9-Missing you

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You turned around, thinking you heard the voice from behind but there was no one in your sight. It was pitch black darkness around you as you stood in the middle of nowhere trying to find the source of the voice that echoed in your ears which sounded familiar yet you could not pinpoint it.

You felt scared and lonely, wanting to find light in this murk thus you ran towards the unknown direction, but no matter what you could not run faster. Your feet halted as you looked down at yourself only to find small feet and hands. You wore a confused expression, unable to decipher the meaning of this sudden transformation to your childhood self but your thoughts halted when you heard the voice again.

"Y/N, come to me."

Again that soft and soothing voice, you looked around but again met with only black surroundings. You were terrified; afraid of getting stuck here forever thus you took a step in the dire ahead, another step, and another step as you started running again.

You could not register for how long you had run when you started seeing light, a hope blooming inside you of escaping from this deathly prison. As you got closer to the source of light, the outline of a figure met your gaze, the more it got clearer when you were just a few meters apart, realizing the fact that the source of light was a small figure of a girl who was glowing brightly in this void.

"Eonnie." Your voice came out as a small whisper when you identified the girl. Your sister, who you were so desperately looking for, was in front of your eyes, smiling warmly at you with a gentle gaze that had been imprinted in your childhood memories. She did not change, the same 8-year-old girl who you had last seen before the accident.

"Y/N, I miss you." Her lips moved most elegantly and you could not help but notice how angelic she looked. She did not look like a human but an ethereal being far from real. "Come to me soon, Chip."

That familiar nickname enveloped you in a warmth that only brought the old memories back. You remembered how she used to play with you, how she used to tie your shoelaces, how she would do your hair. She loved you so much and you felt the same towards her, she was one beautiful and caring sister.

A smile made its way to your face, your feet moving towards her unconsciously but as quickly the smile came, it vanished when you saw her turning into small sparkles. "Eonnie!" Your voice screamed for your sister, contrasting with your non-audible voice the first time you had called her.

You sprinted towards her but one step you took would only make her ten steps farther away from you. Your small body was not helping at all too so you could only watch her disappear into thin air, your eyes shedding tears as you helplessly watched her. "Please come back."


Mumbled incoherent words left your mouth, and your whimpers awoke a sleeping ghost who had been right beside you. He shifted a bit, now facing towards your form while he squinted his eyes to get a better view but it turned into that of confusion when he saw a tear leaving your eye.

You might have been having a nightmare and it was confirmed when you let out in a small voice almost inaudible 'eonnie'.

Watching you trembling and shaking, Jungkook could not help but shake you lightly to wake you up. "Y/N, wake up," Jungkook whispered, his hand tucking your hair that was covering your face."It is only a dream. Wake up." But everything he did went in vain when you did not wake up but continued to call out to your sister.

Jungkook bit his lips, worried about you, his mind was a mess, trying to think of a way to help you as he watched your tear-stained cheeks. He scooted closer to you as he embraced you whole, his arms around you, gently patting your back in order to comfort you.

You pressed yourself further into his embrace, nuzzling your face into his chest. Soon, you were calm in his gentle hug as he rested his head against yours.

To say he was worried about you was an understatement, he just wanted to take all of your worries away and watch you happy and smiling forever. He knew how much you missed your sister and your family, he knew how badly you wanted to find her and he hoped that you would find the cause of your happiness soon.


Your eyes were fixed on the adorable bunny who was still in his own dreamland, pink uneven lips puckered into a cute pout, serenity visible on his sleeping face.

He was so cute, you had admitted, maybe even cuter than Taehyung but at this point, you did not care. You did not care that if you did not get your ass off this bed soon, you would be late for school.

You just wanted to stare at him all day, it was just too peaceful to watch him, you might sound creepy but you had actually stared at him whenever he was asleep.

"Wake up, sleepyhead." You ruffled his hair, your one arm under your head on the pillow. You liked his soft hair, they were brown just like his brown doe eyes.

"Let me sleep," He groaned as he now settled on his back, making you let out a chuckle. You could tell that he was very sleepy and you wondered why when he had slept at the same time as you, last night.

Speaking of last night, it was one nightmare. You had the worst nightmare in your life; your sister, leaving you alone when you expected her to be here alive somewhere in this world. She was not dead.

You prayed that she was alive, she had to be because you had no family besides her. She was the sole reason behind you living your life, without her you would be dead. You could not take any more deaths, you could not lose anyone anymore.

When Jungkook revealed the name of that ghost, you admitted that you were scared for a second and maybe that was also the cause of your nightmare but you were sure that your sister was alive, you were sure that ghost was not your sister.

You turned your head towards the clock and it was thirty minutes past seven, you only had half an hour to prepare for school. Eunae would attend school today too since her one-week-long suspension was over.

You groaned. You did not want to go to school now that she was going to be there too but you could not miss any classes —you were already at the bottom of the class. Glancing one time at Jungkook, you got up and hurried to the bathroom.


"This is where she lives?" The familiar pale man asked his partner, who only nodded his head. They both were at the corner of the room, their eyes roaming around the room as they took in every detail even though there were not many things there.

"Now what?" J-hope asked Suga who was busy staring at the soul sleeping on your bed. Then his eyes travelled to the door of your bathroom, where you had disappeared to just before they teleported here.

"We are going to keep an eye on them."

To be continued.



So I was busy bcz of few things then dynamite was dropped and I was busy streaming that I was away from Wattpad for two weeks but now I am back. Another thing I will update only this book till it reaches 20 chapters since Euphoria is already halfway and I want to get this book to get there too, there are so many things left in this book. So I will focus on this book for now.

Signing off,
Kim Luna

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