Chapter 1 (901 Words)

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Shaded Sky ran around the camp "can't catch me Jay Talon!" He called, laughing. He was to distracted by Jay Talon to notice Mist Fall who crashed into his side and they fell in a tangle of fur. "Got you" Mist Fall claimed with a goofy smile. Jay Talon ran up and jumped onto both of them "and I got both of you" he boasted. Shaded Sky pushed them off of him "lets play a different game."

"How about catch the mouse?" Mist Fall suggested "Nooooo I hate that gaaaame!" Jay Talon complained "too bad, your it!" Shaded Sky laughed "dang it" Jay Talon muttered "you got five seconds!" Mist Fall reminded. Jay Talon rolled his eyes and shape shifted into a blueish gray mouse and he darted away.





"1!" Shaded Sky and Mist Fall shouted at the same time and gave chase. After a while of being chased, Jay Talon stopped and so did the other two, Blue Fang stood there with a disappointed look on his face "don't use you powers for such petty things" he snapped, then padded away. Jay Talon shape shifted back to normal.

"Why does your dad always ruin the fun?" Shaded Sky complained while lashing his small fluffy tail. "I don't know" Jay Talon muttered, glaring at his father's back. "All of LightningClan gather around to hear my words" a golden she-wolf called, her fur seemed to glow in the harsh sunlight. Jay Talon nudged Shaded Sky "come on, your moms calling a meeting" he said, bounding forward with Shaded Sky and Mist Fall on his heels.

The camp was a cave underground, many holes dotted the roof where sunlight can shine through. There was a tunnel that led outside. There were sandstone walls and roof, the floor was sandy with small rocks and pebbles scattered around. In the cave many bushes and vines covered the entrances to the dens where the wolves made their camp. There was a giant bolder on one side

All the wolves of the clan gathered around including a few of the injured from the recent battle. "Ala Klano is not giving up anytime soon, we must prepare for today's battle, but first someone is going to start their training today" Leopard Breeze called. Shaded Sky sighed he had a feeling he knew who it was. "Frost Thorn step forward" she called.

A black and white pup stepped forward, his wings neatly folded on his back as he looked up at his leader. "Frost Thorn, is it your wish to become a Psi and train hard in the ways of an Eta?" She asked in a loud tone. "Yes, it is" Frost Thorn replied puffing out his chest proudly. Shaded Sky rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Very well, from this day forward you will train to become an Eta with your new mentor..." she paused, her gaze flicking from wolf to wolf. "Moon Shade" she finished. Frost Thorn dipped his head in thanks as Moon Shade padded up and licked his head in greeting. "Frost Thorn! Moon Shade! Frost Thorn! Moon Shade!" The wolves called out in cheers for the mentor and apprentice.

Leopard Breeze flew down and landed on the ground in front if Frost Thorn, she had a black collar with a peridot gemstone gripped in her jaws. She fit the collar over his head and it rested around his neck. She flew back up onto the rock and continued to speak.

"Now, I will be taking Dark Gaze, Rain Storm, and Cream Spot, to battle today. I have a feeling that it ends today, with this next battle" Leopard Breeze finished and the group of wolves cheered for the war to finally be, hopefully, over. Leopard Breeze padded over to Shaded Sky and his two friends.

She licked the top of his head. "Can I come with you?" Shaded Sky asked "No, your too young" she replied with a small smile "but I'm nearly 5 moons old" he complained "and that's one moon to soon" she replied, he huffed "alright, be safe" he told her. She laughed "I always am" she replied.

"Love you" Leopard Breeze padded away. "Love you too" Shaded Sky whispered. Once she left the camp Frost Thorn padded over. "Hey Shaded Sky" he spoke "Hey thorn in my pad" Shaded Sky snickered. Jay Talon busted out laughing. "Shut it pipsqueek" Frost Thorn glared at Jay Talon who winced in pain "Ow!" He yelped. "Stop it!" Mist Fall growled "or what?" Frost Thorn laughed.

"Bully!" Shaded Sky went over and scratched his nose. Frost Thorn took a step back "didn't think you had the guts, mama's boy" Frost Thorn chuckled. "Just because you have more control over your powers doesn't mean you can bully us all the time!" Mist Fall chided "but I want to, it's fun" Frost Thorn licked the blood from his nose.

"Frost Thorn!" Frost Thorn rolled his eyes "coming Moon Shade!" He called and ran off. Shaded Sky sighed "I hate him" Jay Talon muttered while licking his shoulder which still hurt, but no scratch or anything was there. "Hate is a strong word" Mist Fall thought for a moment "how about strongly dislike?" She suggested. "No, hate is the best word for him, along with Sir Major Scumbag" Shaded Sky replied. Jay Talon chuckled "exactly." Mist Fall rolled her eyes "true" she agreed.

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