the clouds have returned.

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Two weeks have passed since Hinata Shoyo reappeared in Kenma's life, eyes bursting with hope and aspiration.

In those two weeks, Kenma's been bombarded with presentations, streaming, and online board meetings (he could not, for the life of him, be bothered with physically going into an office). And in those two weeks, he hasn't had a wink of sleep.

His eyes are incredibly heavy as he tries his best to scan the screen in front of him, which is a long list of claims and legal terminology that he doesn't understand. "Maybe Yaku-san will be able to translate this for me," he muses to himself, eyelids drooping as he scrolls through the centuries long document on the screen. "Sounds like something he would be interested in."

The document in question regarded the terms and conditions of sponsoring Hinata as an athlete, something his legal team drafted one night. While Kenma is glad that they're going through everything properly-considering that this is the first ever time they're sponsoring someone-he secretly wishes that it didn't have to be so word-heavy.

The low buzz of his doorbell ringing snaps him back to being hyper awake, and he clambers out of his gaming chair, padding in his socks to the front door. His cat has fallen asleep in the clothes basket in the laundry room, so there's no meow to greet him from coming out of his "enclosure", as Kuroo likes to call it.

It's become significantly warmer, which Kenma is glad for. Not like it mattered to him as much, since he didn't really venture outside unless he had a purpose to, but at least he didn't shudder as much within the confines of his own house.

"Kenma!" Hinata greets, when he opens the door. The warmth of the oncoming spring sunshine lights up Hinata's features, making him a lot brighter than he usually is. Kenma smiles in response, stepping aside to let his friend in. "Shoyo."

The literal ball of sunshine lunges forward at Kenma, enveloping him in a warm hug like last time. And like last time, Kenma's cheeks become warm.

Hinata pulls away, a large smile on his face. "Sorry I haven't visited in two weeks. I took up a part-time job in one of the grade schools nearby, to coach volleyball." His expression softens. "I thought it could help with the money."

Kenma gives him an understanding nod, as Kenma takes him to his game room. Hinata's tone changes from one of glee to pure shock and wonder as he takes in the lavish decor before him.

It's a large room, probably the size of one of Karasuno's classrooms. There are various arcade terminals spread across the room, from Pac-Man to Space Invaders, even some Hinata hasn't seen before. One corner of the room, the one nearest to the window, is devoted to a whole gaming station; there are consoles, monitors, and a large TV display hung up above. But apart from gaming and such, there are bookcases scattered around, stacked with various sudoku and crossword puzzle books, as well as a couple of game theory books.

They're back in the living room, sitting under the kotatsu. Kenma's sipping on a juice box while his friend is busy looking around the room around them, admiring the various gaming-related certificates Kenma has hung up on the walls.

"You should live in Roppongi Hills," Hinata says after a while, registering everything in. Kenma chuckles to himself softly, evidently very pleased with himself and his work.

"That's what Kuroo said too," he says, waving his hand dismissively. "But I just spend money on games, nothing else. Hence why I decided to sponsor you."

Hinata looks at him, eyebrows raised. "Why did you decide to sponsor me, by the way?"

"I have money to spare, so it's not like it would be a financial burden. In fact, it might lessen the worry I have on my mind about what the fuck I'm supposed to do with all of it," Kenma replies, tucking his legs underneath his body. Hinata gazes at him in child-like wonder.

"I want to be able to say that one day too," he says, his eyes shining with awe. Kenma chuckles again, now huddling.

"Plus Shoyo," Kenma continues, his cat-like irises pointedly staring at Hinata with such determination his friend has only seen when they've played matches in high school, "you're interesting." Hinata's about to ask something before Kenma interjects, his voice now low despite the smirk that now occupies his visage. "So if you get boring," Kenma warns, "I'll stop."


"Here's all the legal stuff," Kenma says, pointing at his work monitor. "To be honest, I can't be bothered to read this entire thing, so I'm going to ask Yaku-san for a translation and I'll send that to you by email. And over here," he continues, switching tabs, "are the cheapest flights going to Brazil for the next month or so." He looks at Hinata, who's reading the screen with intent, as he types down anything important into his phone.

"I didn't think I would be leaving so soon," Hinata says after a while, his voice low. Kenma can make out hints of sadness in his words. His eyes seem misty, but Kenma can't really say, because his own are tired beyond comprehension.

"Well," Kenma begins, his eyes back on the screen. The harsh white light helps him keep his eyes open, although he can hear the oncoming lecture from Kuroo in his head. "You don't have to leave for a couple of months if you're not ready yet. Flights get cheaper in the long run, but I'd advise you to have a solid decision by the end of next week, at least. Then I'd get an idea of how to facilitate your accommodation and rent, and other things like that." Kenma gives him a reassuring smile as Hinata's former misty eyes are now filled with worry. "It'll work out, don't worry."

Hinata lets out a heavy sigh, settling into the chair beside Kenma's. "I don't think I'm really ready for this," Hinata confesses, head in his hands. Kenma's smile has dropped to a somber look. Hinata looks at him, and Kenma can see stress added to the worry in his eyes. "I mean like, I can't even speak Portuguese, and I'm really just rushing into things head-first," Hinata continues. "I guess it's all just new to me and I'll have to adapt to it-"

"That's why you're interesting," Kenma blurts out. Hinata looks at him, expressionless as Kenma can feel his cheeks warm up again. "Because you never stick to just one thing. You're always adapting, changing, finding out new things."

"When you told me you were planning to go to Brazil, I couldn't even understand why anyone would ever want to displace themselves that far," Kenma explains, pulling his knees to his chest. "You have a different kind of drive, something I haven't seen in anyone at all. I don't know how you do it, how you're able to always have so much energy to power you through an entire month. Nothing really seems to put you in a damper, unless it affects you physically and mentally a great deal." Kenma yawns, rubbing his eyes as he does so.

"You might think you're not ready for this Shoyo, and that might be the truth. Yes, you're doing this impulsively, as most people would say." Hinata scowls. "But I think I know you well enough to say that you're going to value this moment in your life a lot."

Hinata's face has softened, and there's a small smile turning up the corners of his mouth. "Thanks, Kenma," he replies softly, his cheeks brightening up. "I don't think I can ever pay you back for all of this."

Kenma waves it off passively. "Just stay interesting. That's all I ask for in return. Oh, and become a big name." Hinata laughs at that, while Kenma gives him a smile in return. "That's all I want."


Hinata left a while back, and Kenma's cat has returned, curling up on his lap and purring contentedly.

He absentmindedly strokes its calico fur as he scrolls through his Instagram feed, liking people's posts without much thought. His feed refreshes to show Kuroo's newest post, which is an old picture of the Nekoma volleyball team. In it, Yaku's seen backing away from Lev, who has Kenma on his shoulders and a cat in his hands. He brandishes it like some new weapon he picked up on the street. The rest of the team are standing by, with Kuroo giving them a tired look.

"Missing these fuckers a little extra today," the caption reads, and Kenma can't help but smile. He clicks on the comments to read them, and can't help but giggle at Yaku's aggressive response, and Bokuto's own, which reads, "you're such an emo fuck lol" with a bunch of emojis after it.

Kenma places his phone down, taking a sip of the green tea he brewed earlier. Yeah, Kuroo was an emo fuck, but Kenma could understand why. Those were definitely better times, where Kenma's only concern was whether he could make it through high school with a pass mark in math.

His cat has fallen asleep now, its body rising and falling slowly with each breath it takes. Kenma stares at it in disbelief.

"Now how the fuck am I supposed to sleep?"

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