Happy Birthday Jason

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"So what hero do I thank?" The man said.
Oh god! Oh god !!oh god!! This guy is BATMAN!!!!!! I can't right now I just can't!!!!
Jason saw me freaking out inside and thought it was cute." I think your looking for this pretty lady Mr. Wayne." He said wrapping his arm around me. I look at him terrified and he just has that signature Jason Todd smirk of his.
I am pushed to my feet right in front of Mr. Wayne. I stand there paralyzed. What do I do? What do I say?!
He puts his hand out for me to shake." Thank you for saving my son." He says.
"Uh... Well uh. It... It was nothing really. A group effort. All the Outlaws helped." I spat out.
Mr. Wayne looked over me and at the boys.
"Well Spoiler. You will have to excuse me but I am having a family reunion at Wayne manor. And I don't want a chance to miss my family." We all knew what he was saying. Jason gave a slight nod. Telling Mr. Wayne that we'll be there.
We couldn't take off our masks since we were in a place with high security, you know cameras and people and stuff like that. We all left and went to Wayne manor.
THIS PLACE IS HUGE!!!!!! As soon as I park my motorcycle I dart in there.
"Hey wait!" I hear Jason call but I run in anyway.

Jason's POV
That girl.. I swear she's gonna get it one day.
"Master Jason. It is good to see you again sir." A familiar voice says.
I smile and take off my helmet." Hey Al how you been?" I ask.
"Doing just fine sir. And I see you have a lady friend with you." Alfred says looking in the direction Sky ran off in.

"Yeah.... But a lots been going on so we never really have any alone time." I explain.
Alfred looks at me as we walk through the doors of Wayne manor." Well sir this is a large establishment... I wouldn't be surprised if you any the young mistress got lost a time or two." I stopped dead in my tracks. But he kept on walking but I caught a smile on his face.
Did he just?.... Nah! He didn't. I soon start to walk in the direction he went. I walked through the long hall that was covered in things I use to mess with. Some empty chests are here just for show. But I would stash food in them whenever I could.
A smile forms on my face as I remember when Alfred found one stash.
Me and Bruce had gone out for ice cream and when we came back Alfred was standing there with a trash bag full of the food I stored. Bruce and Al both scolded me for it as I nervously kept liking my ice cream.
I let out a chuckle.
"What's so funny?"
I turn to see Sky is in a grey tang-top and sweatpants.
"Nothing." I say shrugging.
"Well bats won't be here for another two hours. Business problems." She states." And I'm bored!" She ads. I shake my head and think for a moment.
"Well we can spar if you want. There's a gym here." I suggest.
She shrugs her shoulders then nods her head yes. We make are way to the gym, once there I leave her to get changed.
And that's when I realized...
After flipping out on myself. I went to the gym where I found Sky stretching. After bandaging my hands so there isn't to much force inflicted in my punches. "You ready?" I ask taking a fighting stance.
She does the same." Don't go easy on me." She smirks.
I throw an easy swing that she dodged. She follows with a light jab to my rib cage. She follows up with an uppercut.
I take a few steps back to recover from the hits. She comes at me then try's to get another punch in. I move to the side, grab her wrist, swing her infront of me, and trip her. Before she goes down she wraps an arm around my neck and I go down with her.
In the next moment I'm on top of her. We both stop to catch are breath. I stare into her beautiful brown orbs. In the next second she leaned closer and placed a kiss upon my cheek.
My face immediately went beat red. She kept staring at me with innocent eyes then she looked like me. She did my smirk!!!
The smirk I use when I am going to do something that is usually to say 'gotcha'.
She then flips us around. Her on top me on the bottom.
"Dang it." I mumble to myself.
"That's not fair. You use the way I feel about you to get the advantage AND you steal my signature smirk! That's cold sweetheart. Ice cold." I say acting betrayed.
"Use what I can to win right?" She says innocently. She gets off me. I sit up and watch her grab some water bottles. She tosses one to me and I catch it with one hand. As I take a sip she leaves the room.
When she comes back she has a box with her." Happy Birthday!!" She yells.
I spit out my water!
"Happy what now?!"I yell.
"It's August 16th, it's your B-day!" She says handing me the box.
How could she remember my birthday?
I take the box from her. A bit hesitant and a bit excited I open the box and there was a......
Guitar pick....
"Umm thanks....😕." I lie.
Why would she get me a Guitar pick?
I don't even have a Gui.....!!!!!!😳.

I slowly grab the guitar.
"What the hey am I supposed to do with this?" I ask still surprised at this thing.
"Well before you..... Before you died... You talked about getting a red electric guitar. You were very good at playing the guitar but the one you had was peer beat up. So I went out and got you the best I could afford with my allowance. But then you left with Bruce and you never came back...." Her expression dulled but she soon wiped the past away and gave me a smile.
"So... You've had this with you for about what... 5 years or so?" I joke.
"Of course! I couldn't let a perfectly good guitar go to waist!!! I used it on my first tour!!" She laughs.
I carefully put the guitar down then get on my feet.
"Thank you." I say almost crying.
She wraps her arms around me and I wrap one arm around her.

I can't really remember having a present for my birthday since I came back. It's nice to know someone still cares. We spent the rest of the hours hanging out in different areas of the manor. When Bruce came back we suited up and went to the Batcave. There everyone yelled in my face, screaming,"🎉HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎉!"

A banner was up, and everyone brought me gifts. There was a cake with the number 20 on the top. As they sang happy birthday I thought about what I was going to wish for.
Sky was directly in front of me. I looked at her. I looked at her lips. She had never kissed anyone, never actually kissed anyone. I looked at her hands. There was a ring. It was not a regular ring but a Promise Ring. A ring that is only to be taken of by her future husband and replaced with a wedding ring.
At that moment I realized what I wanted to wish for. And what I was willing to work for.
Now I can't tell you what my wish is or it won't come true!
But I blew out my candles and cut the first slice. After a few moment that slice was stuffed into my face! I heard laughter and a camera click. I cleared my eyes of cake and saw Sky with cake on her hand. She was laughing to.
I took another piece of cake then looked at her. I gave her my signature smirk and she stopped laughing.
"Jason... Don't you dare." She say warning me. I step closer. And closer... And closer. Then... SPLAT!!!!!
The cake is all over her face as well. She wipes off some of the cake and looks at me with a shocked expression.
I simply licked my fingers of the cake.
"Chocolate.... my favorite." I smirk again.
We cleaned are selves off and got ready to go on patrol.
I walked up to her motorcycle.
"What did you wish for?" She asks.
"Now if I told you songbird then it won't come true." I say getting closer." But you are more than welcome to guess."
She kisses me on the cheek.
"Ohhhhhhh... Not quite..... but close." I joke." Want to try again?" I say in a more romantic voice.
She smiles at me.
I close my eyes and lean in closer.
I feel a hand on my lips.
"Easy there hoodie. Your not there yet..." She says then dives off. Leaving me with the disappointment of rejection but also with the appreciation of patients....

Hi people!
I'm super sorry for this being late but I've been debating on weather to stop this story now or get to chapter 30 then end it. I've loved writing this story and you guys have been such great supporters of this book.
I thank you for getting me over 400 views, OH MY GOD!!!!!!
I feel so accomplished.....
Anyway new challenge is 450. And if you can 500. I really want to hit at least 500 before I end this.
I will leave it to you the readers to choose weather I should end this in the next chapter and move on to the second story in this series that I have planned or go to chapter 30 so I can touch up on some points of the plot that I haven't emphasized on. Tell me in the comments which you would like better. Don't forget to share and vote as well since you already know what I am doing and I need your support for.

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