🌼 17

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"Where you going?" Kookie scares the shit out of me just as I go to open the front door.

"Out. I'll be back," I say clutching my chest trying to slow my heartbeat.

"Where are you going at this hour? The only thing open is liquor stores and legs," he scolds sounding like my mother instead of my best friend.

"If you want some liquor, you know I keep it in the fridge," he pauses with a stupid smirk on his face. "If its legs you're looking for, I have a number for a great service."

"You're disgusting," I playfully punch his arm and he instantly pouts.

"I wasn't even talking shit this time," he whines while I roll my eyes and then nervously pull my bottom lip between my teeth. I know he's not going to be happy about where I'm going right now.

"I'm going to talk to Taehyung," his face instantly drops and his eyebrows furrow in anger.

"Why the fuck are you going to see him? And this late?"

"Kook, he's my boyfriend, I've gotta talk to him at some point. Plus I can't stay here forever," I offer a smile and pat his shoulder.

"Who says? I don't have a problem with you here, you clean, cook and we have a blast hanging out. Fuck him, we will take you off that lease and you can stay here."

"What about when you wanna bring a girl home?" I tease, but his frown only deepens and I release a sigh.

"Kookie, I need to go talk to him and at least hear him out. I love him and I'm not ready to let go yet," his features relax and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"He doesn't deserve you," he murmurs into my hair. "Don't let him gaslight you, stay the strong woman I know, and please, for the love of God, text me periodically. I won't be able to sleep while you're gone."

"I will, Kook," my arms tighten around him before I finally release him and head out into the cold night.


"Thanks for coming," Tae says nervously as he holds the front door open for me.

I nod and walk inside the living room shrugging off my jacket and sitting down on our cream-colored couch. Tae follows slowly rubbing the back of his neck as he looks to the spot beside me and to the armchair opposite me. I watch him inhale a deep breath and sit down beside me careful to keep a distance between us.

"So," he draws out the word. "Uh, h-how have you been? How's Kookie?"

"He's good. I'm good, just been staying busy, how about you?" I look around the room and it's clean, smells good, he seems to be doing alright.

He sighs loudly and draws my attention back to him. His eyes are filled with sorrow and it's then I notice he's lost some weight, there's darkness under his eyes showing he hasn't slept and his clothes are wrinkled.

"I'll be honest, I haven't been great without you," he reaches over to me and takes my hand. "I'm so sorry, I know I fucked up, I know I haven't been the man you deserve, I let work come between us."

I go to pull my hand from his and his hand only tightens on mine not releasing me. "Please come back home. I'll change, no more late nights or days gone. You're my priority, I don't want to lose you," tears roll down his face, his eyes desperate.


"Please, Gorgeous! Give me another chance."

"I just need some time," I finally dislodge my hand from his and he looks down at his lap.

"Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls or show up?" I ask watching as his hands clench in his lap.

"I was sick the night before and had taken some nighttime medicine hoping it'd clear most of it up by the morning, so I wouldn't get YOU sick."

"It knocked you out all day, Tae? Why didn't you tell me you were feeling ill the night before? I could ha-"

"I was so excited to spend Christmas with you and didn't want you to spend the night worrying about me. But before I could even explain the situation, you were already ignoring me and sent one message saying you were staying at Kookie's," he looks up from his lap and I can see the frustration written all over his face.

"What was I supposed to do when you wouldn't even hear me out? When you are the one who left me? It's been weeks, Aviva, and you never contacted me. I've been here waiting for you every night to come back home, I've missed you so much, but did you even miss me at all?"

"Of course I missed you! I just needed time to think things through a lot happened that day, an-"

"Did you though? Cause I've seen you all over social media having a great time, laughing and smiling with him and other guy friends," Tae cuts me off again standing up from the couch, he runs his hands through his hair.

"Is this it then? Did you come here to end things? Doesn't it matter to you that I love you with everything I have? Don't you love me too?" he looks down at me and I can see the panic in his eyes. I never meant to make him worry this way.

"I love you too, Tae. I didn't come to break up with you, I've missed you so much," My voice is low trying to soothe him, I didn't want to fight.

"So you will come back home?" he crouches down in front of me his hands resting on my knees.

"Yes, I'll come home."


I give him a small nod and his arms wrap around my waist as he pulls me close to him, mumbling into my chest about how much he loves me and how lost he's been without me. My fingers run through his hair and my chest feels heavy as I see the pain I've caused him.

"I love you," he says pulling away from my chest and staring into my eyes.

"I love you too," he closes the distance between us and his lips press against mine.

As soon as I start to kiss back, he becomes frantic, deepening the kiss and pushing me back against the couch, his hands work against my clothes and before I know it we are both naked and he's inside of me.

It's rushed and desperate and when we are finished he pulls me to the bedroom with him before he wraps me in his arms and falls asleep. I lay there not fully confident with what has just happened, but I've made my bed I'll have to lay in it.

I remember my promise to Kookie and carefully crawl out of the bed to get my phone from the living room. I've already got a few messages from him worrying if I'm okay.

Av 😒🌻🥰:

I'm okay, Kookie.

Don't wait up. I'm going to stay here tonight, I'll tell you everything tomorrow.

Love you

Jungkookie 🙄🐰💜:

Thank FUCK you finally replied I was about to show up!

I'm holding you to it, we WILL talk tomorrow.

Love you too, be strong.


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