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The annoying sound of your alarm woke you up from your deep slumber. You blinked your eyes a few times before rubbing them. Shaking your head you sat up on the bed, grabbing your alarm clock. 6:30 a.m., the beginning of another awful day. Great.

You sighed, forcing yourself to prepare for school. You were in your senior year so you just had to bear the bullying for a little bit more. Yes, you were bullied in school. They called you names such as an ugly monkey. Like seriously aren't we all monkeys according to Darwin? Why the hell did they just call me by that name? Your mind drifted off to the lecture your teacher gave your class about human evolution.

All in all, your daily life was boring. Going to school, getting bullied and hit, working in a cafe, and then coming back home late at night. This was your fantastic life. Amazing, right?

Sighing for the nth time, you entered your bathroom only to be met with a ghost. And no, it was not your reflection in the mirror. It was a real ghost. A soul that was right in front of you, staring right at you.

You turned your head towards another direction and made your way to the sink. Seriously, looking at your reflection in the mirror after waking up was far scarier than those ugly ghosts. You were used to seeing them appearing before you so you were not afraid of them anymore or it was just them doing an awful job of scaring humans.

"You can see me, right?" They were talking with you in a human tone, forgetting that they were supposed to be ghosts. They could not accept the reality that they were dead and no longer humans. Call you heartless but it was the reality after all.

You ignored her and brushed your teeth. "Yah! I am talking to you. I know you can see me and hear me." Paying no heed to her conclusions, you washed your face. "Yah!! Aren't you scared of me?" That ghost kept provoking you to speak but you were professional in ignoring them.

You have to work hard, kid. You smirked at the thought and walked towards the toilet.

"Aish, you are such a dirty human." And at last, the ghost disappeared.

"Using the toilet is a sin too, now. Gosh, these ghosts get on my nerves sometimes as if they're pure and clean. They don't shower at all." After you were done with your business, you took a shower and wore your uniform.

After making yourself a decent breakfast which only included a sandwich and coffee, you walked out of the apartment not before locking it. You put on your earphones and played 'Beautiful'. You loved this song. It reminded you of your beautiful memories with your family. Even though you were only four when you got separated from your family, the memories you held of them were still vivid.

Your parents died in an accident. You were involved too but the doctors could only save you. Since then, you had begun to see souls. You were a child back then so you thought of them as humans but your grandmother noticed it. You recalled that one day when you were only six, she had asked you about them and hearing your answer she was sure that you could see souls.

She was the only family you had so she told you about every type of soul but made sure not to scare you off. Time by time you got used to seeing these creatures. And three years ago, your grandma left you too, leaving you alone when you were only 16. You moved back to Seoul from the village where you had lived with your grandma, for studies. You came back to the place where your parents rested.


You had just crossed the school gate when a bucket full of water was thrown at you. Your uniform was all wet as well as your hair. Great, you guys should have told me beforehand that you were planning a free shower for me. I would have saved my water bill.

"Look who's here? The ugly monkey." Eunae, your bully laughed at you. Again with that ugly thing. You admitted that you were not beautiful but you were not ugly, no human being was ugly except for the ghosts.

"You shouldn't do this, Eunae." A girl interrupted her moment, causing you to turn your head towards her. Is she crazy? What is she trying to do? Gosh, how many times do I have to save her ass? 

"Oh look who's talking. Isn't she the one who is always saved by our angel Y/N?" Sarcasm was evident in her voice.

But before Eunae could take a step towards her, you stood in front of her. "Eunae, do whatever you want to me but please leave her," you pleaded.

A smirk plastered her face, "Alright, you'll do my homework for the whole week and after that, I'll tell you what to do next." You nodded and she left you there.

You turned towards the girl whom you saved so many times that you had stopped counting at some point. "Seo ah, how many times do I have to tell you to stay away from Eunae?" you scolded her.

"Y/N, you can't just get bullied by her. You saved me from bullying when you transferred here but why don't you stand for yourself?"

You shook your head before saying, "Just don't get yourself in trouble and even if you do, I will protect you." You smiled at her before going inside the school.

"Ah, this Eunae ruined my uniform. Now I will have to wear my P.E. clothes." You were mumbling to yourself in the restroom thinking of the scolding you were going to get from the teacher.

Your grades were the worst in your class which marked you on the list of bad students. But what could you do, your shift in the cafe ended at eleven in the night. You did not have any time to study and in class, no one would let you concentrate.

As soon as you entered your classroom, you got scolded by your teacher for being late and not wearing your uniform. Then, you were tripped by none other than your bully when you were walking towards your seat. And during the entire class paper, balls were thrown at you. This continued the whole day until it was time to go home or in your case, time to go to work.


You thought of visiting your parents since you had time left before your shift started. Usually, Eunae would bully you with her minions at the end of the day in school but today was an exception. You successfully got out of your school without crossing paths with her. What a lucky day.

"Hi, Mom, and Dad," you greeted your parents while placing a bouquet.

"How are you? I hope you both are doing fine," you whispered caressing your parent's tombs.

"I'm sorry for not visiting you lately. But I'll make sure to visit you often." The graveyard was empty. You were glad because you wanted to spend time with your parents without any disturbance.

"Dad, I look for you and Mom in every star every night. You told me that when we die, we become stars, right? I'm glad that I can see you both every night." Your vision was turning blurry but you kept your tears in. You could not cry in front of your parents. You did not want to worry them.

"I wish I could see eonnie too in those stars. I am sorry, I couldn't find her. I don't even know if she's with you. I'm sorry Dad for failing you every time. I'm sorry for worrying you but please know that I am living for you both.

"I'm strong till now just for you. And I promise I'll find eonnie and when I do I'll bring her here. I know you must be missing her. I do too. I miss you all." You blinked your eyes while taking a deep choked breath. "I love you, Dad. I love you, Mom. Please be happy wherever you are."

Till now, your face was stained with tears. You had not realized that you were a crying mess right now. "I miss you both so much. I know I am the reason you both are so far away from me. If only I hadn't cried that time..." You stopped yourself. It had been all your fault, but your grandma would not like it. She had always prioritised your mental well-being. She did not let you blame yourself, and it greatly helped you in continuing your journey in this world.

"No, I shouldn't be saying this. Grandma will be disappointed in me. She told me that it was our fate to get into that accident. It's no one's fault. I miss Grandma too but she's with you, with Grandpa. I desperately wish to become a star and meet you all but I have to live and find eonnie."

You sobbed and tried to lift yourself up. "I'll take my leave now but I'll visit you soon." You stood there, your tears reaching your chin and meeting the ground, and gazed at your parent's name on the tombstone.

"You have a very beautiful heart."

To be continued.


The first chapter is out. How was it? I hope you liked the chapter. I will try to update you often. But I can only update this book once a week and the same goes for my other ongoing book.

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