🌼 14

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"Hannah I've got to go!" my voice rises as I lose the control I had on my temper.

"I'm gonna be all alone for Christmas, don't you care?" she argues.

We have been at this for hours. I stayed the night at the studio so Hannah wouldn't have to be alone on Christmas Eve, but we agreed I would leave early.

As soon as my alarm went off this morning, she latched onto me and persuaded me into staying in bed with her. Then again distracted me in the shower, then made me brunch, only to be followed by another round before I was going to leave.

But when I checked my phone to see tons of missed calls and texts from Aviva, I knew I had fucked up. It was already 2 pm she would be long gone from Kook's house and at her mother's. I knew she didn't get along with her and was dreading going, so I quickly got out of bed and tugged on my clothes, which led to Hannah's temper tantrum.

"Hannah, I've spent almost all day here with you! I need to leave," I'm desperate now trying to get her to follow me out of the studio.

"So I'm only good for a fuck? I mean nothing to you?" her crocodile tears stream down her face as she pouts on the couch.

"I can't keep doing this with you, Hannah! You knew I was in a committed relationship, you know I'm not leaving her, why are you doing this?"

"Oh, you're so committed to her, right? That's why you haven't been home all this week? Why you have been sleeping with me for months?!" She stands up, poking her finger into my chest with each accusation.

The truth of her words stings more than her little jabs. I grab hold of her wrist and shove her away from me.

"I'm leaving, Hannah. If you want to continue this relationship, I suggest you leave and stop this childish temper tantrum." I grab my coat pulling it on as I make my way out the door.

"How can you call this a relationship when you have a foot in each door, Taehyung? When will one of us be enough?" she shouts.

I close the door behind me, leaving her in the studio to pout. A loud thud sounds against the door before her scream echoes down the hallway. It's times like these that our age gap really hits home, despite how smart and mature she may seem, when push comes to shove, she can't control her emotions.

I need to end things, it's becoming too much and the guilt I feel is tearing me apart. As soon as New Year's passes, I'll end it all. Aviva is the one for me, she's everything I ever wanted in a woman and I don't even know how I let it get like this. I was going to end things with Hannah a while back, but with the holidays I couldn't bring myself to do it.

A few more days that's all I need and then this will all be over and I'll be the man Aviva deserves.

The drive to Aviva's mom's house is like torture, my stomach is in knots and my palms are sweaty. I can't even think of a good excuse as to why I'm so late. Maybe I'll get lucky and she won't be furious, she's always so understanding I'm sure it will be fine.

When I pull up to the house, it's deserted. My heart drops into my stomach. I try all the doors, I've rung the bells hundreds of times to just be met with silence. I start shouting for Aviva apologizing over and over, hoping she will take pity on me and come and open the door.

The damn nosey neighbor finally stops peeking from the window and comes out of her house with a smirk on her face.

"No one's there, young man. You missed quite a show," I scowl at her but she's absolutely bubbling with excitement, dying to share what has happened.

"That haughty little daughter of hers finally got what's coming to her! They had a full-on brawl right there in the middle of the street and that girl was getting her ass beat before this handsome young man stepped in and restrained poor Ida."


I don't even bother giving her a reply. I rush back to my car and dial Aviva's number over and over just to be met with her voice mail.

She's not home and I can't get a hold of her, I'm frantic. It's not like her to not answer and I'm now worried something serious has happened.

I could call Jungkook, but I can't stand that guy and I'm not really wanting to listen to him rant about how I'm a piece of shit. I already know that. My phone dings and, to my immense relief, her name flashes across my phone.


I'm going to stay at Kookie's for a while.

Just a single text that's all she sends. No reply to the countless voicemails and texts I've sent. Just this one message that lets me know I've royally fucked up.

I don't even bother texting back, there's nothing I can say to fix it. I'll just have to wait until she comes back home.

I drive back to the studio not being able to stay inside our apartment without her there. Thankfully Hannah is long gone, I pull out the vodka from the freezer deciding not to even go to my parents. I'd never hear the end of it if I showed up without Aviva.

Taking a long swig, I let the alcohol burn my throat and warm my cold bones. Vodka is my favorite, but Aviva won't touch the stuff, she had told me why, but for the life of me, I can't remember.

What do I do now? How do I fix this?

I need some advice. I only know one person who's been in a committed relationship, he'd know how to fix this. He's always been the sweet one, the one my exes wished I was more like. I'm sure with his help I'd win Aviva's favor again.

Taelephant 🐘:

What are you doing?

Wanna come to my studio for a drink?

Mochi 🍡:

Sure send me the address.

I order some pizza while I wait for Jimin to show up. Scrolling through my phone I look through my feed hoping to get a glance of Aviva in any photos, but there's only one of her and Jungkook hugging in front of a Christmas tree, looking happier than ever, with the caption Christmas with my soulmate 🎄💕.

Jealousy eats at me. They are too close and he's always butting in our business.

It would have been different if you were there, idiot!

Princess 😘:

I'm sorry Taehyung.

Have a Merry Christmas.

I'll see you soon I love you! 😘

Deciding not to dwell on the photo, I open my messages and respond back to someone who actually cares about me.

Taehyung 🔒💕:

Don't worry, princess I'm not mad we will figure things out.


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