Uta 8:「Brother's Decision」

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"Huh, I should've get my jacket too," Harumi whispered to herself as she felt a shiver running through her spine. "It's cold out here," she said, warming herself up as she looked up at the starry night sky. "What have I brought with me? Car key, identity card, driving license." Can I survive with just these three things? "No no. I don't want to think about it."

"Where can I go? I'm alone in this world," Harumi reminded herself, as she sighed. She looked around the park, feeling a bit afraid of the silent surrounding. "Oh. I can go back to Okinawa. But still... that need money." She slumped back on the park bench she sat, and felt something welling up in her eyes.

She buried her face into her hands, and tears started to drench her palms. "Mom, dad... Can I really do this? I can't... stand it. Daddy Masao... I don't know what... should I do-"

"Oooh... we thought we've heard crying," suddenly a deep voice interrupted. Harumi looked to her left, and four shady guys came towards her. Wiping away her tears, she stood up and quickly stepped backwards. Fear started to dominate her mind and body.

"Don't come! I'll scream!" Harumi warned, but it didn't work. Three of them had surrounded her, giving her nowhere to escape. But her eyes were fixed at the one that was coming towards her, who was pulling off his jacket and threw it on the bench where she had sat on earlier.

"Never expect to see a beautiful young lady here in this hill park. Moreover at these hours, when there's no one around," he howled, followed by his evil laughter, as he slowly walked towards her with a grin.

Harumi looked around her; taking a few more steps and the other three would get her. Suddenly, the one in front of her grabbed her arms tightly. "Oi! Let me go!" she shouted, trying to free herself from the guy's strong grips.

"I like your crying face more," he whispered as he forcefully pulled her in. "And I would like to see it again."

"Don't! Help!" Harumi was struggling to escape, but then a pair of arms hugged her waist from behind tightly. She shrieked, slapping the arms as hard as she could. "Let me go!" she kept shouted, before a white cloth was pushed against her mouth and nose, instantly drugging her.

Heavy feelings started to fill her head, and weakness started to takeover her body. Before her eyes were completely shut, she softly mumbled, "help me... Aki... nii..."

"Hey! Let her go!"


"Uh..." Harumi started to groan as she slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and observed her surrounding. She was on a very comfortable bed with a soft blanket. "Whose room is-" she suddenly stopped as she saw a familiar blazer on the end of her feet. She quickly got out of the bed and dashed towards the door.

"Hey!" suddenly a voice called her out, before a pair of wet arms hugged her tightly from behind. She tried to pry the arms open, but they were too tight that they had made her suffocated. "You should've rest!"

"Aki-nii! Let me go!" Harumi cried, as she took a quick glance on the person that was hugging her from behind. Of course, it was him since it was his bedroom.

"I won't! You'll run away again!"

"Why would you care-"

"You have a contract with me!" At the moment Aki said that, Harumi stopped struggling. Slowly, he put her down and unwrapped his arms.

"I want to go to my room," she said, stomping her way out of Aki's room without closing the door behind her. "Urgh! Contract this, contract that," she started to ramble on as she entered her dark room, only to be lit up by her bedside lamp. She was making her way to her bathroom when she saw her car key, identity card and driving license on her bedside table.

How did I even get home? She wanted to think about it, but she had decided to take a shower. After having a shower and changed into her pajamas, she turned off the bedside lamp and climbed onto her bed. Her eyes were just closing when suddenly the room was brightened up again by the chandelier light. "What?" she mumbled, obviously annoyed.

She turned around and saw Aki was walking towards her. Instantly she grabbed her velvet duvet and pulled it over her head. She could feel the space next to her left side was sinking, knowing that Aki was sitting there. "Tomorrow, we'll go to the office together," Aki stated.

"What?" Harumi asked, sitting up as she pushed away her duvet. "You're the one who said that 'our contract marriage should be a secret'," she mocked.

"I'm going to make everyone knows that no one can touch what's mine," he said, staring at her coldly as usual.

Harumi squinted her eyes at him, and crossed her arms. "Am I some sort of doll to you?"

Aki cocked up an eyebrow and smirked. "You're getting bold, aren't you? Then, I can take Mamoru away from you since I see that you're not going to cry anymore."

Harumi was surprised, and her fists clenched tight as she heard his decision. "What do you mean take him away from me? He's my friend!"

"I told you. No one can touch what's mine," Aki firmly said with his cold stare at her, highlighting the last word to her as he grabbed her wrist.

"But he's my friend, Aki-nii! What do you expect to happen between us?"

"Anything can happen."

"Urgh!!! Get out now! I'm going to sleep," finally Harumi growled as she shook her wrist off of his grip and laid back onto her bed with her back facing him, pulling up her duvet and gripped it tightly.

"Come down for breakfast tomorrow. The maids are getting suspicious of us," Aki said, before she felt the pressure on the bed had left and as she heard footsteps started to leave her room, she glanced at him behind her for a moment.

"Switch off the light, please!" Like what she had said, Aki turned off the chandelier light and before the door was closed, Harumi had thought that she heard a whisper.

But as she turned around again, Aki had left her room, leaving her to confusion. Shaking her head, she fell down back on her bed with anger still fuming in her. "I can't stand him anymore. A year? Huh! Hopefully I lose my weight due to these burning anger I have."

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