Medicine Cat Apprentice

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Featherwhisker and Sunstar talked. Then Featherwhisker padded out of the Leader den with a sad face.

"What's wrong? Did I not get to be a Medicine Cat?" Spottedpaw asked.

"I'm so sorry Spottedpaw." Featherwhisker meowed apologetically.

"I'm joking! You're a Medicine Cat now Spottedpaw!" Featherwhisker meowed.

"YAY!!!" Spottedpaw celebrated... then realized something.... she hadn't told Thrushpelt or her siblings what had happened or that she is now a Medicine Cat apprentice.

"Oh- I almost forgot to tell them, I'm gonna go tell my siblings...-"

Featherwhisker nodded as she bounded off to the Apprentice den. Then he heard loud shouts and yells. 'Hopefully they don't take it too seriously...' Featherwhisker thought. Then went back to his Medicine Cat den.


"WHAT?!?!??" Patchpaw meowed.

"Why are you moving to the Medicine Cat den? Are we not good enough?" Leopardpaw murmured.

"Spottedpaw, you were gonna be an amazing warrior! You could've had a family!" Redpaw meowed.

Willowpaw was basically the only one that was saying positive things- but nocat could hear her with the others asking Spottedpaw so many questions...

"STOP!!! All of you quiet!" Spottedpaw meowed.

They were all dead silent.

She sighed. "Okay, I know I'm meant to be a Medicine Cat, I can hunt, I can climb, and I can do other Warrior things... but I feel like I should be a Medicine Cat because I know herbs, I'm quick on my feet, and I've always been visiting Featherwhisker's den since I was a kit. Don't take it as I hate you guys and want to leave you, no! I just feel like I should be a Medicine Cat.

Oh- also StarClan told me to sooooo... yeah." Spottedpaw finished.

Willowpaw stepped infront of them and looked at Spottedpaw. "We'll miss you!"

"Uh- I'm just gonna be across from your den- it's no big deal....." Spottedpaw stated pointing her nose out side the Apprentice den to the Medicine Cat den.

"Oh- right!" Willowpaw meowed.

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