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If you ask me what my favorite season is. The clear answer is spring.

There is hope in a spring day, hope in the new green growth that flourishes upon the earth. The feel of a warm breeze that wasn't there a few days ago. The days become lighter and brighter. It's also the meaning of my favorite person's name.


I walk into the park more than a little nervous but filled with hope and excitement. Clutching the bouquet I bought yesterday in my hands, I brusquely make my way to the spot I know she'd be in.

Her back is to me, the breeze moving her hair a little. Nervousness halts my feet just before I reach her. I never thought she'd come back to me but here she is.

She turns and spots me, her beautiful green eyes that remind me of a mysterious forest meet mine and I'm falling into her all over again. Like that night I met her, I'm drawn into her eyes and my feet naturally start moving to her. The freckles that lightly dust her cheeks stand out and enhance her beauty. Her full peach lips tilt into a small smile as I reach her and I offer a wide genuine one back.

"Hi," her voice comes out softly and I feel it soothe my nerves.

"Hi Gorgeous," I reply handing her the flowers I carefully picked out.

"Thank you. They are very pretty," she fingers a few of the petals before burying her nose into them and inhaling a deep breath.

"They each have a meaning," I say confidently.

I'd been studying the note cards the florist gave me all night just so I can explain the meanings to Aviva.

"Do they?"

"Yes, this one right here," I say touching one of the Lily-of-the-valley. "This one is delicate and fragile and needs to be handled with responsibility, like our relationship."

"Tae," she breathes out, but I quickly continue, touching one of the tulips next.

"Tulips signify a new start and the season of spring. The white ones mean peace and the red means I declare my love. These Apple Blossoms mean I prefer you before all and the red Carnations mean my heart aches for you."

I reach out and tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and I hold eye contact with her.

"Last but not least, the Daisies mean I love you, truly."

She steps away from me and straightens her posture taking a breath before she meets my eyes again, hers are filled with confidence and that's when I know it's over. She has changed, I see less sheep and more lion in her.

"We need to talk Taehyung," her voice is strong and stern.

"Okay," I reply meekly.

I follow her to a nearby bench, she places the flowers between us and looks at the trees before us.

"I just want to tell you how sorry I am, Aviva," I say honestly.

She turns to me and gives a small nod, "I forgive you."

"You do?" I say surprised.

"Yes, it wasn't right nor okay. But I forgive you. I need to, for me. I can't keep hanging on to the hurt and pain of the situation. I need to let it all go."

I want to ask if that means she'd be willing to work things out. If she might have it in her to let me back in and give me a second chance, but the way she has carefully picked her words and the look of love that is now missing from her eyes has me biting my tongue afraid of the answer I'll receive.

"I'm leaving. I got a job offer in Toronto I decided to take," I say sadly.

"That's wonderful, when do you leave?"

"In four days."

"You'll do great things, Tae, I know it. You're an amazing artist," my heart aches as she smiles at me.

She was always my biggest supporter, my greatest friend, and my loyal lover. I ruined everything and I've got no one but myself to blame. I can't stop the tears that fall on their own, she frowns and her soft hand reaches up to wipe them.

"Why are you crying, Tae?"

"Because I've lost you and I know there's no coming back from it."

"Why did you do it, Tae? I loved you, with all my heart, why wasn't it enough?" she asks and I can hear the hurt in her voice.

"It's because you were more than enough, Aviva. You're an amazing woman, you thrive in everything you do, you're smart, loving and so... just better than me," I see her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"I never thought I was better than you, Tae," she takes my hand that's gripping my pant leg and holds it gently in hers.

"We were partners, Tae. Neither of us is better than the other, your dreams were my dreams, my success was our success."

"No, Aviva, it wasn't. I barely contributed to anything in the house, my art has been failing for years, I couldn't even pay for our dates most of the time. I felt worthless and pathetic, you took care of everything, you took care of me. We weren't partners because I wasn't giving to you the way you gave to me," I hang my head in shame before taking a steadying breath.

"I never asked for anything, Tae, except for your love and time. None of that mattered to me, I didn't care about paying most of the bills or our dates being nothing too fancy. I didn't want anything but you. I loved you, everything else was just material."

"I know it's not an excuse that can justify anything, but when Hannah showed up everything I did impressed her. If I brought dinner to the studio, it was enough for her, my small actions seemed like the biggest thing to her and I grew attached to the feeling it gave me.

But guilt ate me, I tried so many times to end things and just focus on you. But I let it go on for too long, I let my anger and insecurity get the best of me, I let it justify why I kept going back to her. I loved you, I still love you. You were always enough, it is me who wasn't, it was me that caused everything to fail and break. I am the bad guy."

She moves the flowers from between us and scoots closer to me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"You aren't a bad guy, Tae. You just made some mistakes and I forgive you for them, but I cannot forget them," I see tears roll down her face, and my heart breaks.

We sit in silence for a while, both of us silently crying as we come to terms with this being the end. She eventually sits up letting go of me and I want nothing more than to keep her close. But I can't. This is my punishment for my actions.

"I wish you all the best, Tae," she sniffles and wipes her face trying to pull herself together.

She stands and picks up the flowers I've brought for her, gives me a smile and turns to leave, but I find myself calling out for her. I quickly stand and wrap her in my arms holding her close inhaling her smell.

"Can I see you again tomorrow for lunch? Just one last time so we don't separate on such sad terms?" I ask as I keep her close.

"I don't know, Tae," she mumbles against my chest. She pulls away and looks up at me.

"Please," I plead and finally she nods in agreement.

I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead before letting her go.

"I'll see you tomorrow Gorgeous."

"See you tomorrow, Tae," she waves before walking off.

My walk home is filled with thoughts of her. It could have gone worse than it did. She never agreed, saying we couldn't go back. Maybe I still had time, maybe I could show her how sorry I was and how much I wanted her back.

Jimin is out of his room when I get home. He turns on the couch when he sees me come in and I can tell he's nervous.

"How did it go?"

"Great! The talk went well," I flash him a smile and then head into the kitchen to grab a drink.

When I come back he's no longer on the couch. I pass him in the hall and he's dressed in his workout gear, says he's going for a run.

We part ways and I go into my room, I pull out the photos I managed to save from our apartment. The happy memories light a fire in me and I know I won't be going down without a fight. I need to at least try and win her back.


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