A New Outlaw

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"Wow." Tim.
"There she is!!" Dick.
"..." Jason.
"I'm a genius!" Stephanie.
They all looked at the new Spoiler in amazement Dick and Tim clapping and Roy giving a whistle. Jason stayed silent. The girls came down and Sky walked up to him." Are you ok Jay?" She asked concerned. Jason was taken out of his trance as he shook his head regaining focus on the president.
"What... Uh... Yeah I'm fine." He stated focusing on her suit." It looks good on you." He commented. She smiled under her mask." Oh I almost forgot! Are we ready to go now replacement!?!" He yelled at Tim. Tim gave him a look then gave him the all clear to go." Come with me." He whispered to Sky grabbing her wrist and running to the garage. There were the three motorcycles a car and something else that was covered in a tarp. Jason put Sky in front of the tarp and told her to cover her eyes. After checking that she wasn't peaking he uncovered the thing that was under the tarp. He took a deep breath of satisfaction then said,"Ok... Open them."
A large gasp escaped her mouth as she took in the surprise. It was a purple motorcycle." OMG JASON!!!!" She screamed. As she sat on it and got a feel for the new ride Jason hands her a helmet that... You guessed it..... Was also purple! She quickly snatched the helmet eagerly and Jason just chucked at how she acted like a child.

"So do you like it?" He asked.
"She looked at him though the dark visor of her helmet. "Like it, I LOVE it!!!" She squealed. Jason laughed harder.
"Now there's the matter of your signature weapon. What do you want guns ,swords bow and arrow." He suggested to her. She thought for a moment.
"Hm... I like the feel of a gun  like you, but I also like the variety of arrows Roy has." She kept thinking out loud." I know how about a crossbow." She suggested.
"Perfect." Jason said while getting a crossbow from his stash." Try this one. It's purple." He teased.
Now that she was set she could finally get this show on the road.

Later that day at night
"Ok replacement so why are we hear?" Jason muttered through the COM's. They were all separated and Jason didn't like being so far away from Sky, this being her first mission and all(well first mission as spoiler.)
Tim wanted Jason to do as little as possible. So he made Jason the stakeout guy. With Nightwing directing civilians away from the building.

"Calm down hood we're almost done." Tim replied, obviously annoyed. Then him and Stephanie slipped into an air vent. While they were doing that Sky and Roy were in sniper positions." Ok Spoiler, Arsenal give them a headache for the morning." Tim commanded. Both of them pulled out Sonic disrupter arrows and fired them in the direction of the 12 guards in front of Falcones building. The arrows landed on the ground then produced massive sound waves, deafening the guards then eventually knocking them out. They gave Tim and Steph the green light to move in on top while they basically used the front door. Once inside and army of drug dealers and Falcones best men were waiting for them.
"Well now it's a party." Roy comments as they Leap into action. Spoiler jumps on one guys shoulders knocking him to the ground. Then she leap up and Roundhouses a thug while firing an electric arrow at another. She dodged one guy with a knife that he clearly knew how to use. He takes out two swords and Spoiler excepts the challenge.
He swings his swords and she flips back. He swings again and she jumps onto a chandler and swings back and forth. When the chandler is in motion she stands on it and take out her crossbow she backflips off and while in mid air she shoots the wire holding the chandler on the ceiling. It falls spinning and it lands on the knife guy and it rolls around, taking out more men. She and Arsenal take care of the rest and start to plant bombs in the place. Arsenal hands her the trigger." By the way, that little stunt with the chandelier, that was showing off." He comments. She smiles and they move to the next level of the building.
Eventually they get to Tim and Stephanie and as rehearsed they play the bad cop. Roy kicks down the door and they both have weapons pointed at Tim and Stephanie." What are you two doing here?!" Roy demanded.
"Interrogation. Arsenal why don't you and your knew partner go home like the good little kids you are." Tim provoked.
"Not a chance red. Red Hood wants this guy so I'll give him what he wants." Roy.
"You think you can get anything out of him. Be my guest. With that Roy started interrogating Falcone but he wouldn't give anything up.
Jason was on the COM's the whole time and eventually came up to interrogate himself.
"Alright what's the holdup. I've been waiting for over three hours Arsenal. And I don't like to wait." He said this in a way that made chills run down everyone's spines." Now Mr. Falcone you have a lot of breakable bones in that body of yours everyone I have time to break." With that he broke one of Falcones fingers." Only 9 more left before I start breaking the important stuff." He informed Falcone. Sky had never seen Jason like this before, he almost scared her. How he was giving no mercy. By the ninth finger Falcone slipped up and gave away some information.
"Ahhhhhhh. I... I can't.... I can't tell you. Savage will kill me!!!" He cried.
Everyone was shocked to hear that Savage was behind this and Sky wanted to know more.
She pushed Jason away from Falcone." What about Savage?" She asked.
"He wanted me to take care of some girl that he's had locked up for a while." Falcone confessed.
Spoilers POV
MOM!!! The thought immediately raced through my head. Could it really be her." Who was it?" I asked just to be sure.
I don't know." He told me but I didn't buy it.
I broke his last finger." I'm going to ask you again before I let my friend over there..." I motioned to Jason." Get back to breaking you now that your fingers are gone. He didn't even flinch." Fine." I said annoyed and I dragged him upstairs to the roof and threw him off. The building was high so after about five seconds I shoot my grapple gun at him and it caught him. I reeled him up to the distance that I can hear him." Her name, tell me now!" I demanded.
Jason and the others looked on in shock.
Jason's POV
I couldn't believe my own eyes. Sky was acting just like HIM. "Tell me or I'll drop you!" She yelled. Falcone laughed at her.
"You don't have the guts to do it kid. Your to new to the game we're playing." He had the upper hand now. She doesn't have the guts but I do. I walk over and take the wire from her.
"Ok Falcone here's what's going to happen, I'm going to let go and you are going to scream for your mommy. Sounds good, good." With that I let go of the wire. He fell until his face was literally a centimeter away from the ground. I didn't catch him. I look over to see Spoiler almost off the roof holding on to the edge of the wire. I look back to see my replacement clearly enjoying the position she's in, which I have to say makes certain parts of her stick out a little more. Seeing this I quickly helped her out of that position." Now Falcone I don't think my friend hear can catch you that Close to the ground again so..." I teased.
"Linda! Linda Stone! Her name was Linda Stone!" He cried. Spoiler immediately brought him back up.
"Where is she?" She asked.
"Didn't you hear me before. I said I toke care of her. She's sleeping with the fishes now." He laughed seeing victory. She knocked him out. Then started crying. I got on my knees and let her cry on me. After a few moments of silence we all went to the vehicles. Sky got on her bike then pulled out what looked like a detonator but she put it back into her pocket.
Once home she went straight to her room and shut the door. A little while later I knocked on the door." Sky can I come in?" I asked in a gentle tone. I heard a thud she threw something then a faint "come in" so I did. I found her in the dark room on her bed. Her figure was curled up sobs and sniffs came from it. I sat on the bed. "You know it's ok right. It's ok to cry. I won't tell I promise." I whispered. I put a hand on the fragile figure then she full out hugged me and started crying. At first it was a little uncomfortable but then I hugged her back. It must be hard. To lose someone close to her. I wonder how she was when I died. I hope this doesn't change her. She's so sweet and gentle and a bit of a spitfire. I don't want to lose her again. I realized that she was sleeping so I started to leave. Before I could get off the bed I felt something hold my hand. I turn back and saw her in the moonlight. She didn't look at me but she was holding me.
She looked up with pleading eyes."Don't go. Jason please don't go. I don't want to be alone." She said in such a way I couldn't say no.
So I got under the covers and held her close." I will never leave you again." I whispered to her. I placed a kiss on her head and then we both drifted into sleep.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww they're so cute🤗😍. Ok for those who think dirty that's all they did. They are not sexually attracted to each other. Just to clarify. Also my friend GiannaandHalo is making a story with me called Hunter and carter so go give her some support and my new story Heather Pan and the LostGirls is now published so go give that some love please.

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