Prologue (Part 1/2, 2,164 Words)

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The sun shown brightly over the sandy desert, casting it's morning rays across the sandy landscape. The planet was mostly desert with patches of green forest here and there. There were many dried lake and river beds where water once was but dried due to the heat.

On one part of this planet was a small oasis, it had a lake and many trees to provide shade for the creatures that lived on this hot planet. A shadow streaked across the ground and if you look up in the sky in time you might just see one of the many creatures native to this planet.

A golden wolf with brown spots streaked across the sky, it's powerful golden wings flapped as it chased after a big black bird. Leopard Breeze flew up into the sky above the bird, making sure to keep an eye on her prey, she held her paws a few inches apart and after a moment a black ball made of shadows formed in between her paws. She made sure the angle was just right before she fired the ball of shadows at her quarry, hitting the creature in the back.

The bird fell to the ground below, Leopard Breeze folded her wings and dived down into the thicket of trees. She landed next to the dead animal and picked it up in her jaws. She looked around for a moment before flapping her wings and taking off into the sky once more.

It was sun-high when she landed beside a giant hole in the sandy ground, in the hole were many smaller holes carved into the walls of the clearing, there was a small dip off to the side of the clearing filled with dead animals. The most noticeable thing in this clearing was the many different types of winged wolves who lived there.

Leopard Breeze walked into the only entrance way on foot, the sand kicking up behind her as she walked. When she entered a wolf greeted her "Bonvenon reen Leopardo Brizo" he welcomed before heading out and flying off to the oasis. Leopard Breeze went over to the small dip and dropped the bird on the fresh-kill pile.

That night the Alpha of the clan called A meeting with the whole pack, Leopard Breeze sat at the foot of the rock on the edge of the clearing. The Alpha, Ember Sky, waited for the large pack to get settled down before speaking. "Kiel vi scias, la rimedoj estas malaltaj en nia planedo pro varmego, do mi sendos kvar lupojn al planedo nomata Tero" he explained in their native language. A few wolves nodded in agreement. "Mi sendos Leopard-Breeze por Gvidi či tiun mision" Ember Sky paused "iuj volontuloj?" He asked the crowd.

No one moved except only to look at each other warily. Then one wolf stepped forward "Mi iros" the rusty colored wolf said then he turned to the pack "Kial vi timas?" He asked the pack. He scoffed "Vi agas kiel timigita pup" he rolled his eyes and sat next to Leopard Breeze.

After a moment two more wolves volunteered to go to the new planet to collect resources so that they could survive before everything on their planet turned dry and abandoned. Ember Sky nodded and ended the meeting. The Alpha beckoned the four to his den to talk.

Ember Sky walked over to the furthest side of the camp from the entrance and entered one of the many dens. Inside was an open space with twigs grass and moss to make a nest. Ember Sky sat down in his nest and beckoned the other four to sit on the sandy ground.

"Leopardo-brizo, Blaze Night, Mud Spot, kaj Dark Gaze, vi kvar iros al la Tero matene" Ember Sky spoke "Sed kiel ni atingos la Tero?" Mud Spot asked, the other three nodded in agreement "Mi havas kosmonŝipo, kiu vin portos tie, mia kunulo, Shadow moon, prenos vin al ĝi matene" Ember Sky explained. "Kosmoŝipo? Vi neniam diris al mi ion pri kosmoŝipo" Leopard Breeze stated.

Ember Sky ignored her intended question and sent them back to their dens for the night, as the journey ahead will be a long one.

The next morning Leopard Breeze stretched and yawned before fixing her fur and heading out of the Beta den. She walked over to the fresh-kill pile and picked up a unihare, her favorite prey to eat.

As she was eating, the Kappa, Midnight Storm came over to her and spoke "Kiu devas patroli kun ni hodiaŭ?" He asked with a serious tone to his voice. Leopard Breeze swallowed her food before replying "Kiu ĉasas hodiaŭ?" She asked him, "Mi ĉasas kun Storm Shadow kaj Blue Fang" He replied, then added "kiu lupo venos por protekti nin?" Leopard Breeze looked around the camp before naming a Eta to protect the small hunting patrol.

Midnight Storm nodded then walked over to the Lambda den and barked orders to the other hunters and organized the patrols. Storm Shadow and Blue Fang quickly left the den and waited by the entrance of the camp. Midnight Storm went over to the Zeta spoke for a moment, then the Zeta got up and went to go wake Cloud Wing for the hunting patrol. Once the patrol was together Midnight Storm lead the morning patrol out of camp and to the oasis.

Once she was done eating, the other three that were going on the Earth mission grouped up by the Meeting rock. Before she was able to pad over to the group she was stopped by a small fluff ball, "Cool! Ĉu vi seriozas pri iri al alia planedo? Ĉu mi rajtas veni?" The pup exclaimed excitedly. Leopard Breeze flicked him on the nose with her tail "Bedaŭrinde, Frost Thorn, vi ne povas veni, via tro juna" she explained to Frost Thorn, he grumbled and padded away. When she finally went over to the meeting rock the other three and Ember Sky and his mate Shadow Moon were there too. Ember Sky spoke "Sciu, ke ni ne scias ion pri ĉi tiu planedo, Bonŝanco" He nodded to his mate and she stood up and started to walk to the entrance of camp, the four following close behind.

It was past sunhigh and the group of wolves were still flying, Shadow Moon was in the lead, her black wings flapping powerfully as she flew. The other four had no clue where they were going only Shadow Moon knew the way.

Once they landed Leapord Breeze sighed all the flying made her wings ache. They landed in a sandy area bare from anything trees, animals, plants, all that was around was sand and a nearby cave with a giant mouth it sloped down under the ground. Shadow Moon headed toward it, the four followed.

As they were walking through the dark cave Dark Gaze stopped and sniffed the air, his his eyes widened "Haltu!" He shouted in panic the rest stopped imedietly and looked back at him. Leapord Breeze smelled the air, she smelled a strong scent, a Snog, she couldn't tell how many there were.

Mud Spot yelped as one of the snake-like creatures attacked him, Blaze Night quickly took action, the gem on his collar glowed for a moment then in his mouth appeared a sai. He leaped onto the Snog's back and stabbed it in between it's shoulder blades, it yowled with rage and turned it's snake-like head to bite him.

This gave enough time for Mud Spot to escape from under the beast, he had a scratch on his shoulder that was slightly bleeding but otherwise he was unharmed. A whip formed in his mouth and he used it to wrap around it's legs, he pulled hard but it wasn't enough, Leopard Breeze ran over and gripped the whip with her jaws and pulled.

Leopard Breeze glanced over at Dark Gaze and Her mother Shadow Moon, who were fighting another Snog. Dark Gaze cloned himself so that there were five of him and ran around the Snog distracting it. Shadow Moon manipulated the shadows to create shadow wolves to fight the Snog.

Blaze Night yanked his sai from between the Snog's shoulder blades, Leopard Breeze and Mud Spot yanked on the whip and pulled the Snog's front legs from under it, making it fall. Leopard Breeze let go of Mud Spot's whip and summoned her own weapon, an interlocking double dagger it was not very long but not to short either, on both ends of the stick were blades.

Leopard Breeze flew into the air, spun around in the air and launched her weapon at the creature. Blaze Night and Mud Spot dodged out of the way as the double dagger pierced the Snog's flesh. It died instantly as the weapon went straight threw it's head, blood splattered the ground as it fell limp.

Leopard Breeze turned around in midair and saw Dark Gaze and his clones jump onto the Snog and stab it with his katana, his clones doing the same. The Snog fell dead as blood started to pool around it.

Leopard Breeze landed on the ground as everyone's weapons disappeared into a cloud of smoke. "Tio estis katastrofo" she stated the other's nodded in agreement. "Mud Spot, ĉu vi bone?" She asked, padding over to him. He was licking his scratch "Mi estas bona" He replied. "Ĉu ni povas daŭrigi nun?" Shadow Moon snapped, padding away deeper into the cave.

After a few more paw steps the cave widened into a dead end, there were three old rusty machines that looked like bigger winged wolves.

Leopard Breeze gazed in awe at the machines "Ĉi tiu estas la kosmoŝipo? Kiel ni laboras la maŝinon? Ĝi aspektas tro maljuna por movi!" She exclaimed. Shadow Moon rolled her eyes "Lasu min montri al vi, kiel ĉi tiu malnova afero funkcias" She walked over to one of the machines and pushed a small button on the front left paw.

The machine's gears grinded and groaned as it powered on and worked. The jaws of the wolf machine opened and creaked, then the front legs started to bend so that the chest and jaw touched the ground. Shadow Moon jumped into the open mouth and kinked her tail over her back as if to say, follow me.

The four followed her inside the machine. "Woah, ĉi tio estas malvarmeta" Mud Spot awed as he gazed around the inside of the spaceship. Shadow Moon went over to the control panel and pulled some old moss off of it. She beckoned the others over, she pointed with her paw a green button "ĉi tio turniĝas sur la kosmoŝipo" she explained then pushed the button with her paw.

The engines roared to life with a growl and a clang. The ship seemed to be vibrating lightly. She then went over to a slightly raised platform in the middle of the main room, there was a hallway behind the platform that led to different rooms.

Shadow Moon beckoned Leopard Breeze over with a flick of her tail. Leopard Breeze padded over to her. "staras sur ĝi" she ordered, Leopard Breeze complied and jumped onto the small platform, enough for one wolf to stand on. Immediately the platform glowed and a dim see-through light enveloped her body except for her muzzle.

"Ĝi sentas, kiel mi banis sangon!" She made a sour face, Mud Spot visibly shivered in disgust. Leopard Breeze was about to jump down but when she crouched to do so, the ship leaned forward making everyone lose balance and fall toward the front of the ship. Leopard Breeze fell off the platform and the light disappeared.

"Mi forgesis diri al vi, jen kiel vi kuros la ŝipon" Shadow Moon explained as she pushed Dark Gaze off of her. "Vi povus diri ion antaŭ ol mi provis salti de la platformo, sed ĝi estas tro malfrue nun" Leopard Breeze flicked her tail in annoyance. Blaze Night rolled his eyes, and Dark Gaze shook out his fur. Mud Spot glared at the Alpha female's back.

Shadow Moon shrugged "Nu, mi devas iri, restu sekura" she said, she looked at all of them one at a time and dipped her head "bonŝanco bone" then she turned around and left. Leopard Breeze breathed deeply and jumped back onto the platform the light enveloping her again. "Blaze Night, starigis la koordinatojn, Dark Gaze rigardas la radaron, kaj Mud Spot estas miaj okuloj, mi ne povas vidi, kien mi iras." She ordered the others nodded and took their positions.

Blaze Night set the coordinates on the control panel, Dark Gaze padded over to the radar, and Mud Spot flew up to the two big windows at the front of the ship. "Estas multe da spaco antaŭ vi" Mud Spot informed. Leopard Breeze lifted her paw, the ship doing the same, she then walked in place and the ship moved forward.

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