🌼 36

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"JIMIN!" I screech while he's in a fit of giggles beside me.

He drags my unconscious body out of the house and into the woods far from our base. I watch as my torpor symbol goes up again and the sound of me eating echoes through my ears.

"Stop feeding me narcoberries, Jimin!" I whine and pout as I wait for my character to wake up.

"I'll go get some stimberries, relax, Viv," he's still laughing as he takes his time walking back to the base to get them.

He quickly drops his smile as he hears the sound of a raptor through my headset. "Damn it, Jimin, the Dorito Raptor is here again!"

My character dies before he has a chance to come and help. I respawn in the base and put my controller down to glare at him.

"If it makes you feel better I'll go get your stuff," he looks at me guiltily from around his laptop.

Hours go by and I've been plotting my revenge for a while now. I've taken out Kookie's beloved Gigi Smalls and been leveling him up. Jimin has been working on building the defense system around the base quietly not daring to ask me for anything after the earlier fiasco. I've walked the Giga up the cliff above our base and then right over it.

The Giga instantly starts to rage, killing Lebronto James and Professor Rex along with destroying half of the base.

"Viv! What have you done?!" Jimin whines desperately trying to whistle the Giga passive.

"You shouldn't have lost my gear fucking around, Jiminie," I coo satisfied with my revenge.

"Kookie's gonna lose it, Viv, you killed his favorite Dinos."

"He'll never believe I did it. I'll just tell him you were messing around with the Giga and caused him to rage."

"Oh, you will, won't you?" he places his controller down and walks over to me slowly. I stand up from my chair and back away, right when he makes to grab me I bolt from the dining room where we have the laptops set up.

I rush into the living room and Jimin is right behind me, he tackles me onto the couch and tickles my sides as I screech and try to stop his hands.

"What are you going to tell him, Viv?" he laughs, pausing his tickling and sits on my legs to keep them from thrashing.

"That you killed his dinos," I say out of breath and a smirk graces his face.

"Wrong answer, beautiful," he instantly attacks my sides again and I desperately try to wiggle out from under him.

"Stop! I'm going to pee! I'll tell him the truth!" I yell and he stops right away.

"I think thats enough Ark for us," he gives me a beautiful smile and I nod trying to catch my breath.

"Wanna go out for dinner?" he offers me his hand after getting off of me.

"Sure," I take it and let him pull me up off the couch. He reaches up and smooths my hair before tucking a loose strand behind my ear.

"That new Italian place?"

"Sounds great. Give me a few I'll go change," I quickly rush past him and into my room.

I can't help but notice the stupid grin on my face as I look at myself in the mirror. I shake it off and switch into a pair of jeans and a light sweater.

"Ready?" he questions as I make my way down the stairs.

"Yep!" he loops his arm with mine and we decide on walking to the restaurant.

The night is filled with lots of laughter and delicious pasta. On the walk back home I receive a Facetime from Kookie who was distraught to hear about the death of his beloved Dinos.

Me and Jimin assured him we would have the Dinos replaced by the time he gets home or Jimin would come to bodily harm and I would be out of a place to live.


"Let's go to Petco," I say walking into the living room.

"Why would we go to Petco, Viv? We don't have pets," Jimin says as he lays on the couch lazily.

"I think we should change that. With Kookie being gone and now both of us back at work, I'm lonely here without you two when I come home," I say leaning on the back of the couch.

"Why didn't you say something before? I can stay the night during the week, Viv, so you're not here alone," he quickly offers sitting up on the couch.

Our faces are close to each other and I feel his hot breath fanning my face before he nervously clears his throat and scoots back a little.

"No, Jiminie, you have to work, and staying here means you have to wake up extra early to make it to work on time. I can't ask you to do that," I stand up straight and avoid eye contact rubbing one of my arms.

"You know I don't mind, I'd do anything for you, Viv," he says softly and I finally muster the strength to look at him, he is smiling as he stares at me.

"Then will you go to Petco with me?" I mumble and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Sure, anything you want, beautiful," he gets up from the couch with a sigh and grabs my hand pulling me along before grabbing his keys.

We sing loudly and obnoxiously the whole ride there, the two of us not caring about the looks other drivers give us as we dance at the red lights.

My spirits are high when we get to the Petco. I grab hold of Jimin's hand, lacing our fingers together as I skip into the building. We look at the cats but I quickly nix that idea because Jimin and I are both allergic, the ferrets are cute but smell terrible and I decide no to those also. He suggests a hamster or gerbil, but I can't get past the mice thing.

He forbids a snake or lizard, stating they require too much care, but I know it's really because he's scared. He wouldn't even hold the cute little corn snake after me. We soon end up at the turtles and fish and I see the shelf filled with different colored bettas. They look sad and half-dead sitting in little Tupperwares.

My eyes lock onto a blue Halfmoon Betta with a beautiful yellow tail, its edges have a royal blue at the tips to match his body. I carefully pick up the tub and take a closer look at him. He swims slowly because there's not much space.

"This one," I whisper as I'm entranced with his graceful motions.

"A fish? A Betta at that, you can't even put it with other fish cause they're aggressive," Jimin says skeptically.

"That's actually not true," a young man says, his name tag says Jin, "it can live with certain fish and frogs that are faster than he is."

Jin leads us to the tanks that line the walls explaining the different fish I could choose. I settle on getting a guppie and Jin spends five minutes trying to catch the small one I had picked out. It has a beautiful fanned tail with pink and orange stripes and little black polka dots.

I spend time picking out a tank and a live plant to go into it. I get white rocks and large purple and blue rocks for them to hide and sleep in, a floating lilypad for the betta to sleep on, and a little fake jellyfish to complete the setup.

I happily walk out of the Petco holding my new betta fish and guppie while Jimin holds the other items. When we get home we spend an hour setting up the tank and preparing the water for the two. Once I put the guppie in, we wait 10 minutes before setting in the betta. He swims after the guppie a few times but he's much faster, I laugh and the betta finally settles between the plants and lets the guppie swim around happily.

"What are you going to name them?" Jimin asks curiously watching the fish right beside me.

"The little one will be Koo and the big one, Chimmy," I say and Jimin's nose scrunches up.

"Why those names?" he asks clearly displeased having a fish named after him.

"So you two are always with me," I say softly and Jimin's features relax and he wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"You'll always have us, Viv," I lean my head against him and we watch fish swim around.

My phone starts to ring and I answer the Facetime already having the camera pointed at the tank.

"Show me, my godson," Kookie says as soon as I answer it.

"He's this little one, say hi to Koo," I giggle and zoom in on little Koo who is darting back and forth through the water.

"He's amazing, just like the guy he's named after."

"Chimmy's way better than that little shrimp," Jimin whispers in my ear causing me to shiver as it tickles me.

"Hmm, I dunno," I tease as Kookie talks about how much he likes the tank.

"I'm your favorite aren't I, Viv?" Jimin pouts cutely.

"HEY! Are you two listening to me? Turn the camera around, I need attention," Kookie whines and I quickly flip the camera.

We spend some time chit-chatting before Jimin says he needs to head home for work. Kookie hangs up soon after and I head to shower before I crawl into bed, staring at the two fish who remind me of my favorite people in the whole world.


This is my very own Jimin fish that lives on my desk at work. He's not the nicest so I couldn't put him with guppies or a frog. But! My Yoonfish lives happily with frog Hobi!

Frog Hobi is in the red circle! Lol 😂

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