so I went with right after they kissed. It's a bit sexual, but like- I like it. I was low key inspired by Angel Dust's floofy chest and how people will draw him using it to comfort people. It was a cool idea- It's in my messy sketchy line art style because I was kind of rushing with this one. 

Day 6 is Candy. This is just very simple. I had no real ideas for this, so I just went with an Alternate Side Moon just holding a bag of candy. This is another one I don't really care about. So I won't say a lot about this.

Day 7 is Wisp. Now this is my absolute favorite drawing from these 8 drawings. I could go on and on about what all I love about this drawing, but I won't. For those that are curious, this is Yuki, one of Max' mothers. She's a Kitsune. A real kistune. She's Japanese, this she has the gene that allows for multiple tails, and those tails are what signify that she is slightly more powerful then an average monster. However, she's not a boss monster, so she doesn't have incredibly great fire power. Anyways- during the Monster V. Human War, she lost half of one of her tails to a human cutting it off. In this drawing, I wanted to keep both full tails, so that's what's up. I'm so god dang proud of the kimono too! There's some flower patterns.

Day 8 is Radio. I'm not a big fan of this drawing either, but it's alright for the idea I had in mind. Skyler is used yet again, and since she's mute, I thought it'd be really cool to have her be a failed attempt by her husband, Felix, to make her able to speak, and just have her 'voice' come out both her mouth and radio. It was an interesting concept, but I just don't feel as proud of this drawing as I do the others. Oh, if you haven't noticed, I was really started to play around with the filters in Ibis Paint, and I'm pretty pleased with the outcomes!!

Here is a reference of Yuki! I haven't yet done her wife, but besides that, this is by far my most favorite design so far. She's very interesting and unique looking, as I wanted it to be more obvious she wasn't like the rest of my fox ocs. She's different. With her new markings, I might actually include them in the design of Max and one of the kids. So um- yeah! Anyways! I like her outfit too.

None of you guys would really know about this drawing, unless you follow my old DeviantArt account. This was done on MS Paint and I believe I was around 11-12 when I drew this. The colors contrast each other pretty badly and the proportions looks pretty bad. The eyes are really, and I mean REALLY creepy and anime inspired. This is just a bad drawing overall.

And here is my redraw! I didn't do a holiday theme, but I did keep up with a very cute Bonnie drawing. It's still not the best, and it was actually just me wanting to play around with the filters some, but I still like it all things considered, so enjoy it.

Here is the redesign of Rarity's kid, Pixie. I actually couldn't find the original drawings of her kid, except for those that I just drew her with Rarity's hairstyle, so I just didn't bother with trying to draw her. Basically, she just looked like a carbon copy of her mother. Anyways, so with this, I decided that I wanted a bit of a scandalous pair of kids for Rarity. The oldest is the son of Fancy Pants, who I think is in a relationship with Fleur in the cannon show- so um- yeah a bit of an affair happened here. However, Rarity doesn't tell her son about this, so he's pretty clueless. Big Mac is Pixie's father. Now, I did want to put something apple related in her cutie mark, but I had literally no idea how to maintain a creative apple cutie mark for her, so I just left it alone to be a gilded paintbrush. I always just had a feeling that if Rarity were to have kids, she'd probably have had two different stallions get her pregnant. She'd still be a really good mom, but like- yeah. ANYWAYS- Pixie actually never had an original father, I just completely based her on her mother, so with these two kids, I actually did some research. Why I didn't go with Spike? Well- Spike is a baby dragon, and I was just not vibing with that. Sorry SpikexRarity fans. Also, I was never that big of a fan of the ship to begin with. I actually liked the ship with Rarity and Applejack far more, but that's another story. Anyways um- so about these characters!

Sapphire is much like his mother, as he loves all things fashion and helps make jewelry. He even takes over one of his mother's stores. Pixie is his younger sister, and she's a bit more similar to Sweetie Belle. She's very playful and energetic and loves to paint. Both of them have the Rarity-Sweetie Belle relationship, where they care about each other, but do argue pretty often. 

Here is Apple Sweet's redesign. Another stallion, this time named Honey Crisp. His father is Caramel. I wanted him to have his mother's hat, but I couldn't draw it, so I gave up on it. I'm pretty pleased with this redesign. No, his mother and father aren't dead, they are just fine. He helps out on the farm. I was gonna give him a little sibling, but decided against it for some reason, so there's that. He's a hardworking pony. Just like Pixie, I didn't have a father idea for Apple Sweet.

Here is Fluttershy's kids! I absolutely love these designs, and I think it's a nice switch up from FS and her brother's relationship, with the girl being extroverted and energetic, while the boy is shy and quiet. Not too much to say here, I love the cutiemarks and colors. Oh, and the father is named Thunder Lane.

Now for Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwiches kid. They actually have kids together in the cannon show, so this was actually pretty dang hard to do, but I managed. I wanted her to have flat and poofy hair, much like the family on her mother's side. 

Here is all of them together, not really colored. I like the idea that Sky Chaser and Sunny are close friends, going to Cloudsdale together and stuff to become Wonderbolts. Cream Cake would follow them around. Star Dusk and Sapphire would be close friends, with Sapphire constantly showing off to Honey Crisp, who is just not impressed. Sapphire and Honey Crisp might just be the GAY however- anyways! Pixie would definitely watch her cousin and brother talk and just admire them. Then we have Dawn Light and Lavender Breeze would be really close, and may end up also being a couple. All in all, I thought they'd all be friends and stuff.

Well, this is all!! I hope you guys like all this chapter!

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