Chapter 4 (1,575 Words)

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"Ow!" Shaded Sky yelped as Smoke Flame licked herbs onto his stinging cheek. "Be still" Smoke Flame commanded, Spark Flame, Pepper Melt and Smoke Flame were running around treating the other wolves, the Sigmas were helping too.

"Let me see your paw" Smoke Flame took Shaded Sky's paw, a faint glow appearing. Once the glow faded Shaded Sky's paw felt all better "thanks Smoke Flame!" He cheered happily "N-no problem" Smoke Flame breathed heavily, his healing power takes a lot out of him so he can only heal small injures like Shaded Sky's sprained paw, but then he has to take a break.

Shaded Sky shook his now healed paw and bounded away as Smoke Flame tended to the other wolves injures with herbs. Mist Fall and Jay Talon ran over to him "are you okay!?" Mist Fall asked when they got over to him. "I'm fine don't worry" Shaded Sky replied. "Cloud Tree got burned from the fire, on his left side the fur was burned off!" Jay Talon exclaimed "hope he'll be okay" Shaded Sky said.

A whole day passed and Shaded Sky was bored. Cloud Tree couldn't play because they didn't want the herbs to get messed up. Jay Wing was grounded from playing for going outside when he wasn't supposed to, and Jay Talon, Mist Fall and their father, Blue Fang were nowhere to be found.

Shaded Sky looked out the window, stars flashed past as the ship flew by. Blaze Night padded over to the pup and sat down next to him "so much change in so little time." He murmured Shaded Sky watched the rusty colored wolf. He had cuts covered in herbs on his body, the worst one was on his shoulder.

"How are you handling it?" He asked "all this... change?" He continued. Shaded Sky sat there for a moment "I-I feel sad... and confused... a-and a little angry." He shuffled his paws before continuing "why is Ember Sky fighting us in the first place?" He asked, his blue eyes looking up at the older wolf. Blaze Night sighed before answering "that is a question for another time" he stated, then Blaze Night got up and padded over to Storm Shadow and laid down next to her.

Shaded Sky watched the other wolves chatting or eating before curling up by himself and falling asleep.

Another day passed and Shaded Sky was jumping with joy, he could see the Earth, they were very close and only a few more moments before they landed.

They entered the Earth's atmosphere and landed in a forest area full of trees and bushes. The ship opened up and the wolves hesitantly followed Blaze Night and Dark Gaze, who have been here before. "This is close to the spot where we landed last time" Blaze Night spoke, Dark Gaze nodded in agreement.

The grass felt weird under Shaded Sky's paws. He was used to the rocks and pebbles of the cave back on their home planet. Jay Talon bounded up next to him. There was a scratch on his cheek, Shaded Sky tilted his head "where did you get that scratch?" He asked, Jay Talon glanced over at him "oh... It's nothing" he replied.

Shaded Sky shrugged it off and glanced up at the trees. The leaves were an orange color and brown leaves littered the ground underpaw. Mist Fall padded up next to them "do you think something is going to jump out and get us?" She asked fearfully, Shaded Sky nudged her playfully "what? You think a Snog is going to jump out and eat you?" He teased.

Jay Talon pounced on her from behind "boo!" He exclaimed, nearly making her jump out of her fur. "Jay Talon don't do that!" She scolded. Jay Talon laughed and they started to wrestle on the ground.

The rest of LightningClan were looking around in awe at all the trees and grass around them. Blaze Night jumped up onto a nearby rock and called the clan together. "Now as you know we need to find shelter and a territory to live in" he spoke loudly so everyone could hear "I'm going to send out a few patrols to look for food, water, and a safe camp spot for us to live" he continued "but before I do that... I'm going to have to assign a Beta to help us" he paused.

"Now before I say who our Beta will be, know that this is temporary. Because once Shaded Sky is ready he will become the Alpha of the clan" Blaze Night spoke. Shaded Sky flattened his ears and ducked his head a bit as his clanmates cheered for him. "Now... Dark Gaze will you be the Beta of this clan?" He asked the Zeta.

Dark Gaze smiled and dipped his head "I will be honoured" he replied "please choose a new Zeta to take your spot" Blaze Night flicked his tail toward the crowd of wolves. Dark Gaze looked around at the wolves around him, a very hard decision since all of his warriors were skilled in their own ways.

He made his decision.

Dark Gaze spoke "I would like Cream Spot to take my place as Zeta, he has proven that he is strong and intelligent in battle" Cream Spot was surprised "I-I'm honored, Thank you Dark Gaze" he stammered.

Blaze Night nodded in approval "Dark Gaze can you send a patrol to find a food and water source? Later I will send another patrol to find a camp spot in the area that the first patrol found. As for everyone else try to make this area camp for now, and stay on alert there's danger everywhere" he informed the wolves.

The wolves spread out around the area, searching for anything useful for the pack. Winter Snow padded over to Shaded Sky, Jay Talon and Mist Fall. "Where are the other pups?" She asked "I saw Spark Flame with Cloud Tree, and I don't know where Jay Wing went" Mist Fall answered.

Blaze Night padded over with his foster son, Jay Wing at his side. "Winter Snow, can you take care of the pups?" He asked her "of course, that's what I was just doing" Winter Snow replied "don't let them stray far from here" Blaze Night informed.

Blaze Night turned and beckoned Dark Gaze with his tail. "So who is going on patrol?" Blaze Night asked "Well I was thinking Midnight Flame can lead the patrol with Blue Fang, Lemon Frost, Rose Thorn and Candle Pounce. While Brown Fall and Fawn Poppy hunt around the area, of course with two Etas to protect them." Their conversation faded away as they padded off.

Frost Thorn was practicing how to fly with his mentor. Midnight Flame, Blaze Night, Dark Gaze, and Cream Spot were discussing the patrols by the rock Blaze Night had stood on earlier. Smoke Flame, Pepper Melt, and Spark Flame were all searching for useful plants to use for herbs. Sun Wing had joined them to see if she could learn anything to tell the rest of the Sigmas.

Lizzard Leaf and Frost Light were helping to get moss that was on the ground to make nests with. Rain Storm was resting under the shade of the trees, Thunder Snow joined him a few moments later. Dawn Fire was talking to her son Candle Pounce, Brown Fall joined in the conversation a few moments later, then the three went to help the Elders, Lizzard Leaf and Frost Light, collect moss.

Winter Snow led the pups to a more open space out of the way of the working wolves. Cloud Tree ran over to them "Spark Flame said I could play now, and my fur should grow back soon" he informed. His fur on one side was mostly burned off and you could see the pink flesh that would have been under his white fur, otherwise he was fine.

Shaded Sky pounced on Jay Talon's tail "Hey!" Jay Talon turned and tackled Shaded Sky to the ground. Mist Fall rolled her eyes "boys.." she muttered. Cloud Tree snickered, Winter Snow rolled her eyes "All right, I have a game" she said. Shaded Sky and Jay Talon stopped wrestling and sat up.

"We can play I Spy" Winter Snow informed, "I love that game!" Jay Wing exclaimed. Mist Fall groaned "That's boring" she conplained "yeah how about Catch The Mouse instead?" Shaded Sky agreed. "Well lets play I Spy then we can play Catch The Mouse" Winter Snow's tail flicked as she spoke.

"Now. I Spy with my little eye something grey" She started, the pups looked around "oh! The rock that Blaze Night stood on!" Jay Wing called out. Winter Snow nodded "yep, your turn now."

Jay Wing thought for a moment "I Spy with my little eye something, purple!" he smiled. "Those violet flowers over there?" Cloud Tree asked, pointing his tail at some purple flowers. "Yup!" Jay Wing said.

"Can we play Catch The Mouse now?" Jay Talon whined. Winter Snow sighed "yes we can play Catch The Mouse" she then shapeshifted into a small white mouse, then she scurried away.

Jay Talon raced off after her, with the other pups just behind him. Jay Talon leaped and just missed Winter Snow by a few mouse-lengths. Shaded Sky, Mist Fall and Cloud Tree ran past him, Jay Talon ran after them. Jay Wing lagged behind.

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