Languages Info

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Ok so there are three different languages in this book:



Backwards English

Those are the three languages from most used to least used (I think lol), in the story I will put normal font for English, Italics for Esperando, And Bold for Backwards.

If something is in Italics for example but it looks English it's probably just that the word sounds different in the other language.

For example "Fine" looks English right? But it's in Italics so it's Esperando, the word actually means "Finally" in English the word "Fine" sounds like [Fe-nay] in Esperando.

Also if it's not English, in the comments on each paragraph that has non-English words will have the translation, this goes for both Esperando and Backwards.

Any questions? Ask! I'll answer as best as I can! (This goes for anything in this book)

Alright let's get to the actual story right? Lol

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