New Job

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............. Jason's dream..................

"Come on Jason your so slow!" A small girl screamed at me. I chased after her until she stopped and I crashed into her.

"Ow!" I screamed as I hit the ground. "What happened?, why did you stop?" She didn't answer. She just stared straight ahead at the sky. "HELLO!, you mind coming back down to Earth." I said annoyed.

"The sun looks beautiful now doesn't it.",she said thoughtfully. She wasn't wrong it was almost sundown, the sky was a mix of orange, yellow and red. Everything was outlined in shadows.

"Huh! What was that about?!" I woke up screaming. I was in my room now, it was just a dream. That's the first good dream I've had for a long time. Why would I dream of a girl anyway? If I remember correctly the dream took place in the time before all this, before the Outlaws, before the Redhood, Before the Joker, and before Robin. What am I thinking about!

"Bro you ok?" I turn around to look at a fairly concerned Roy Harper at my door.

"Fine, just a bad dream Roy.", I said rubbing my eyes." So anyone got a job for us today?"

"Nah not yet." He looked at me funny." Jason who were you yelling at in you sleep?" WHAT!! I was yelling in my sleep! God I need a shower! I need a shower because our last job involved a mafia family and well they would rather die than go to the police peacefully. I just gave them what they wanted.

I turned on the shower and let the water soak my hair and run down my back. I was finally relaxing this morning, but my relaxation didn't last two minutes because of Harper screaming down the hall." JASON!, WE GOT A JOB!!" Before I can even answer him I hear the bathroom door slam open. Then Roy burned my shower curtain ... again. Fortunately I learned from last time to wear swim trunks when I take a shower.

"What gives Harper! I just bought that curtain!" Even though I was wearing shorts this time it was still uncomfortable for him to go burn the curtains when I'm in the shower.

"We got a job Jaybird!", he just can't stop smiling.

"You really couldn't wait for me to get out of the shower to tell me this?!" I swear if he wasn't my partner I would kill him right hear right now.

"Yes, No, it doesn't matter! This guy is willing to pay us 80,000!" Now I know why he's so happy.

"80,000 Roy are you serious?!" I still can't believe it. " Who do we have to kill?!"

"Well we don't have to really kill anyone." He seemed uneasy about that. "He said we have to escort someone." Ok easy enough.

"When do we go?" If I'm getting 80,000 dollars I'm going to be there five hours before this person does.

"The last plane to Gotham leaves in an hour.", he said grabbing his tooth brush then walking out of the bathroom. So I got ready packed my gear then took the last flight to Gotham, home sweet home.

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