Chapter 6

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The next week and a half pass by rather slowly for Izuku as he's now roomed within the same castle walls that King Katsuki and Commander Kirishima reside in, Tokoyami being placed within the same hallway of rooms, just two door down from his own. According to all three of them, he was to be distanced from Izuku's room in case the Omega went into heat and triggered Tokoyami's Alpha. Though they've spent most of their lives together, they still didn't want to risk anything, especially since stress can change the chemicals their second genders can produce and have different affects on one another after the change.

Izuku understood once Tokoyami told him he suggested the distance, after all, the bird-like man wanted to be there to keep him safe and to comfort him, but he also didn't want to be a distraction or a disturbance once they settled in.

But other than that, Izuku and Tokoyami have gotten a chance to learn more about King Katsuki and Commander Kirishima. Within that week and a half, they've learned that they cherish their Kingdom more than anything, and that as rough and aggressive as Katsuki may seem and hold himself, he was a truly smart and gifted Alpha, not just in the general things most looked for, but Izuku found out that the blond man is a truly amazing cook and is skilled in combat not only with his bare hands, but with his powerful explosion magic too. Something that most generic Alphas lacked as they often lumber around with their size to do the intimidating until they got close enough, and they often don't truly fight, simply swinging aimlessly. He also realized that Katsuki doesn't low blow opponents with lower statuses, Betas and Omegas, with his scent.

Most Alphas use their scent to either put one into submission or fear if intimidation doesn't work first, that usually leaves the enemy stunned long enough for them to lumber forward and awkwardly land a decent hit.

Kirishima was the same. He was highly friendly and helped Izuku and Tokoyami ease into the Kingdom and castle once they moved in, he even told the green haired Omega small things about Katsuki that only he knew that could help him with understanding the King better, which Izuku appreciated. But unlike King Katsuki's highly offensive explosion magic, Commander Kirishima wields both defensive and offensive magic that super hardened his body as if he were made of pure stone. The Commander could be useful both as a impenetrable shield and as a lethal, steel spear, capable of breaking through any wall, and defense.

Izuku had fun learning more about them, with the first three days or so being the hardest since he was pretty uncomfortable with the proximity of the two Alphas, one of which was his fated mate, but after those initial days, he's learned to soften up a bit. Maybe it was helped by his inner Omega whining for Katsuki's approval, for his attention, but he suppressed it enough to control himself. However, he still keeps them on their toes and retains his sharp-tongue, and sometimes, though not as often now, he's still snappy towards them.

But then, Katsuki receives news that King Endeavor has summoned the Kingdoms for yet another council meeting, and he briefly remembered reading about how he wanted to discuss potential mate candidates for his eldest son, but he couldn't care less because not only was King Endeavor beginning to abuse his power, thinking he had already gotten rid of the Bakugo Kingdom, but he knew that there was only one reason the selfish man called another meeting. To truly see if Katsuki had a mate or not.

But unbeknownst to the bastard, Katsuki had one who he was sure could flip that fool over his shoulder and pin him down like some small piece of prey.

After the King informs Izuku, Kirishima, and Tokoyami of the suspicious and sudden council meeting, they all collectively agree that Kirishima and Tokoyami will ride with them and stay in the carriage while Katsuki and Izuku head into the council meeting, and if they saw anything that raised alarm, they will come in.

And when the council meeting day finally arrives, Izuku is on edge for the first time in a while. He's not used to being in front of so many Royals not from within his own Kingdom, let alone people who most likely didn't respect Omegas, more so ones without Royal blood. So it was understandable that he was nervous as the four of them begin to enter the carriage. Once inside however, Tokoyami says nothing to him which surprised and upset him, until surprisingly, Katsuki rubs his shoulder and lets out a soft but reassuring scent to respond to his mate's distress.

"It's okay, Deku."

Though they haven't officially mated yet, Katsuki suggesting they get to know one another first, they have been scenting one another quite often, both feeling the first affects of their fated mate bond of slight pains in their chest when they had yet to really talk, which was on the second day since Izuku and Tokoyami moved into the castle walls. Katsuki also discussed that he only want to properly mate with the greenette once he feels ready to, respecting his space and giving him time.

Izuku greatly respected Katsuki after that and that blossomed his whole opening up phase, being friendly towards him and Kirishima and letting them know more about himself too, and by the middle of that second week just before they were to head to the council meeting, Izuku has finally trusted Katsuki enough to protect him and maybe, just maybe, he might actually start having feelings for the blond Alpha.

That might've been slightly changed when the larger male started calling him Deku instead of Izuku as a way of teasing him when one day, the Alpha accidentally called him that and the freckled male actually responded to it. He never should've. But since Katsuki calls him Deku, he's decided to call him Kacchan as a way to spite him as his own nickname for the blond man. Like Izuku, he wasn't exactly fond of the nickname at first but it grew on him.

He smiles brightly from the reassuring scent from his Alpha, glancing at Tokoyami only for him to give him a proud but knowing smile, it all told him that he purposely didn't comfort him.

Did he also mention that Tokoyami had their ship sailed the first day he softened up to Katsuki?

"Just stay beside me, Izuku. And don't feel like you need to stay silent. If you want to say something, then don't hesitate. These fuckers aren't gonna take it nicely, but they need to understand that you're my Queen now. And no family member of the Bakugo's lays down without a fight," Katsuki reassures Izuku with a small smile as he steps out of the carriage and holds his hand out for his Omega to take. The greenette nods and swallows nervously but takes Katsuki's hand as he steps out and onto the ground, feeling safer whenever the Alpha said his actual name, associating that with him telling the truth and speaking from his heart. He then keeps their hands locked with one another as they both walked up to the building where the other Kingdoms waited to start the council meeting.

Immediately upon entering through the doors, everyone's chatter turned to silence and everyone's gazes turn to King Katsuki gently leading Izuku by his side to their designated seats, straight across from King Endeavor's. However, they instantly see a change in something as they continue to walk. King Katsuki doesn't look up to them with a smug look they all thought they'd see the moment he would bring in a mate with him, he was solely focused on keeping the smaller greenette from tripping until he was seated beside the blond. That's when he finally looks up to meet their eyes.

"I present my mate, and new Queen of the Bakugo Kingdom, Izuku Midoriya," Katsuki introduces Izuku to the other Kingdoms and is met with silence for a few long moments. Within those seconds, Izuku calmly breathes with his gaze downcast, concentrating on strengthening himself mentally and letting Katsuki's words from earlier power him through this. And after inhaling a deep breath before exhaling slowly, Izuku raises his gaze and holds their looks.

"Good morning, it's nice to meet all of you. As my King said, I'm the new Queen of the Bakugo Kingdom."

Then, after everyone seemed to snap out of their surprise and curiosity, chaos immediately broke out.

"Your mate is an Omega?! How dare you?! This is nothing but a slut! A whore!"

"Let alone a male Omega! How could you ever hope to produce an heir with such a useless thing?!"

"Is he even of Royal blood?! I've never heard of the 'Midoriya's'! He's probably a slave or concubine!"

All the onslaught of insults are immediately thrown and Izuku couldn't help but feel a vein pop in his temple area, his rage immediately boiling to dangerous levels that his scent unknowingly begins to spike, Katsuki notices that not once has he ever smelled such a scent that made even him quiver. He refused to let it show now though, gripping his knees to keep himself grounded especially when Izuku lets out a loud but dangerous growl, loud enough for the other Royals to hear and some primal instinct told all of them to 'shut the fuck up.' Even Katsuki has to force back a whine. He's never felt something like this before, even the other Alphas that posed any threats towards him, such as King Endeavor himself and even his own mother, never made him like this.

And it seems like Kirishima and Tokoyami heard this growl too because they quickly but quietly came inside too, looking concerned until they smelled Izuku's furious scent.

However, the silence is broken when King Endeavor decides to speak up.

"How dare you come here with this poor excuse for a mate, for a Queen, and cause a scene like this?" King Endeavor growled out in response, clearly trying to dominate the room and it does send shivers down the other Kingdoms' Royals' spines, but not nearly as much as Izuku's, who looked unfazed by the fiery Alpha's own growl. This seemed to piss him off, especially when Katsuki saw the poisonous and rage filled glare Izuku sent King Endeavor in a clear display of challenge. The blond male was unsure if he should feel upset that Izuku was challenging everyone but more specifically King Endeavor, or if he should feel more upset (proud?) that the scent and growl from his mate shook him more to his core than anything else in his life. He wasn't sure. But he's snapped out of his thoughts when King Endeavor speaks next.

"How dare this puny Omega challenge me?!" King Endeavor roared just as he slams his hands on the table and stands to his feet but he doesn't move from his spot. "Katsuki, your supposed 'mate' has pissed me off the wrong way now, and I will not stand for an Omega challenging me! I gave you a chance, and you wasted it by bringing this ungrateful whore here acting as if he owned the world!"

Katsuki's eyes widened.

"Prepare your knights for battle. I've decided that you don't earn the last week and a half to prove to me you can find a worthy Queen. I will arrive tomorrow at sun high with my army. If you do not surrender then, then I will not hesitate to slaughter you, your ungrateful whore of a mate, and your Kingdom's knights and people. Innocent, women, children, all of them will face the consequences your Omega has caused today," King Endeavor declared, the flames from him raged and blazed with his anger, if his face didn't already tell it.

"You son of a bitch. I knew you'd pull some shit like this and try your damndest to screw me over! Fuck you. Bring it on. My mate, my Queen, did nothing wrong, you're all the shitheads who did this. You aggravate and prod him like a stupid person would to a caged tiger, expecting the tiger to take it lying down simply because you think nothing can possibly touch you," Katsuki immediately roared back, Izuku had felt intense fear and shame for a few seconds when he realized what he's done, but hearing his Alpha mate, like he said before, not take this lying down, he hardened himself once more.

"I dare you to bring your entire fucking army to my Kingdom's front, I'll challenge you and so will my knights! You won't win, even if I have to kill every single one of your knights, I won't let you win, and nor will my mate. He will gladly pin you down and show you your proper place on the shit dirt. Mark my fucking words, you may insult me, but you will not fucking insult my mate without consequences. This is all your doing."

And with that, the four from the Bakugo Kingdom leave the council meeting once more. Everyone still holding their breaths after the displays of challenge and strong scents froze them from reacting in time.

On the carriage ride back to the Kingdom, Izuku fully expected Katsuki to scream at him and even hit him for most likely dooming their Kingdom sooner than they were hoping, fully expecting insults and rejection from his fated mate. However, he never would've thought that Katsuki was just as furious as he was about all of the other's attitudes and poor treatment of his mate.

Izuku never would've thought that this was the point where he begins to fall more in love with Katsuki.


(2319 words)

A/N: Whew! I don't think I've ever written two chapters in one sitting! But, I hope things make sense but is at a pace where I can skip over some details and get to the main action. I promise that I'll do my best to focus on Izuku's and Katsuki's relationship after this. This was kinda of a rush because I wanted to get to the main action before people lose interest in the story. I hope it didn't feel too scrambled. Also, I tried to remember a lot of things all at once, so I apologize if some things don't line up together. Anyways, thank you for reading! I hope to see you in the next chapters where things get juicy! Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!


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